Friends Are There…The Thin Line Between Friends & Family #828Blessings

This week I had a lot going on including planning my son's 3rd Birthday party and attending the 6th Birthday party of a close friend. This is where my #828Blessings for this week begins. This thin line between friend and family that if you are lucky enough to cross can become relationships you treasure throughout your lifetime.

As a child and throughout my life I have never been one to make 'close' friends easily. I am very much an introvert and at times my shyness and reservations with making the first steps in a friendship often lead to lost opportunities for the same. I am also very slow to consider someone a true friend. I have been hurt and like most of us have wounds that I am careful to protect from further pain.

When I met my husband in my 20s I was envious of the group of people that surrounded him. They were more than friends. They were that select few that when you meet them you know they are family regardless of blood relation or even marriage. These people supported him even when family may not have and since our marriage have taken me in as more than a friend but a sister, aunt and true family member. Our children know them as Uncles, Aunts and Cousins.

As I sat back this week and watched us all together I realized how down through the years it has been this core group that has been there no matter what. Through struggles, disappointments, arguments, deployments and then some I could (we could) always count on them to be there.

Read This Too  An Uneven Exchange – #828Blessings

In my life, I have very few people of my own past that I count the same way I count this collection of brothers and sisters. Yes, I have my blood family still to find those who love you beyond a bloodline is rare and for this I am grateful. For this is my #828Blessings story: the times when I may have thought my chances of finding an extended family were past it was this set who proved to me that blood is not all that is needed to prove that Friends Are There…



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Read This Too  5 NC Faith Bloggers You Need To Know!


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“…to them who are called according to His purpose”

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10 responses to “Friends Are There…The Thin Line Between Friends & Family #828Blessings”

  1. Lauren Parsley Avatar

    I have those friends too. I get to go visit them all this weekend, and I am so excited. Actually my siblings and I are all going to hang out with this group. I love that my friends and my siblings friends as well. I am blessed.
    My recent post Grandma's chicken casserole

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Aren\’t they the best? I am so blessed to have found such a great group of friends that I can call family…as are you 😀

  2. Charlotte Avatar

    I understand this completely. I, too, have often had a hard time approaching people… thankfully, I feel blessed to have a core circle of GREAT friends in my life–the ones I consider to be sisters, brothers, aunts, and uncles. That's what it's all really about, isn't it? Finding people who can love and accept you just as you are. 🙂
    My recent post My Life in Photos

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Exactly! It can be a bit of a strain and even stressful when being the initiator for a new relationship is not your forte. This is definitely when having a great base of friends and support is a great blessing. Thanks again for hanging with me, Charlotte 😀

  3. Cindy @MomMaven Avatar
    Cindy @MomMaven

    I agree true friends are very hard to find. I am facing the fact right now that the only true friends we have had for the past 3 years may be moving far away. It isn't easy at all. I'm glad you have found your circle. I hopped over here from the SITS Blog Tribe Challenge.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Wow. I can imagine how tough that it. We had a hard time each time we had to move with the military…it never got any easier no matter how many times we had to go through it. Thank you and I pray the transition for you is as easy as it can be. Thanks so much for coming by 😀

  4. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    Having family and friends that you can count on is a true blessing.
    My recent post The Limited Extra 50% Off Sale Items

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really is…I am truly grateful!

  5. Natasha Avatar

    Thank you so much for joining us at January's Share the Love Blog Hop

    And don't forget, if you want to be reminded when our next hop goes live, sign up to receive the email reminder on the above link

    Natasha @ Serenity You

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you for hosting and making me feel welcome…

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