Before I Go To College – #AskAwayFriday With The Teenager

#AskAwayFriday - Before I Go To College With my Teenager |

So this week has been one of playing catch up and trying to pull myself out of my after vacation laziness. In the huff of it all I totally neglected to schedule a blogger to blogger swap. So, I had to get a bit creative. For this week’s #AskAwayFriday I am answering questions from The Teenager who is set to leave for college within the next few weeks. I told him he could ask anything about what he needs to know whether it be funny, serious or simply curiosity. So, let’s see what The Teenager had for me to answer…

What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County who will again be joining us from time to time, as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!

Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…


Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Amber from Bold Fit Mom


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#AskAwayFriday - Before I Go To College With my Teenager |

This wouldn’t be a swap with a Teenager if he didn’t send his question by text image…LOL Of course he did…so here are the questions from The Teenager:

#AskAwayFriday - Before I Go To College With my Teenager |
**PLEASE NOTE the battery level of his phone as he did this…LOL

1) I would say to keep at least $20 on you at all times along with your Debit Card. I wouldn’t carry anymore than that because not only does it tempt you to spend a bit more but I just don’t think it’s safe. I don’t even keep cash on me at all most of the time.

2) LOL..he knows I like to eat out but to save money, especially on a College Freshman income (which means what we send him…LOL) I would definitely say eat it and cook or in your case microwave as much as possible. Also use your meal plan as much as possible.

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3) Hmmm… $5 – $10. I don’t think you need much since you will have a meal plan AND you are on campus. You could also have your favorite Pop Tarts and such handy in your room.

4) I think that would be really dependent on the class and what your testing schedule is for each class. You don’t want to become overwhelmed but you also want to be certain you are prepared with each days knowledge. I think 2 hours maybe 3 times a week would be good. You can adjust when you have test, papers, etc. due.

5) LOL – Oh he is trying to be funny because I can never pick a favorite! It would definitely be a 3 way tie between Outback, Olive Garden and PF Changs.

6) Awww! xoxox As often as you want as long as it doesn’t hinder your studies or Marching Band commitments. I wish everyday like always :/

7) I honestly don’t know. I am not good with emotions. I always feel the sadness but showing it is an entirely different thing. I know most Moms would say yes without hesitation but you and I both know I am more likely to give you a hug and just tell you to make sure you call and text me. I may cry later when I’m alone.

8) Hmmm… I know you are already planning out you every free moment to hang with friends and band family so I would hop at least twice a month but as long as you stay in contact with me by phone and text I would understand if you couldn’t.

9) Ramen Noodles?  LOL – I don’t want you to eat those too often because they have a lot of sodium them but I know that you will probably rely on them for quick snacks/meals so i would say buy a case at Costco or some other bulk shopping center. **Most likely I will be sending them to you so you don’t really need to worry about it 🙂

10) Okay I asked and he meant to type “What was YOUr (as in my) GPA in college?” I guess he was rushing since his phone was about to die…LOL

Read This Too  The Senior Year Saga Continues…

I had a 4.0 GPA through College but that took an extreme amount of work, studying and dedication. Not to mention I am a student at heart. I want you to strive for YOUR best not Mine. So if your best is a 3.5 than I will be just as happy as I would be with a 4.0. That said, if I know that you are capable of a 4.0 then I expect you to reach your full potential.

This was kinda fun and I had a blast taking a peek into The Teenager’s brain for a bit!

What advice would you give your son/daughter leaving for College?

What questions do you think they would have for you?


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18 responses to “Before I Go To College – #AskAwayFriday With The Teenager”

  1. ssgannett Avatar

    This was awesome! It is funny, I rarely keep any cash more than maybe a fiver on me, but then again, I rarely leave the house! LOL! While mine did not go to college, he just moved out on his own, we still text at least every 3-4 days. When he gets done working his week on 3rd shift, he gets like 5 days off, and that is when he will pop by for a visit for several hours or take me to lunch! 🙂 They will always need their momma's, even the boys! LOL! Have a great week, Tiffany!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Dana from Kiss My List!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Stacey! It was fun answering his questions…and getting a glimpse into what he was thinking about. So far he calls everyday and has said he misses home so Momma is happy.. 🙂

  2. upliftingfam Avatar

    Great questions and answers TIffany. I personally don't carry a ton of cash on me anymore. I am always worried about someone trying to take my wallet. If they take my cash it is gone but if they take my debit card, they might get away with something for a short amount of time but I can get it cancelled.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Christy! I don\’t really either but after needing it a few times I keep at least $20 plus I know he may need some for certain parts of the campus life…LOL I\’m a debit card gall all the way. You\’re right…cards are so much easier to not only cancel but maybe have the stolen money returned.

  3. Aubrey Avatar

    So sweet. I love what he chose to ask you… and your answers! Sounds like y'all have a sweet relationship, so I wouldn't blame you if you shed a tear or two after he's at college. I hope to have a relationship like this with my kids when they're grown! (PS – 4.0? Way to go!) Stopping in from the SITS Sharefest.
    My recent post 5 Tote Bag Must-Haves That Make a Good Babysitter Great

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I did too…he actually out a bit of thought into them! I thought it was going to be a bunch of joke type questions…he always surprises me 🙂 I didn\’t cry but the emotion was stirring. I still can\’t used to not hearing him singing and laughing around the house.

      LMBO – yeah I\’m what you could call a forever student… or a Nerd! LO

      Thanks so much for coming by Aubrey xoxo

  4. tamaralikecamera Avatar

    What a cool idea!
    I wonder if I'd cry. My mom waited until I had left for college. And I waited until she had dropped me off and left before I cried.
    And here I am freaking out about kindergarten.
    I wish I could study less than 7 days a week. I was a nerd then and I'm a nerd now!
    My recent post Well, Happy Birthday To Me! Love, Cassidy.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I was in a pinch for a partner and he was asking me random stuff and I asked if he wanted to be a part of a post and he said sure…LOL I didn\’t cry at the cooled and haven\’t cried just yet but my emotions are a bit raw…I can\’t believe he isn\’t here. The\’s my joke buddy and singing partner for all radio songs! LOL – 😀 #NerdGirsRule

  5. @RedoYRO Avatar

    Oh gosh! My baby is going away to college in a few weeks too! I'm ok now, but I know that once she leaves, I might just lose it bc she will always be my baby. I would tell her to enjoy the amazing journey that she is about to begin, but to stay focused. Stopping by from SITS.
    My recent post Easy Focal Wall Ideas to Make Your Room Pop – Part 2

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Isn\’t it so surreal at this point…when there are so few days left? I am dreading that dorm room drop-off and check-in. I know I am really awkward in emotional situations and I just can\’t guess how I\’m going to react.

      That\’s some really great advice! Thanks so much for coming by and I wish you and your daughter the best!

  6. Jennifer Lefforge Avatar
    Jennifer Lefforge

    Found you through the SITS Girls share and this was awesome! Mine is starting college soon too and his questions cracked me up. I need to do this with my son! I think I'll cry a little but I'm also just so proud of him! Good luck to all of us!
    My recent post How To Handle Intimidating Mileage Syndrome (IMS)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      HI Jennifer! Thanks, I\’m so happy you came by 🙂 It all came up so fast it seems like just last year he was starting Middle School. yes, Good Luck to you as well!

  7. Mrs. AOK Avatar

    Aww this was cute!
    You're a tough cookie, I know I would cry… I'm an emotional hot mess 🙂 my heart is permantely sewn on my sleeve.
    P.F Changs is SO YUMMY!!!
    Congrats again to your teenager!
    My recent post Mommy Guilt, Blogger Guilt & Christmas in July

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Lovie! I\’m not so tough iI just have a gooey inside…getting there is a bit of a challenge though LOL 😀 Thanks again…. xoxoxo

  8. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    This was such a great swap.You were a great student in college. I only earned a 4.0 one semester in college. I use to like eat eating at P.F. Changs but once we got a Pei Wei we never went back. My husband and I taking our food home and Pei Wei has almost the same menu as P.F. Changs and it's quick takeout option.
    My recent post Old Navy Coupon $10 Off $50 In-Store Only

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Sonya! That was one of the hardest things to maintain I was a full time student, full time paralegal intern and bran new Momma…but with the help from my Grandmother and her support I made it. Our nearest PF Changs is more than an hour but I usually sub with Panda Express… 😀

  9. becominneurotic Avatar

    What a great swap idea! Since I went to college a little later in life, my experience was a bit different than most, but my best advice would be: Don't stay locked into something you're not enjoying. If your major is engineering but you absolutely despise all of your core engineering classes, you should meet with an advisor and reevaluate. Sooner rather than later is best, especially financially speaking, but truly, you shouldn't stay with a major that isn't making you excited.
    Can't wait to swap with you next week, Tiffany! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I had to think up something at the last minute…LOL I knew he had questions so I figured it would work 🙂

      I agree with your advice completely! I did that and ended switching later in my degree which was annoying and added time to my studies.

      Me Too! Talk with you soon!

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