Finding New Roads To The New Me

Finding New Road To The New Me |

During the first few years of life as a Military Spouse it was so easy to allow myself to become His Wife, Their Mother and Your Friend all while slowly forgetting who I was. It wasn’t until my husband’s retirement that I realized I didn’t really know who ‘me‘ was. I had lost me somewhere in the midst of being what he needed as a Soldier. Yet now as we entered a new phase of our lives as a family and a couple I realized that I needed to find a few new roads to help me find the new me.

Finding New Road To The New Me |

I had changed a lot. It was necessary. Prior to his service, I was a woman who always relied on family, friends and people to be the source of my joy. I didn’t know how to handle situations without them. If I was happy, scared, upset any of it I reached out for them they were where I found my strength.

When we received orders to move to Hawaii while I was nearly 8 months pregnant and traveling with my 9 month and 10 year old children I realized that I couldn’t really be that person anymore. I had to find the strength I needed within myself. Family and friends wouldn’t be there. I had to become stronger, independent and self -reliant. It wasn’t always easy to be her – that strong woman but somehow I had to do it.

Finding Her

I learned, adapted and grew to be a person I often used to admire because I never understood ‘how she did it‘. Yet, I eventually was doing it. I was had kids in tow and nothing but a determination. I think I may have been more surprised by what I could handle during my husband’s service than anything else. My family remained in tact, we loved, we lived and we laughed through it all and we made it through. As retirement approached, new challenges came and I realized that once again I would need to find new roads to get me through. New ways to be who I needed to be.

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The problem was I wasn’t even sure who that was anymore. When my husband was Active Duty it was easy to know what I needed to do because my role was clear: Wife, Momma and Present Parent. Yet once he retired that all changed. He was home now. I no longer needed to play the role of two parents, I didn’t have to do it all. I had help, a partner and Oh My Gosh I had free time!! So what did I want to do with it? Who was I without the Army? What was my role?

Finding My Role

Finding that person was a struggle at times for both me and my husband. He needed to be who he was: husband, provider, protector and parent and I needed to learn how to release the control I had to him and fill it with something else. But what? That was when I decided to learn me all over again. Try new things and discover myself. What did I like? What were my passions? Who was the new me?

When I found Blogging it became the release I wanted for my writing and a way to connect to those around me. Through my Blog I have found a new road to a new me. A woman who is still wife, mother and friend but also knows who she is to herself: writer, designer, entrepreneur, influencer and so much more to come. I realized that no matter where our Military Life had taken me it was all leading me to what I would be. As a family, we are still traveling these new roads – learning and discovering so much about ourselves and our family but oh how excited I am to do it all! Of course finding new roads also means finding new ways to travel them…


During the entire Month of May, as part of Military Appreciation Month, the #ChevySalutes Program makes it easier for Military Service Members to find great Chevy vehicles to fit the needs of their families while giving them confidence that they will receive the best prices, services and commitment to their satisfaction possible.

  • Chevrolet offers their Military Discounts to Active Duty Air Force, Army, Navy Marines, National Guard and Cost Guard as well as Reserves, Veterans (*within 1 year of of Discharge Date) and Retirees as well as their spouses.
  • The Chevrolet Military Discount gives prices below the MSRP.
  • Chevrolet even allows their Military Discount to be combined with most of their current offers saving Military Families even more!

Trust me, making the transition from Military to Civilian Life is not always easy but taking a bit of the financial pressure away is definitely something to be grateful for.

Read This Too  Send A Taste of Home With StarKist Outdoor Tuna Creation Camo Pouches

Chevrolet’s Military Discount Program is ranked as the best of any car company and that’s why this year Chevrolet wants to acknowledge the resilience of Military Families who continuously #FindNewRoads during they service to our country.


#ChevySalutes - InstagramContest

As part of this campaign, Chevrolet is sponsoring an awesome Instagram Contest where Military Families can post photos showing how they #FindNewRoads every day. The Contest Ends May 17th so be sure to post your entry for your chance to WIN Today!


This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Chevrolet via MSB New Media. The opinions and text are all mine.

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31 responses to “Finding New Roads To The New Me”

  1. […] been holding for nearly 10 years. It was a mixture of relief and anxiety. I wasn’t sure what the civilian life would bring us yet I knew that everything I learned during my military life had made me strong […]

  2. Rebecca Avatar

    This is so true for any person in the new and ever shifting stages of life. Who am I now that I have kids? – letting go of all I was before. Who am I now that my kids are grown? Strength comes day by day and it does come! can't wait to see what you do with this next exciting stage in your life! Thanks for linking up at Favorite things Friday! Next time add a link back or button, I'd love to feature you on my blog and social media 🙂 Hope to see you again this week!
    My recent post 5 Questions to ask Before Choosing Curriculum and a Free Planning Printable!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really is. Thank you so much Rebecca for such an insightful and encouraging comment. Also thanks of being such an awesome host! Unfortunately since this was a Sponsored post I could not add a link back BUT I will be sure to do so on a non-sponsored link 🙂 Thanks again!

  3. @theartofbetter Avatar

    Aw. We all lose ourselves sometimes. The important thing is you recognized it and took action!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes, it happens so easily but I am so happy to be back on track and happier than ever 😀

  4. kris10chidsey Avatar

    What an inspirational post.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much!

  5. The Nerdy Fox Avatar
    The Nerdy Fox

    Blogging gives a great outlet. I think that's why i started.. it's nice.
    My recent post Currently // 2

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It truly does and I know it has helped me tremendously. Thanks so much for coming by 🙂

  6. nicischatterbox Avatar

    I love blogging! Blogging has helped me find myself and I have learned to be fully happy with my nerdiness and simply the way I am.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Isn’t it wonderful!!?? I’ve fully embraced my NerdGirl and I love it! 😀

  7. lolagishell Avatar

    I resonates with me SO MUCH!! You're right, as a military wife it's so easy, in all the ways mentioned, so lose ourselves. And I've been there. And finding 'me' is a struggle, especially when the kids are still young and he's still active duty, but it's something that I'm working on daily.
    Great post!
    My recent post Clutch Wallet made with Fork It Over fabric

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really isn’t and I think I underestimated what it would be and what it would take.remembering to work on it is what matters.

  8. Danielle Avatar

    I admire your courage!!
    My recent post Time Management Tips

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much…

  9. Tiffani Avatar

    Your journey is so inspiring. Thank you to you and your family for your service and sacrafice. You have obviously found your joy because it shines off the page when I read your posts….awesome! 🙂
    My recent post A Jewelry & Stationery Lover’s Dream Giveaway! Hurry up & Enter!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you Tiffani, it is definitely one that I have learned a lot about myself through. Thank you SO Much!! That really means a lot 😀

  10. sexymoxiemama Avatar

    Being a Veteran family is as difficult as a military family. When I discharged from the USAF, I had no idea what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go. I always relied on the military to help me with that. But finding myself and my place, as you have, has proven to be very beneficial and rewarding for myself personally and our family. Thanks for your service as a military spouse!
    My recent post Why Kids Love Walking Barefoot

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I had no idea!! Now that I’m living it I am understanding a bit more. You’re right when you are Military (any branch) you rely so much on that status at times it’s difficult to adjust to anything different. I’m so glad for being able to find new roads for me and my family. Thanks so much for coming by and for your service as well 🙂

  11. Amy Avatar

    I love your first line! It's true – we are defined by our relationship with others! One of my kid's friends saw me at school and called out, "Hi, Eli's Mom!" But that's okay because, like you, I've found my own little place in the world and am happy with it!
    My recent post Toddlers or Teens – This Is Hard, Y'all

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Amy that is such a perfect example!! You almost become what you are and somewhere in there loose who you are. I’m so glad you (and I) have found our ‘own little places’ 🙂 Thank you and thanks so much for coming by.

  12. thecrumbycupcake Avatar

    So glad you found YOU again, Mrs. Tee! And thank you so much for sharing that strong, sassy woman with all of us!
    My recent post Blackberry Almond Mascarpone Stuffed French Toast #SundaySupper

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So am I ! Thank you for coming by and for the encouragement 🙂

  13. Heather Serra Avatar
    Heather Serra

    God bless you & all military families. I really don't know how these families do it sometimes, but like you said, it gets done. I'm glad you found blogging. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
    My recent post Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much Heather! I truly appreciate it. I am so glad I found it too…it has definitely helped me. Thanks for coming by!

  14. Brenda @DailyMayo Avatar
    Brenda @DailyMayo

    This is so important! Thanks for sharing your view!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you and thanks for coming by Brenda!

  15. Jen Avatar

    Great post. Was having this discussion with a friend lat night. This is common place for many mothers, even outside of the military. We get so caught up in being what others need us to be while forgetting to replenish self
    My recent post Strawberry Picking in North Carolina: Ingram Farms

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Jen! It really is so easy to forget yourself when you care for and so much about others.

  16. Romina B Avatar
    Romina B

    Aww. This is cute. I'm glad blogging has given you that outlet. I don't have kids but I know what you mean when you mentioned being someone else's support system (ex.his wife, their mother) as opposed to just being yourself. I'm glad I found your blog through Facebook. Feel free to comment on mine as well. Let's support each other!

    -Romina @

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you Romina… I am definitely loving this BlogLife I live. Yes, I will be sure to stop by.

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