p class=”p1″>Today I went on an adventure. An adventure right in my own backyard -Spring Lake North Carolina! A few of my fellow Fayetteville Bloggers were happy to discover there’s more to explore than we ever realized!
I Hit One!
My day started out at Fort Bragg Clay Target Center. I had the chance to test my skills at aiming and handling a TYPE shotgun. Guess what? I Hit One! I took 7 shots and made one! I know I know that may not be the best record ever but for me it was a Goal Check kinda moment. I was determined not to leave without hitting at least one of those targets and guess what? I did it!
Did You Know?
Fort Bragg MWR Clay Target Center is the only center in North Carolina that can sharp shoot up to 12 ranges of skeet at one time.
I got it!!! I hit 1!! Not bad for my first time Clay shooting ? _ ?Photo Credit: @gofayetteville #Sponsored #VisitSpringLakeNC #FortBraggMWR #SpringLakeStrong #ClayShooting #Shooting #TargetPractice #SummerFun #Explore #Adventure #FayNCBloggers #FayNCBlogger #NCBlogger #NCBloggers #SpringLakeNC #FtBraggNC #TheMrsTee
Get Your Shoot On . . .
Fort Bragg MWR Clay Target Center – Online, Facebook and Instagram.
Good Eats!
Next up on our adventure list was aall about the good eats at Noble Meats. A Spring Lake fave I was shocked this is my first time here but it will not be my last. Pulled pork, pulled chicken, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, coleslaw and Texas caviar – yes that’s a thing and you must try it. The list and the menu are nearly endless and so is the taste of each one!
Did You Know?
Noble Meats was founded in 1986 by Owner Nabil who is originally from Nazareth?
Noble Meats was recently nominated for 2018 Sustainable Sandhills Green Business Award.
Now this is how to lunch!! Thanks @noblemeats _ #Sponsored #VisitSpringLakeNC #SpringLakeStrong #NobleMeats #FayFoodie #Foodie #FoodieLove #GotMeat #FayNCBloggers #FayNCBlogger #NCBlogger #NCBloggers #SpringLakeNC #FtBraggNC #TheMrsTee
Don’t take my word for it. Stop by Noble Meats and try them out for yourself – tell them TheMrsTee sent you
Taste & See . . .
Noble Meats – Facebook and Instagram
Cool Treats!
Before we headed on to the next part of our Adventure we had a surprise stop for some pretty cool treats! Arctic Sno Snoballs is located right on North Bragg Boulevard in Spring Lake. I knew as soon as I saw the sign with all the flavor options that this was going to be the perfect way to cool off from the heat before we started the next part of our fun!
Did You Know?
Arctic Sno Snoballs offers 80 snoball flavors, water ice, hot dogs and sausages?
I love surprises!!! We made a quick stop to beat back this heat with a cool treat from @arcticsnosnoballs _ #Sponsored #VisitSpringLakeNC #SpringLakeStrong #ArcticSnoBalls #FayFoodie #Foodie #FoodieLove #FayNCBloggers #FayNCBlogger #NCBlogger #NCBloggers #SpringLakeNC #FtBraggNC #TheMrsTee
Tell them TheMrsTee sent ya. . .
Arctic Sno Snoballs Facebook
Left For Right, Right For Left!
After refueling at Noble Meats we headed over to Spring Lake Outpost which is right in the heart of Spring Lake and I’m almost sure not many know it’s there. I’m taking upon myself to help spread the word about Spring Lake Outpost and all the awesome adventures you can have right in your own backyard.
Did You Know?
Spring Lake Outpost offers both a long and short route down the Lower Little River: 6 Miles – 4 Hours or 3 Miles – 2 Hours
Spring Lake Outpost was one of the things I was looking forward to the most from this day of Adventure because it was something I’ve never done. I’ve shot before at a range so not the same as target shooting but I had done it. Getting in a kayak, canoe or tube to explore a river were not things I thought I could do a short drive from home. Yet they are!
Adventure Day Part 3 @springlakeoutpost _ This is the part of the adventure I’ve been looking forward to the most because it’s something I’ve never done! _ #VisitSpringLakeNC #SpringLakeStrong #SpringLakeOutPost #GetOutdoors #Canoe #Kayak #Kayaking #LowerLittleRiver #OnTheRiver #SummerFun #Explore #Adventure #FayNCBloggers #FayNCBlogger #NCBlogger #NCBloggers #SpringLakeNC #FtBraggNC #TheMrsTee
Once we arrived we were given a quick lesson on what to do ,what not to do and how to make it on our adventures successfully. We climbed in our tubes canoes and kayaks and got started. Now I have to admit I had no idea that this little tour of the Lower Little River was going to be almost 3 hours yet every single moment was one I will never forget.
NOTE: I advise amateur or less experienced kayakers request a Guide and wear a Life Vest. Also, please note the weather conditions and the impact rain may have on both the depth and speed of the river.
Off to a good start!! Did you know @springlakeoutpost Offers kayak, canoe and tube fun right in @springlakenc? _ #VisitSpringLakeNC #SpringLakeStrong #SpringLakeOutPost #GetOutdoors #Canoe #Kayak #Kayaking #LowerLittleRiver #OnTheRiver #SummerFun #Explore #Adventure #FayNCBloggers #FayNCBlogger #NCBlogger #NCBloggers #SpringLakeNC #FtBraggNC #TheMrsTee
Find Your Adventure . . .
Spring Lake Outpost – Online, Facebook and Instagram
See The Adventure!
Here’s a glimpse at the fun in my vlog from today’s adventures . . .
Where Was YOUR Last Adventure?
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
- I Never Went To Prom – Will A Fashion Show Do? – May 1, 2021
- Cape Fear Regional Theatre – Best In The House – May 1, 2021
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