Discovering My Power Through Others | Empowered Women Empower 2017 Presented By R.Riveter

Discovering My Power Through Others | Empowered Women Empower 2017 Presented By R.Riveter |

Empowered Women Empower. Three words – Huge Statement! Empower – ¹give (someone) the authority or power to do something. ²make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights. Basically these three words express how women who have already been given authority, made stronger, more confident in their own lives and claimed their rights are now giving that gift of power to others. This is Empowered Women Empower 2017 Presented By R.Riveter!

Discovering My Power Through Others | Empowered Women Empower 2017 Presented By R.Riveter |

You’re Invited

When I first received the invitation to this event I was a bit hesitant to attend. It didn’t seem to be Blogger focused and although I consider myself a budding entrepreneur I wasn’t sure where I would fit in among what seemed to be this collection of well-established business woman. I think I visited that invite at least 5 times before I simply told myself to do it. I clicked the ticket button with the thought that if I left with nothing more than a few new friends it would be well worth the $10 investment. Let’s just say I left with that and then some!


The moment I walked into The Sweet Palette in Downtown Fayetteville where Women Empowered Women was being hosted I felt welcomed. I was greeted by Coordinator and Host, Brittany McNeal the Blogger behind MarzOnTheMove. I met and started talking with Brittany online but this was our very first face-to-face meeting. At times it can be a toss up when you meet an online friend in person. They can either be exactly the same or things can go a bit differently. I was so happy to feel the same sense of friendship as I did when we chatted online. Brittany gave me the layout of the event as well as my always coveted Badge, Lanyard and Swag Bag!


Tell me I’m not the only person who gets Super Excited for lanyards and badges with my name on them… “That’s Me – TheMrsTee” ? #EmpoweredWomenEmpower #RRiveterBags #MilSpouse #TheSweetPalette #milspousepreneur #milspouseowned #Empowerment #womenempowerment #womensempowerment #empowermentevents #femalempowerment #Blog #Blogger #BlogLife #FayettevilleNC ##MyFayetteville #MyNC #NC #NCBlogger #NCBloggers #LifestyleBlogger #SouthernBlogger #TheMrsTee

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Read This Too  From #TheTeenager To #MisterEJ In A Day – He’s 20 Now!


With her permission, I was able to record and share a lot of the day and you can check the video out in full near the end of this post. As I walked the venue all I could hear were women connecting with women. The event hadn’t even started but the empowerment of others could already be felt. I over-heard women sharing their businesses and offering to support others in theirs. It was amazing. I had a mini ‘aha‘ moment and realized that the decision to come had been the right one.

Need To Know . .

That’s when I spotted – and was spotted by – the awesome Dr. Patrice J. Carter the Keynote Speaker for the day. She gave me a hug that was closer to a reunion with a friend that the first meeting of an online connection. After chatting with her a bit I realized she has actually been following me (little ol’ me) nearly from the start of my online presence. It was not only a bit surreal but encouraging. There are moments in this Blog Life journey when I feel like I may be treading water. I often wonder if the hobby turned passion turned business is having the impact I envision. Then I meet people like Patrice, who seem to have the prefect spark to reignite that fire I sometimes see as burning out.


Got my #Selfie with our Keynote Speaker @drpatricecarter – she’s like meeting an old friend for the first time. ? *Check the glasses….? #EmpoweredWomenEmpower #RRiveterBags #MilSpouse #TheSweetPalette #milspousepreneur #milspouseowned #Empowerment #womenempowerment #womensempowerment #empowermentevents #femalempowerment #Blog #Blogger #BlogLife #FayettevilleNC ##MyFayetteville #MyNC #NC #NCBlogger #NCBloggers #LifestyleBlogger #SouthernBlogger #TheMrsTee

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I think R.Riveter CoFounder – Cameron Cruse summed it up best in her introduction for Patrice when she told us how much we needed to know Patrice J. Carter.

“She Will Make You Better”


Triple Threat

Before Patrice shared her story and answered all our questions we had the chance to take part in 3 spectacular Breakout Sessions!

Read This Too  CHOPT Creative Salad Company – It’s Not Just Lettuce!

Courage Over Comfort with Abi Ray | Legacy Magazine

Your Natural Strength with Katie Christy | Activate Your Talent

Making A First Impression with Leslie Brians | Leslie Brians Designs & Independent


Our amazing panel of speakers. . . @lesliebriansdesign @legacymag @activateyourtalent ? #EmpoweredWomenEmpower #RRiveterBags #MilSpouse #TheSweetPalette #milspousepreneur #milspouseowned #Empowerment #womenempowerment #womensempowerment #empowermentevents #femalempowerment #Blog #Blogger #BlogLife #FayettevilleNC #MyFayetteville #MyNC #NC #NCBlogger #NCBloggers #LifestyleBlogger #SouthernBlogger #TheMrsTee

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The Breakout Sessions allowed me to interact and share parts of my story plus learn from the stories of the other women around me. I found myself feeling recharged and encouraged as I moved from each session. To know that I don’t have to be merely a Wife and Mother. I have the right and power within me to be so much more. All things more I want to be – business woman, business owner and entrepreneur! I have the strength of every woman around me to draw from. This day, these women left me with an understanding that I too am an Empowered Woman and I will pass that on to those around me as well.



Wish You Were There…

Take a look at Empowered Women Empower 2017 Presented By R.Riveter from my point of view . .



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22 responses to “Discovering My Power Through Others | Empowered Women Empower 2017 Presented By R.Riveter”

  1. […] was blessed to attend the very first event under this title last year where the Speaker was Dr. Patrice J. Carter.  Last year the day was […]

  2. […] them on as they  shared their mission on Shark Tank, sat front and center when they hosted the Empowered Women Empower Event right here in Fayetteville and gave further support in whatever way I could from Re-Tweets to […]

  3. K. Elizabeth Avatar
    K. Elizabeth

    I love women empowerment events! I think regardless of what field we’re in, it’s nice to get together, lift each other up and learn some great tips and tricks along the way. I’m glad you enjoyed the event and got to find out that the keynote speaker was a longtime follower of your blog. Talk about amazing!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Right!?! They’re the best ones! That’s so true – it doesn’t matter what you do there is always a way to show support to those around you. Thank you so much!! I was surely in shock 😉

  4. Kiwi Avatar

    This looked like you had a great time. Awesome recap. I love when there are events like this to inspire other women and keep us uplifted and see examples of other successful women!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I really did! Thanks so much. I do too…they are the best.

  5. Bites for Foodies Avatar

    It never ceases to amaze how women can easily encourage one another, yet put each other down by the same token. We need to stick together and help each other in every way possible!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Isn’t it amazing!? I love it – I always walk away inspired and motivated to simply do more and pass it on. We do and I love when I can be a part of that!

  6. Nikki Avatar

    This sounds like such an awesome event for women. I think it’s so important to celebrate empowered women and work together to find new ways to succeed in our businesses and our lives. It sounds like you really learned a lot there!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Hi Nikki – It was amazing! I’m already looking forward to next year. It is definitely so important and finding those ways can be such a blessing. I did! 🙂

  7. Dogvills Avatar

    What an inspiring post. I, as a blogger, also fee that way sometimes and it’s always nice to know that we are actually inspiring people through our blogs. What a wonderful event. I wish I could go next time.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much!! It is always good to have that reminder that what we do matters. It was and perhaps you will have the opportunity next time! 😀

  8. Melanie Avatar

    I would probably have felt the same way that you did initially. I am glad that you decided to go, though. It seems like you had a great time and was able to network some.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I am too Melanie. I always have to give myself mini pep talks for events but I’m glad I went forward with this one for sure! I had an amazing time.

  9. Vera Bortolotto Avatar

    Empowered Woman can be so powerful. The friends and the infomation you get is priceless. It looks like you had a wonderful time.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      It certainly can be Vera! It truly was and I truly did…thank you so much!

  10. Jacqui S Avatar

    I’m so glad you chose to go! Events like this not only help with your own path, but it’s just nice to meet people you’ve met and have talked to online. This group sounds like they are a wonderful group of ladies!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      I am too. Thank goodness I didn’t chicken out! You are so right. It could do nothing but help me and I’m glad I took that chance. It was an awesome group and the experience will always be remembered. Thanks so much Jacqui – your comment has been so encouraging…

  11. Ana John Avatar
    Ana John

    This must have been a really enriching experience for you. I get really motivated and inspired when I see women who have made it to the top after fighting with all the obstacles like a true hero!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      It truly was Ana – it’s still on my mind even days later. I do too!!

  12. Brittany Avatar

    Thank you so much for coming and it was so great to finally meet you! You are too kind! Xoxo

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Yay!! It was completely my pleasure!!

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