Disney Pixar’s Inside Out | All Feelings Are Needed

Disney Pixar's Inside Out | All Feelings Are Needed
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This morning my Kiddies and I set off to see Disney Pixar’s Inside Out. We were so excited because we have all been looking forward to this movie since watching the very first preview. Now I admit we are Disney fans overall but this movie seemed so unique in it’s approach to feelings and how we all deal with them. We couldn’t wait to see Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust and Anger of Inside Out show us how all feelings are needed and non should be labeled as good or bad.

Inside Out - MePoster

From the very first voice-over to the moment we watched Riley have her first emotion I knew this movie was going to live up to all the hype. As I looked down the row at my children I saw that they were completely in awe. Then II heard them chatting and as I listen I realized they were talking about what their first memories were. Already, Inside Out was capturing my children’s attention and imaginations.

As the movie progressed, we got to know Riley and her feelings even more. Joy is a take charge kinda girl, she always wants Riley to make happy memories and does everything she can to make sure that happens, Sadness and Joy always seem to be at odds and rightly so – or you would think. Let’s just say Sadness had a lot to learn and to teach throughout the movie. Then comes Fear makes sure that Riley stays safe and steers clear of anything that could possible cause her harm. Disgust is quick to be sure that Riley knows what and who is disgusting and not worth her attention while Anger is no stranger to letting out his true feelings about a situation when provoked.

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Disney Pixar's Inside Out | All Feelings Are Needed

I was surprised by the emotions I felt and those felt by my children. As I sat next to my youngest (4 years old) I noticed he was hiding his face. I asked him what was wrong and he said that although Anger and Sadness were his favorite emotions he didn’t like how sad Sadness was. I then watched as his entire mood changed when Joy came in and worked her magic.

Now I am not going to give any spoilers because I want you to go see this movie for yourself. What I will tell you is that we walked out of the theater feeling like we got to know our own Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear a bit better. My Kiddies are still talking about Inside Out and I have even noticed in the short time since watching they have begun to express their feelings by referring to Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Anger and Fear as they were in the movie. They are using the characters and how they were portrayed to help explain how situations are making them feel and as a parent I am in absolute awe.

Thank you Disney Pixar for making a movie that not only entertains but enlightens and encourages children as well as adults to realize that ALL their feelings are needed and belong no matter what.
InsideOut - Abstract

**Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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26 responses to “Disney Pixar’s Inside Out | All Feelings Are Needed”

  1. Fariha N. Avatar

    I can't wait to take the kiddos to see this movie. I think they will enjoy it and I already can tell I would love it!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They are going to LOVE it! Oh and yes you will too 😀

  2. aylin Avatar

    Excited to watch it and thinking of collecting those stuffed dolls. It seems that looking at them will make me happy!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You’re going to love it! Yes, I want one of my own…LOL

  3. zatomlinson Avatar

    This is a good movie and it is also a sad movie. My kids loved it but I liked that my kids learned about their own emotions.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You\’re right. My Kiddies went from laughing, to crying to laughing again. Still, like you said I loved the lesson they walked out of the theater with – that all their emotions are necessary and good.

  4. probablycraftin Avatar

    My daughter is wanting to see this so bad. She went crazy at the Disney Store with the stuffed dolls.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! Mine did too…they each picked a favorite before the movie but as soon as it was over we had to go get the other dolls as well…LOL She’s going to love it!

  5. laurenpaintsflorida Avatar

    I can't even wait to go see this movie, I'm a huge kid at heart and so excited to see this adorable cartoon! The characters all seem so fun and the people behind the characters are some of my favorite actors!
    My recent post Tropical + Spicy Mahi-Mahi Cabo Tacos with El Yucateco

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I couldn\’t either..I bugged my kiddies about it more than they bugged me…LOL It is totally worth it I promise!

  6. Peachy Avatar

    I think Inside Out will be showing here in the Philippines in August. We are so excited to watch it.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay!! I hope you get to see it 🙂

  7. klg1982 Avatar

    I want to see this movie so bad!! It looks so cute

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I did too! LOL, I think I was more excited than my Kiddies and it was so worth it! Great movie in every way.

  8. Terri Beavers Avatar
    Terri Beavers

    I really think I need to take Abby to see this movie. I've been hearing a lot about it and I think it would be something that we'd both like to see.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh Terri you should! She will absolutely love it and you will too! I promise. LOL…let me know what you (and Abby) think once you go 🙂

  9. Rosey Avatar

    We are looking forward to seeing this too. My oldest wants to go and his daughter is too young still, so he's asking if he can borrow his little brother. 😉

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! Well my youngest is 4 and he absolutely loved it but I saw kids as little as 2 who were totally entranced. I say let him borrow the brother though – they will all have a blast and surely enjoy it from beginning to end! 😀

  10. John Lopez Avatar
    John Lopez

    My kids had enjoyed this, we watched it yesterday and we celebrated it by watching this.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That\’s great John!! It is a really great family night movie.

  11. Elizabeth O. Avatar
    Elizabeth O.

    We are so looking forward to seeing this. The girls are very excited.
    My recent post Best Family Movies to Watch on the 4th of July

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They should be Elizabeth!! I am already waiting in anticipation for the DVD Release so we can watch it again and again..LOL

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