when i saw tonight’s prompt i thought okay who should i focus on?
mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, daughter or friend?
all important females within my life. all with different levels of impact and influence.
negative, positive, supportive, encouraging, embracing, loving, unconditional. yet how do I select only one?
how do i eliminate one and illuminate another?
then i thought again. she. she is female. she is woman. she is them all.
i don’t need to discriminate at all. no need to select merely one.
for all the women and every she in my life has helped me to become the she that i am today.
a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend and a wife.
so to them i say thank you. to them i pay tribute.
for no matter what your contribution you paid into my life a priceless amount.
one i could never repay.
i take 5 minutes to say i’m grateful to you for helping make me the she i must be.
Join me over with Lisa Jo Baker for the Five Minute Friday Link Up…
Five Minute Friday is a free flowing post link up
where our host Lisa Jo gives a word prompt
every Thursday Night during the #fmfparty at 10pm.
Then you give yourself a 5 minute limit & write. That’s it.
No extreme edits or corrections simply write from within.
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