Five Minute Friday: STORY


When I think what my story will be and what it’s chapters will contain.  I think it will start with a child raised by a grandmother who wanted her when it seemed no one else really did.  She raised her in the church with a foundation in prayer, honesty, and belief.  Belief that if you do what is right then right will come back to you.  The next chapter will start when that child tried to become someone else.  The other girl.  The girl who got to do the things she never did.  The rebel.  It didn’t work really well and soon she realized her foundation was assured in God and she returned to where she belonged.  Her grandmother was right after all.  When you do what is right, right will return.  The next chapters are those of exploring.  Chasing and finding her ministry and calling at times wondering if it was meant to be.  Yet always returning to chapter 1.  The foundation.  Her truth.  Next comes her love.  Her covering.  The man who has loved her through everything after her first and all to come.  With him came the most important parts of her story.  Her loves and the pieces of her heart she values the most.  Her Kiddies.  These are the chapters she hopes grow into their own stories.  With God’s help she hopes to develop them into full length stories of their own because without them after all who will carry her story history?

Read This Too  We Did It! The Your Channel Or Mine YouTube Hop Week 5!


Join me over at Lisa Jo Baker for this Five Minute Friday Link Up… 

Five Minute Friday is a free flowing post link up

where our host Lisa Jo gives a word prompt.

Then you give yourself a 5 minute limit & write.  That’s it.

Not extreme edits or corrections just write from within.

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10 responses to “Five Minute Friday: STORY”

  1. Stacie Walker Avatar
    Stacie Walker

    Hello Tee,

    I hope your week has been fabulous:) You are an inspiration to me and I love your blog:) Keep up the great work and keep on inspiring. Chat with you soon.


    Stacie Walker
    Woman in Leadership

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Stacie-

      Thanks for stopping by and your encouraging words. I appreciate them and you.

      Talk soon… 😀

  2. Mel Avatar

    This is beautiful…He's writing such a powerful story for you. Thank you for sharing…blessings! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much…

  3. Elena Avatar

    Hey there! Just wanted to say thanks for the follow on bloglovin'; I'm happy to be following you back :o) Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much…same to you! 🙂

  4. hanna Avatar

    Hi there, I'm Hanna! I'm co-hosting the Aloha Friday hop this week and just wanted to stop by, say hi and follow your blog 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi! Thanks so much for the visit and the follow! 🙂

  5. Amy Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your story through 5MF today. It sounds as though you have a story worth telling! I love what you said about "always returning to chapter 1." That's what I find myself doing and what I hope my children will one day do. It's a good indication we have a solid foundation to stand upon. Again, thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading this! Smiles 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much…our foundations are all we can count on. 🙂

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