Five Minute Friday {Write}







Join me with Lisa Jo Baker for the Five Minute Friday Link Up…

Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday is a free flowing post link up

where our host Lisa Jo gives a word prompt

every Thursday Night during the #fmfparty at 10pm.

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Read This Too  It’s VLOGmas 2015 at the Your Channel Or Mine YouTube Hop!

10 responses to “Five Minute Friday {Write}”

  1. Brittnei Avatar

    This is so awesome! I love to write too! I feel the same way. I feel like I can just release whatever my mind is thinking and ramble lol! I also feel like it is a time where I can freely create my thoughts into stanzas or prose that really captures the beauty in the ideas that I want to express! xoxo

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Exactly! All my High School literature and poetry lessons come back. I love it. Xoxo

  2. Michell Avatar

    Good morning lady..hope you're having a lovely day!! I too love the liberty of the pen my friend. There's nothing like sitting in my favorite chair with my pen and paper or my laptop and letting my thoughts flow. Stopping by from Saturday Sharefest…have a wonderful weekend!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      'Liberty of my pen…'

      You're so right, it can be very liberating 🙂 Thanks for coming by #SITSSharefest

  3. Shauna @ Momma Candy Avatar
    Shauna @ Momma Candy

    Love. And I share the same feelings.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks 🙂

      PS- I appreciate your support xoxoxo

  4. Stephanie Avatar

    Love how the pen gives a strong voice even to those who feel weak. Thanks for sharing!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It has been for me many times. Thank you for your comment.

  5. Michelle @ The MaMad Avatar
    Michelle @ The MaMad

    I miss just writing for me. I haven't done it in years. I use to write a lot of poems or just get those thoughts out I didn't want anyone to know, yet had to get out! Maybe I should find some time and start up again! <3

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Do it! I have kept journals since 5th or 6th grade…it's a must for me to write thoughts that don't necessarily have to be shared. There are times I decide to share them but like you said, some thoughts you just need to get out. 🙂

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