Five Minute Friday {Mercy}


mercy (1)

“Your Grace and Mercy brought me through…

I’m living this moment because of you…

I want to thank you and praise you too…

You’re Grace and Mercy brought me through…”

                                                                                                    Song History


An old song my grandmother used to sing during the devotional services at my childhood church.  I remember always being taught that Grace and Mercy were like sisters.  They went together.  As I grew older I realized that was a way for the adults to help me understand that without both God’s Grace and Mercy to cover me in the times where my sins could have overwhelmed me I could never make it.

As a Teenager I learned that we received new Mercy daily through God’s Grace.  That every day we were given an entirely new wealth of Mercy to rely on to make it through the day.  If we messed up, slipped up or simply allowed ourselves to forget to be what we promised God we would be Mercy would be there to catch us and hold us up.  To return us to right standing and a place of forgiveness where we could once again begin our walk to the path god had set before us.

Read This Too  The Photographic Poser

When I hear Mercy as an Adult, I still picture those images given to me in my youth.  The Sister to Grace and the Daily Gift given to help me make it another day.  Mercy is what I need and what I appreciate because it is not what I can earn or deserve it is what is freely given simply because He loves me.





Join me over with Lisa Jo Baker for the Five Minute Friday Link Up…

Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday is a free flowing post link up

where our host Lisa Jo gives a word prompt.

Then you give yourself a 5 minute limit & write. That’s it.

No extreme edits or corrections simply write from within.

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8 responses to “Five Minute Friday {Mercy}”

  1. Mel Avatar

    Such a good reminder that grace and mercy really do go together…gifts that are simply out of His love for us. Beautiful. 🙂 Blessings to you!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes…gifts – undeserved and freely given 🙂

      Thanks Mel! I appreciate your visit and your comment….

  2. LyndaS Avatar

    Grace and Mercy are two things that we all need.

    I like that five minute concept, but I am afraid that my post would be BLANK.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I'm sure it wouldn't. When you actually sit down to write 5 minutes goes a lot slower than you would imagine…you should definitely join up for next week! 😉

  3. Barbie Avatar

    I actually heard of a pastor who named his daughters Grace and Mercy, because he said that they go together. Enjoyed your post!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That must've have been really pretty… Thank you for coming by 🙂

  4. Kathleen Caron Avatar
    Kathleen Caron

    I like thinking of Grace and Mercy as sisters, that is a beautiful thought I will carry with me.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I'm glad you found something you can take away…I was taught that from my Youth Pastor…thank you coming by 🙂

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