Five Minute Friday: {Worship}


I start out in prayer where I speak the words from my heart

You draw me nearer with your Spirit and those gifts you choose to impart

Then your presence overtakes my very soul with its love, comfort and joy

I exalt you in every way with my praise I lift you up

Higher than my problems and fear in glory you rise

It is here where I meet you a place so dear to me

Where all else is quite except for the whispers you speak to me

My place of worship…my hiding place

Under the shadow of your wings like no other space



Join me over at Lisa Jo Baker for this Five Minute Friday Link Up… 

Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday is a free flowing post link up

where our host Lisa Jo gives a word prompt.

Then you give yourself a 5 minute limit & write.  That’s it.

No extreme edits or corrections simply write from within.

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6 responses to “Five Minute Friday: {Worship}”

  1. misssrobin Avatar

    Beautiful testimony! And what a great reminder to pray instead of just saying my prayers. There's a difference. Thanks.

    Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much…I had to learn the difference myself and once I did… I found a new place of worship 🙂
      Thanks for peeking in at me, hope you come by again 🙂 #SITSgirls

  2. MrsTee Avatar

    Thank so much! You can still link up…the link stay open past Friday so join in 🙂

  3. Alison Hector Avatar
    Alison Hector

    Okay, you have me in worship mode now. Heading over to my sanctuary. I choose to worship!

  4. katie Avatar

    Love this! Really beautiful! I've thought of jumping in on a Five-Minute Friday, and I always seem to realize too late!

    This is really beautiful! (Stopping by from SITS!)

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