Every Moment Matters | Cape Fear Heroes

Every Moment Matters Cape Fear Heroes | TheMrsTee.com
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Making moments into memories. It’s something that has become a mantra of sorts for my life as a wife, a mom, a woman, and a friend. I live to try and make sure every moment matters.

A Matter of Firsts

Firsts are always a big deal. First steps, first word, first indoor football game! Okay, I know I jumped levels a bit there but you get what I mean. Firsts moments are noteworthy. My most recent first was having the opportunity to take my kiddies to our very first indoor football game with the Cape Fear Heroes. Let’s just say we have a few reasons this first was meant to be a memory we won’t forget!

As we arrived at The Crown, I saw the excitement when they realized it was the same arena we visited not too long ago to see a Marksmen Hockey game. Slowly their excitement began to build. When we walked in and they realized what was once an Ice Hockey rink was now a football field – I knew I had them!

My younger Kiddies are 12, 10 and 8. They love being home drawing, writing or playing video games. Period. Most days. Yet somehow, on this day, I convinced them this was going to be worth the steps outside the house. This was going to be their first time seeing a football game played indoors.

My oldest is 22, so hanging out for the day with his Mom and his younger siblings isn’t something you’d think he was down for – except he was! I think that’s one of the things I love most about my relationship with him, he’s not embarrassed to hang with me and try new things.

Still, he wasn’t too sure if this whole indoor football thing was going to be worth it. He’s more of a ‘grass under the putt’ kinda guy. The entire game went from a random moment to memory when he spotted Cape Fear Heroes Player No. 5 Devonte Baker on the field. Devonte and my son were teammates for Middle School wrestling and in High School together. Seeing his friend created a connection to the game – in The Cape Fear Heroes. The rest of the night, he was rooting for his friend and the team to take home a win. Of course, to me, it was all a bit humorous since this was the main critic of the whole indoor football thing.

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Start to finish Cape Fear Heroes had our attention. The half-time show with the Lady Heroes and Jr. Lady Heroes and all the fun ways they had to interact with the crowd kept us all on the edge of our seats. Then the on-the-field action and passion of each player had us cheering for a touchdown with every play!

Every Moment Matters

My memory moment came as Crystal Spigner Cape Fear Heroes General Manager and daughter team Owner Barbara Spigner took the field to share the moment Ms. Barbara’s heart stopped as she collapsed next to her. Crystal was able to save her mother using CPR a skill her mother taught her.

It was as if everything came full circle. I was amazed to sit in the stands and hear Crystal share her story, her pain, and her triumph as she told us that her mother was doing better. Inspired by her mother’s strength Crystal has partnered with The Red Cross to begin a campaign to help our community learn CPR as her mother taught it to her. Like her, they can be ready in that critical moment when their loved one, friend or family member may need them the most.

Since the night of the game, Ms. Barbara has had a defibrillator placed, been released from the hospital and is on her way to recovery.

Exactly 10 days ago my mom and I started our day normal…by noon we had a meeting it ended with my mom collapsing in the middle of her sentence…her heart had stopped…. I yelled for help!!!! As I called 911 I told them what had happened and what was beginning to happen….she was slowing in breathing …. then my world came down…she had no pulse….I started CPR on my mom immediately (she taught me CPR by the way and it saved her life)!!! I kept pumping….I saw a foot I kept pumping until I saw a knee next to me to take over from the fire department…. while he took over the first 3 calls I made was my sister, my moms pastor, and then my husband…. April 16th was when this happened….doctors thought she may have suffered brain damage….long term damage….I was helpless hurt I felt alone….but prayers kept me!! After 3 days she moved from ICU to step down and now from step down today she bring discharged Today!!! Today is discharge day!!! 100% full recovery!! She is a proud new member of the Defibrillator club!….. God is so good!! Thank you to everyone for your support, prayers kind words, and your time spent on the phone and with us at the hospital….. thank you!

Crystal Spigner

Find Your Moments

Having the chance to make these moments matter with my Kiddies is one I am truly grateful for. If you have not been to an indoor football game I suggest you get your tickets now!

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Indoor football is a completely different experience than an outdoor football game and I say that as a former band mom who sat through a few [too many] games of her own. You don’t have to struggle with the cold or the uncomfortable seats and even more than that you still get to see a really awesome game with amazingly skilled players taking the field!

Cape Fear Heroes has several more home games coming up at the Crown Complex including one on April 28th and May 19th. Get Your Tickets HERE!

Image Via Cape Fear Heroes
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