Disney Dream Detour

Disney Dreams Still Come True

I’m a planner. I make lists, schedules and have a calendar available to me wherever I am. Still somehow I failed to realize that I had made a scheduling error that could possible derail our Disney Dream vacation.


Nearly 4 months ago my Hubby and I sat down and picked dates for our Disney Dream Vacation. We went through each child’s schedules and picked the dates that worked best for everyone. This was no easy task with 6 Kiddies 2 of which are Teenagers and one who is 20 and basically has a full life of his own schedules.Still, we felt that we had covered everything and picked the perfect dates for our entire family.

That being said it wasn’t until last week as we made our final payment on the biggest trip we have taken as a family that we realized we failed to account for The Teenager’s College Marching Band Orientation and Practices. This was something he could not miss and could not reschedule. It was set in stone and we had no choice but to be here when it happened.

Now what? Would we be able to change our dates? How much would it cost? Would our Disney Dream even happen? 

As the reality of our situation hit me and we waited to see if we would be able to adjust I started to  grumble and complain. Instead of praying immediately for a solution I started dwelling on the situation. Thankfully my pity party was short-lived and I’m so glad God blesses me in spite of me.

Read This Too  Changing Gears • Date Night Adventures

We were working with an amazing set of Travel Agents through the Army MWR (Army Family Morale, Welfare and Recreation Programs) and they were able to not only reschedule our trip with the same accommodations but at less cost! Instead of being charged rescheduling fees or even paying more for the new dates we ended up with a bit of a refund.

In the passing of a few hours, I went from being annoyed, disappointed and agitated to hopeful, happy and appreciative. This just went to reaffirm my belief in Romans 8:28

“ALL things work together for good to them that love the Lord”

I thought our family’s first Disney vacation would be ruined. I dreaded the task of telling my Kiddies that it was changing or even worse we may not be able to go at all. Yet God took our Disney Dream Detour and made it into a blessing to help us have even more family fun at the “Happiest Place on Earth

Have you ever had your plans change unexpectedly?

How do you deal with last minute changes to your plans?

Do you bend and adjust or react?

**Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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26 responses to “Disney Dream Detour”

  1. Meeghan Avatar

    Crisis averted. Thank goodness -that would definitely freak me out!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes!! I went into mini (not so mini) panic mode…LOL I\’m so glad it all worked out. Thanks for coming by Meeghan 🙂

  2. irkedmommy Avatar

    Oh man, that would freak me out! I almost had a heart attack when our flight to Vegas got delayed and almost thwarted our weekend getaway!
    My recent post Paper Pirate Treasure!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh trust me, I freaked out! I;m just so glad we got new dates, a better rate and The Teenager gets god o everything the needs to do. 😀

  3. Karen Avatar

    I am so glad it all worked out, and you were able to reschedule.
    My recent post Just Finished Reading…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Karen! So am I, I would never want to disappoint my Kiddies… 🙂

  4. heidi Avatar

    I'm glad that you were able to reschedule, and it is so frustrating when you first get that news that you have to change all of your plans isn't it?
    My recent post Five DIY Father’s Day Gifts

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you Heidi! I am too, but yes that initial frustration was the biggest thing to get over…

  5. balmtomysoul Avatar

    Ahh!! It is so fun to plan something fantastic for the family but it sounds like you haf your hands full finding right timing. I really like how you talked about all things working together. We have to rely on God to help us find the peace in life. I often forget, then have to be gently reminded!! Have a blast on your planned vacation!
    My recent post Red, White, and Blueberry Cakes

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is a lot of fun and we are still planning…I think I may be until the day we leave LOL Still it is all so worth it for the memories I know my Kiddies will have for a lifetime. Thank you so much 😀

  6. Carrie775 Avatar

    I am so glad this worked out for you! We have a really wonderful Disney travel agent, too! I know, putting that last deposit down is so stressful… I am always afraid my kids will get sick, bad weather, etc. when we plan BIG vacations like Disney!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you Carrie! Yes, that last payment was a bit scary and relieving all at once… I\’m just glad my Kiddies will still have this experience even if it is a bit delayed 🙂

  7. @Aria82 Avatar

    we have yet to go to Disney yet, I recently ordered the planning dvd bc I would like to go around my daughter's 10th birthday next year. But you are so right…All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord!!! Amen to that!!! I'm so glad it worked out for you!

    My recent post Small Sam's Club Haul

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I ordered it a few years ago. I don’t think I ever watched it…LOL Maybe that would have helped me a bit. I feel like I know nothing about how to plan for it the right way but a few Disney expert Blogger friends are definitely helping me out a bunch. Yes 8:28 Blessing for sure! Thank you and thanks for coming by 😀

  8. Denise Avatar

    Stopping by from Saturday Sharefest. So happy you were able to make it work with rescheduling and getting a better deal. Look forward to reading your trip recap. A Disney cruise is on our bucket list 🙂
    My recent post Vega Sport Electrolyte Hydrator review

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Denise! Thanks for coming by for a visit… I am so happy everything worked out especially with a better cost 🙂 Who doesn’t love Cash Back? LOL I can’t wait to share our Disney Adventures… oooh, a cruise would be different. I have never been on any kind of cruise. If you make it before me I’ll definitely need a few tips.

  9. @SineaPies Avatar

    Oh how many times have I failed to pray first? A zillion? Prayer IS the key!
    My recent post Increase Your Facebook Views At This Party!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haven’t we all? I’m just glad God doesn’t always wait for me to ask before He answers. LOL

  10. Natasha in Oz Avatar

    G'Day from Oz! Wow, this is really incredible, Tiffany! You are so right about having faith. I'm so pleased that everything turned out so well for you. Here's to an amazing future vacation!

    This week's Say G’day Saturday linky party has just started so please stop by and say g'day if you have a minute! I'd be so thrilled if you could share your post.

    Best wishes for a great weekend,
    Natasha in Oz
    My recent post Say G'day Saturday Linky Party {90} ~ Coconut Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Natasha! Thank you so much… I will be sure to stop by and check out the G\’Day Party…sounds like fun 😀

  11. Kim @2justByou Avatar
    Kim @2justByou

    I'm so glad you were able to reschedule (and at less cost!). That's so good to hear. And I can't wait to hear all about the trip!!!
    My recent post Give it a Boost {Co-Hosting Boost Your FB Post Party}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Kim… It was truly a hidden blessing. I can\’t wait to share 😀

  12. @joanncrohn Avatar

    Yay for small happy miracles 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Exactly! So grateful…

  13. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    We had to reschedule our vacation too due to weather. It was actually flooding along I-10 for our original date. I’m glad that everything worked out and you guys even got a better deal.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Wow. Isn’t it crazy how life can simply take over your plans and make them it’s own..? LOL I know I can’t always be in control but letting that go is such a struggle for me. Still, I am happy it worked out as well and I learned a lesson a long the way 😀

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