Get The Most From Your BlogHer Conference Experience

Attending a BlogHer Conference of Summit can be both exciting and at times a bit daunting. I know I’ve been there. You’ve heard so many amazing things about the Brands, the Bloggers and the Fun but how will you fit in How will you get the most from your BlogHer Conference Experience? I have planned, organized and prepped my way through a few BlogHer events and I wanted to share a few things I’ve learned along the way!

Going To BlogHer!

My first BlogHer Conference Experience was in 2015. I had been stalking BlogHer Conferences since the start of my Blog in 2013 and never thought I would get the chance to attend. It just seemed like such a huge conference and I had this thought that I just wasn’t big enough to go. Until I saw the announcement that #BlogHer15 would be in my hometown -New York! I wanted to go. Thanks to the encouragement and support from my Hubby I made it!

To say that first BlogHer conference changed things for me as a Blogger is putting it lightly. #BlogHer15 was the conference where I focused on learning. This conference helped me discover the expert within myself. I realized that it wasn’t how big I or my Blog was but instead how big my dreams were. I had a revelation of sorts during one of the sessions. I knew there were things I was good at but I always talked myself out of believing I could call myself an expert. During this conference I found that learning from, interacting with and sharing experiences with the experts among us in our blogging community gave me a confidence I’m not sure I would have found otherwise.

#BlogHer15 Brands, Networking, Connecting and More! |

My second BlogHer Conference was last year in Los Angeles. At first, I wasn’t sure at first if I was going to make it but then I found out I was being recognized as on of the VOTY Award Honorees in the Video category! It was like this Conference was calling to me! I had to find a way. It was in a place I’d never been, on my Birthday weekend and I was going to receive my very first award for my YouTube Channel – I had to be there!

#BlogHer16 was the conference where I focused on connections. Meeting Bloggers who had some of the same interests, goals and passions I do. It was amazing! BlogHer Conferences are places where you can truly interact with people who ‘get you’. The Blogger you. I know over the past 3 years it has been hard to explain why my Blog is so important, what my goals are and how I plan to achieve them. Yet BlogHer gives the opportunity to be surrounded by other men, women and achievers working towards the same goals with the same passion!!

Photo Credit Dani of

Get The Most

Last year, I attended BlogHer as one of the members of the very first BlogHer Community Advisory Board!

As a member, I had the opportunity to offer insight, opinions and suggestion on how to make the BlogHer Conference Experience the  best one possible for all attendees. During this process I had several Bloggers express anything from excitement to pure fear about attending. So before I decided to share a few things I’ve learned to help them and you get the most out of your BlogHer Conference Experience!

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Why Are You Going?

Why are you going to a BlogHer Conference? To Learn, To Connect or To Network? Those are the basic reason to attend but what is YOUR reason?

To Learn

My first BlogHer Conference was all about learning what being a Blogger was. I had never been surrounded by other Bloggers and having that experience is something that changed me forever. I think this is one of the best opportunities for any Blogger in attending a BlogHer Conference and there are several ways to be sure you go home with the most information and knowledge possible.

Have an Open Mind

› You know what you know but there is always room to learn more. 

Sessions and Speakers

› What topics fit you, your brand and where you are trying to go the best?

› Be sure to attend, take notes and connect.

› Try to have at least 1 take away idea from each session.

Ask Questions

› Small Sessions are the perfect places to learn in a more intimate setting. Each session I’ve attended the speakers are always willing to take your questions, give your answers and even give you a way to connect with them outside the sessions. Take advantage of those opportunities.

To Connect

Connecting with other Bloggers is one of the easiest things to do at BlogHer Conference. From registration to Close Out Party there are so many opportunities to connect and create relationship with other Bloggers.

Connections | #BlogHer16 |

Official Going To BlogHer Facebook Group

› This Group is full of Attendees both Newbie and Veterans alike. This is the place where you will stay up to date on all things BlogHer as well as where you can make those first steps in connecting finding connections.

› Threads within the group start from simply sharing your Social Media Links to finding out when people will be arriving, staying, car pooling. In this group you can check out where people will be meeting for meals before, after and during the sessions and even what outside fun folks will plan in the host city.

Weekly Twitter Chats

› These chats cover all the topics you could want to as an Attendee including what to wear, what to bring and how to make the best impression throughout the conference. If you want to know it those Twitter Chats are the place to be.

Follow, Interact & Support

Now once we hit that final 5 day countdown before the Conference date that’s when the connections can become a bit more personal.

› Follow other Attendees

› Interact with them directly

› Support them through threads, the Official BlogHer hashtag and Facebook.

Trust me, everyone going wants to have someone they can talk with and relate to so connecting with each other is always as easy as can be.

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To Network

BlogHer is a Blog Conference. The most obvious reason for attending is to Network – to engage and interact with Brands for potential partnerships. There’s no shame in knowing that is why you’re there, just be sure you’re prepared to make the best of the opportunities BlogHer gives to do just this. Here are a few ways I pan to do that. . .

Connections | #BlogHer16 |

Know Your Pitch

› Who are you? What’s your Brand? What can you offer a Brand/Campaign that is unique to what any other Blogger can offer. 

› One of the easiest ways I prepare for this is to have a great tagline. A tagline is a one sentence intro to who and what you are as a brand and what you can offer to a potential business partnership.

Business Cards

› Make sure your business cards carry your theme from your site and social media presence. You want Brand Consistency on all levels.

› Include your Social Media identities and at least 2 ways for a Brand to contact you (ex: phone and email).

Explore The Expo Hall

› The Expo Hall is networking mecca! You can literally have face-to-face interaction with Brands

› Download the BlogHer App and take advantage of all it has to offer including a map of the Expo Hall, List of Sponsors and Brands in attendance and Brand Contact information.

› Have A Plan: research the Brands you know you want to meet. Find out how you can customize your pitch for their product or service. Connect with them online and interact with them.

Networking at a BlogHer Conference can be amazing especially since the Sponsors are always so active prior to and during the conference. They want to work with you as much as you want to work with them!

Connections | #BlogHer16 |

That’s it! I’m packing my carry-on and heading to the airport! I hope these tips and insights will help you Get The Most Out Of YOUR BlogHer Conference Experience just like they’ve helped me!

How To Get The Out Of Your BlogHer Conference Experience |


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