The Frill of Life is 1 Today! Let’s Celebrate In A Big Way!


I am so happy to be a part of this Celebration for The Frill of Life and Heather for her 1 Year Blogiversary. Heather is a great Blogger friend and is someone who is always willing to offer support and encouragement in any way she can. Have you guys checked out her awesome Busy Girl Blogger Series? If not, Check It Out! But now…

Cue the confetti and drop the balloons! It’s a Blogiversary Celebration party!!!

A Word from Heather:

“Wow. What a year! I can’t believe it’s been a year! Okay, okay. If you look back in my archives to my very first post (which I recommend you do if you’re curious about what “The Frill of Life” is, other than this blog), you’ll see it’s been over a year. This blog started out as something to distract me. Somewhere that I could safely go share my thoughts. I mean, nobody I knew was going to read it anyway, just strangers, if that. But when I got my first Liebster Award last March, I realized people were actually reading this little online diary of mine! I began to write with no purpose, other than to share my “frill”. Then I began making friends. Building real relationships. I never thought blogging would make me friends! And unless you’re a blogger, too, I doubt you can fathom the kinds of friendships I’ve made. Some of these friends feel more like sisters (from another mister…you know who you are!), and some of them have inspired me so much it has changed my life…literally. Although I’ve never met any of them in person (yet) our friendships couldn’t be more real. We talk on a daily basis, usually. We look out for each other. We support each other and help each other in times of need. And we celebrate together! Which is why we’re here today…”

A Giveaway (or 4)

She and a few of her best blog friends have teamed up to bring you some amazing prizes. Up for grabs is not 1, not 2, but 3 $10 giftcards for my favorite coffee place on the planet: Starbucks! But wait, that’s not all! We’re gonna double…oh wait. This is a Blogiversary, not an infomercial. But seriously, there’s more:Blogiversary

Read This Too  I’m SO Excited: Little Pim Language Learning GIVEAWAY!

The Blogs

That’s right, friends! 3 of Heather’s friends have offered YOU a 30-day ad spot on their sidebar. The adspace will be a 300×300 size spot. Not too shabby, huh? And it’ll be on 4 blogs for 30 days! Which blogs, you ask? Well, let me introduce you!



Y’all should know me by now. I’m Heather. And it’s my Blogiversary.

Mrs. AOK


If you don’t know Mrs. AOK, I recommend you fix that. This girl is seriously the best. Not to mention she hosts the Mommy Monday Blog Hop and the Sorry, Not Sorry Social every week. Oh yeah, and who can forget the amazing Nail Polish Swaps she arranges 2-3 times a year? Not this girl!!!!

KristaWe're Far From Normal

Krista is a new friend of Heather’s. She blogs over at We’re Far From Normal and her blog is a lot like mine. Down to earth chick, recipes, DIYs and rambling nonsense…oh wait, hers doesn’t have that part! Needless to say they were instant buddies!



Isn’t she just the cutest? Daniela is a friend of Heather’s from their Facebook Silhouette Group and she blogs over at Put a Bird On It and yes, her blog is just as cute as she is. Not to mention she has the cutest DIYs and she hosts a Link’n Blogs party every Thursday. She’s a faithful linker in my Monthly Review Linkup, so you may have already had the pleasure of visiting her cute blog.

Don’t forget to stop by Heather’s later this week because she is going to have a teaser announcement for Wordless Wednesday and she’ll be doing a Blogiversary-themed Throwback Thursday plus a super special guest for Ask Away Friday!

Read This Too  My Interview With Kristi Yamaguchi | The Always Dream Foundation

The Giveaway

And now what y’all have been scrolling for…the Giveaway! But first, a few words I have to say:

This Giveaway is only open to US Residents 18 years and older.

This Giveaway will run from 3/17 at 12am to 3/22 at 12am.

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Instagram and Google+ are in no way associated with this Giveaway.

Winners will be selected at random by Rafflecopter. If winner does not claim prize within 48 hours of the announcement, a new winner will be selected at random.

If you win a Starbucks gift card, you must try a black and white mocha…okay, not necessary but totally recommended!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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2 responses to “The Frill of Life is 1 Today! Let’s Celebrate In A Big Way!”

  1. upliftingfam Avatar

    Congratulations Heather. It is a major achievement to make it a year in the blogging world. I started Uplifting Families in Oct 2012, can't wait til my anniversary. 😉
    My recent post Don’t Miss Out When Your Sinuses Got You Down #SUDAFEDREPLAY Sweepstakes

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So happy for her! It truly is a true achievement… 😀

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