What day is it again? That’s the question both my partner and I were asking for this week’s #AskAwayFriday. Not only did we both nearly forget to exchange questions at all but we thought we had another 2 days to do so. This is what happens when you have Momma brain added into the mix of a hectic Blogging schedule! Thankfully Jenessa (yup, she’s also this week’s CoHost) e’d I figured things out and we are exchanging questions and talking about everything from fears to books.
What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County who will again be joining us from time to time, as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!
Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…
who will be joining us for the next two weeks as co-host! So glad to have you with us Jenessa!
Jenessa is an amazing woman, wife and mother to 3 children who shares the ups downs and all of Mothering {In Real Life} while living with depression.
Her story is inspiring and encouraging. Be sure to visit her and learn about her real life.
Grab our Button, Follow our amazing Hosts and Co-Host then Hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!
Now let’s get to these questions that Jenessa had for me…
1) Congratulations on your Blogiversary!! What things have you learned over the past year and what advice would you give to a new blogger starting out?
Thank You! Oh My I have learned so much sine I started Blogging a year ago. The main thing is to stay true to who you are. As a person, a brand and most of all as a blogger. You never want to try and conform to what may be happening around. If you are trying to be like everyone else there is no room to be you. I truly believe that there is an audience out there for everyone. Those who need to hear what you have to say, will.
The second thing I think I would mention is to take your time. we all want the moon and the stars but it takes time to get there. Pace yourself, have patience in yourself and when it is right it will happen.
2) I love reading through your posts! What is your favorite blog post you have written over the past year?
Thanks again Hmmm… I think my series on Finding My True Path and the post about experiencing Senior Photo Day with my Teenager would share this spot. Both of these came from a place within me that needed healing as well as reflection. Writing the posts about them helped me get there in a way I didn’t even expect.
3) What is your absolute favorite thing about blogging?
The community I have found. I never expecting to find so many amazing women and inspirations through Blogging. I came into this thinking it would be an outlet for my voice and a way to possibly make a bit of extra income. Never did I realize that I could find true friendships and connections through the words others write on their screens. It has definitely been an unexpected but amazing blessing.
4) If you could only keep one social media site – which one would it be and why?
Twitter! I have always loved the ability to create a quick connection with someone over common interest and Twitter is the perfect platform for just that. It can be intimidating to try and spark a connection with only 140 characters but if you look at it as the first sentence in a conversation of many to come I think it helps a bit. Twitter allows me to connect with brands, share my content and promote the content of others. I think I could be okay if I had to live on Twitter alone… LOL
5) What is your greatest fear?
Leaving my kiddies without me or their Dad. I have always had this fear even before I had kids. I know that my family would always care for them but I pray they never need to go through that experience.
6) What advice would you give to parents of teenagers?
This To Shall Pass. LOL, seriously. Parenting a Teenager is not a forever situation. It may feel like it at times but I am starting to realize 5 years into this that some of what I am saying has taken root. It does make a difference and he has been listening. As I watch my 17 year old get closer to leaving those teen years I am beginning to understand they are all just numbers. His maturity is not reliant on the digits that make up his age but instead the responsibility and intelligence he chooses to make his choices with.
7) You’ve been married for 10 years and that’s amazing! What is one thing you love about marriage? What is one thing you would like to change?
Well it will be 10 years in a few days actually We have been together for nearly 16 years though and in that time the thing I love the most about simply being a part of him is knowing he is my friend. When times got rough (and they do) or the arguments seemed never ending (it happens) it was our friendship with each other that always brought us back together. That foundation is the most important thing we have. Before we were In Love with each other we Loved each other and I wouldn’t trade that for anything.
I know I’m going to sound cliche but I really wouldn’t change much of anything. Our relationship is what it is because of what we’ve been through together. There are hurts I wish didn’t happen but those scars help us know how not to hurt the other again.
I would love to change his cleaning (or lack thereof) habits. I swear stuffing everything in a corner does not a clean room make. LOL
8) What extracurricular activities are your children involved in? What extracurricular activities were you involved in as a child?
I try to keep my Kiddies as active as possible. They have been dancing since they were toddlers and as long as they love it I will continue to support it. They have also been Girl Scouts for a couple of years now. I am not sure if we will continue that path due to outside circumstances but I am certain that if we don’t I will make sure they have an alternative.
I was pretty active as a Kid because my Grandmother believed that keeping me busy meant keeping me out of trouble. I took private piano lessons for nearly 7 years, I was a Brownie for a while, I played Clarinet in school, I made Brown Belt (with one stripe) in Karate and on top of those things I was always active in our church.
I had to go back and look at it…LOL I haven’t completed it at all but I think I will spread out my list across a few summers. I did finish the Color Run and we even though it wasn’t on the list we had an amazing time at Disney so those definitely made of ran amazing summer! I am officially registered to attend Bloggy Boot Camp in October so even though it is technically not in the summer I can check that off too
10) What is your favorite reading material? (Book, magazine, blogs, etc.) Do you prefer paperback or electronic?
Books definitely and I actually love to switch back and forth between a tablet or ebook and a good ol’ school paperback or hardcover. I remember as a child getting a hardcover version of a book from the library was such a score! LOL Did I just age myself? Oh well… LOL
I had a lot of fun with Jenessa’s questions and I know you’ll have a bunch when you head over to her place to check her answers to my questions.
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Lifestyle Blogger & Media Influencer at It's Me, Tee
I am the ‘ Tee’ behind It’s Me, Tee an award-winning Lifestyle Blog where I share my love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel.
“Believe in yourself, your passions, and your dreams. Your voice is unique – build on that. Embrace what is different about you and make it your greatest asset!”
#5 is my greatest fear too, mainly because it happened with my father and I have a feeling it was a fear of his too. So I know what that can do to a family and I work hard at keeping healthy and staying safe! There are no guarantees, sadly.
I love what you've learned through blogging! And twitter is amazing.
My recent post I Don’t Think We’re In Jersey Anymore!
Isn\’t that the scariest thought ever? I fear it all the time. That may be why Hubby and I haven\’t had a solo vacation (minus 2 weeks to move to Hawaii) since my Kiddies were born and I was loosing it the entire time. LOL
Thanks Tamara, this blogging journey has definitely been an adventure and a learning process.
What a great swap! I am still getting used to twitter, but I am diggin it! LOL! I totally agree about the teen thing. You are so right about how amazing it feels to know that the lessons that you teach take hold, as they get older! I am so proud watching my now 21 year old be a responsible and reliable adult! I also agree about the spouse…even the hard times are blessings, because when the hurdles are crossed it strengthens the bonds! My hubby and I have been together for 17 years and married for 12 and through good times and bad as the vows we spoke said. Congrats on 10 years!! The community is definitely the most amazing part of of blogging! I am glad that I am not the only one who did not know what day it was…which is why I was so late getting out the code! Oh I love a good old fashioned paper back or hard cover book! Hope you have a great weekend, Tiffany!
My recent post #AskAwayFriday Music Edition with Shelly from DIY Mama!
Thanks Stacey! Yay! Twitter is awesome… Yes, seeing your Teens or any of your Kiddies actually \’get\’ something you\’ve taught them is such an amazing feeling as a parent.
12 years! Congratulations! Thank you so much
Yes, all the ladies I have met (including you) are so much more than internet friends.
Haha! At least we weren\’t alone in our day mix up… Have an amazing weekend!
People are always trying to take your social media away! *wink wink* I love the community that I have found through blogging too! I can't imagine life without you ladies anymore, LOL!
My recent post Ask Away Friday and the 100lb Countdown!
Happy Blogiversary and Anniversary! You've done so well with your blog this year! And you've obviously done well with your marriage as well! Although you didn't complete your summer bucket list, you still filled your summer with awesomeness and that's what matters!
My recent post 1st Birthday Party Ideas
Thanks Shelly! The year went by so quickly but I couldn\’t be happier! You\’re right…summer fun is what really matters whether it\’s one or ten things off a list!
Love that advice about staying true to yourself as a blogger. Sometimes it's hard but it's so important. And happy almost 10th anniversary!
My recent post Summertime Travel Essentials
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