Finding My Balance

Finding Balance |

Balance. Finding a way to be or give what’s needed in more than one area at the same time. It isn’t always easy and for me I tend to make it even harder on myself. I’m a perfectionist, an over-thinker and well…a control freak. I don’t like letting go much less admitting I Can’t Do It All.

This week I’ve had to learn to do just that. For months now I have been juggling my roles as Wife, Mother, Blogger and MrsTee. I’ve been spreading myself thin and I am starting to feel it not only emotionally but physically. It’s time to find and reclaim a bit of balance for myself and for the people most important to me – my family.

Finding Balance |

Do It All.

I think I lost the balance I was once so proud of keeping when I started trying to be the best at everything in every area of my life. You want me to write a post? Sure. Volunteer for the next PTA fund raiser? I’m there. Run that document across town? No problem. Yet in the midst of all the ‘being‘ I started to lose myself and the ability to keep things in the order I thrive on. I started forgetting where I needed to be and where. I thought I could do it all. I was doing things at less than 100% and my quality was suffering because of the quantity of things I tried to do. It was becoming too much.

It wasn’t until this week when my family had to deal with the unexpected that I realized I hadn’t been truly present in any one area because I was too bust trying to be everywhere. I felt guilty and I knew it had to change. So that’s where I am today tonight. 11pm Sunday night and I’m letting go.

Read This Too  One Word | Intentional | 2020


[tweetthis]I lost my balance : my quality was suffering because of the quantity I tried to do. #Balance #TheMrsTee[/tweetthis]


Saying No.

This morning I withdrew myself from an opportunity I wanted so much yet I knew if I went forward with it I would either drop the ball somewhere else or end up not giving it the attention it deserves. I had too much on my plate and it was time to refocus and adjust. Sometimes finding balance means saying No even when all you want to do is say Yes. I am still upset BUT I know that at this time it was the right decision to make.

Yes I can multitask but I have to be smart and thoughtful. I have to realize that the things I choose to do must work in harmony with each other. No one thing taking away from the other. In order for me to truly be the wife, mother and woman I need to be this is the only way for me to find my balance.


[tweetthis]Sometimes finding balance means saying ‘No’ when all you want is to say ‘Yes’. #Balance #TheMrsTee[/tweetthis]


Have you ever felt like you lost balance in your life?

How did you find your balance again?

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10 responses to “Finding My Balance”

  1. Tami @ ThisMomsDelight Avatar
    Tami @ ThisMomsDelight

    I can relate to this in a big way. I want to be able to do it all, yet I foul up most of what I'm doing when I take this approach. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one in these shoes.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Tami!! You are definitely not alone. I do this over and over and each time I learn a bit more about myself and what I can handle…

  2. cindy gordon Avatar

    Finding balance is one of the hardest things in life and a constant struggle for myself. I have certainly been staying NO more often, while it is hard to do, it is often the right thing to do. Praying for balance for all the readers!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It truly can be Cindy. Good for you! I have been learning that No isn\’t a bad word…LOL…especially if it helps me keep my sanity. Thank you so much for that prayer!

  3. postpartumobsession Avatar

    As a new mom and a new blogger, I constantly find myself off balance! I think I really needed this today. Thanks!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      THAT is definitely a lot to balance! Thanks so much for coming by!

  4. Crystal Avatar

    I struggle with balance the most because when I do a lot of blogging stuff, even when I get done and move on to other things for the day, part of my mind keeps blogging! I can't make it stop so I am always a bit distracted. In the middle of a convo with a friend at the park my mind suddenly says, "Oh, good blog post topics!"

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! Welcome to the Blog Life Crystal…I am always blogging in the back of my mind. I thin that is just part of doing what we do but finding a way to keep it for a certain time and place can be so helpful. My Notes App helps me jot down an idea and continue the rest of the moment without more interruption…LOL

  5. Lynne Avatar

    Saying "No" to things that you want to do but know that you can't do well is HUGE. I am glad that you are getting to where you need to be.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      HUGE! Thanks so much Lynne…

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