The GoVoxBox : My Very First Influenster Box!

Influenster GoVoxBox Review

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A few weeks ago I received my very first Influenster Box called the #GoVoxBox. This box was themed all around making sure you are ready to be on the go and on the move in health, comfort and with energy.

Influenster GoVoxBox Review

Inside The GoVoxBox:

Playtex Sport Fresh Balance Playtex Sport

Vitamin Shoppe Next Step Fit N Full Protein ShakeThe Vitamin Shoppe (Plus Shaker Bottle)

Blue Diamond Blueberry Flavored AlmondsBlue Diamond Almonds

Profoot Triad Orthodic

Profoot Pedi RockProfoot Care

Aqua Spa Body Creme 

Voucher for a FREE Muller Quaker Yogurt

I totally loved the Playtex Sport Fresh Balance Tampons and the Vitamin Shoppe Next Step Fit n Full Protein Shakes. Not only was I able to get moving in the gym without any discomfort but the fresh balance scent helped me do it with confidence. The Next Step Shakes helped me keep my energy up and feel full without eating an entire meal before my workout.

Influenster GoVoxBox Review

The Diamond Blueberry Roasted almonds were the perfect ‘pick me ups’ I needed after a bust day of playing Momma Taxi for my Kiddies. No need to stop for any fast food because instead I had a fast and healthy snack. I can’t wait to try the Strawberry flavor I have heard so much about.

Next I tried out the Profoot Triad Orthotic on a day out at the Playground with the Kiddies. Not only did I not end the day with the achy feet I have become used to after a day out running errands and chasing the kids but I also noticed that my feet felt significantly better.  I even decided to treat myself a bit and use the Profoot Pedi Rock to help get rid of that dry winter skin and get ready for the summer. My feet definitely got pampered that day.

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After my feet got spoiled I decided to complete the night and take a nice hot shower and indulge with my Aqua Spa Body Creme. The silkiness of the creme was amazing. I expected a bit of a stronger scent from the lavender but it was still nice. Definitely the perfect ending for a long few days.

Oh I don’t want to forget the FREE Coupon for Mueller Yogurt product. I decided to try out the Greek Fruit Cup and even though I usually purchase a different brand I loved the option of adding in the fruit as I liked whether mixing it in or dipping it by the spoonful.

Influenster GoVoxBox Review

Overall I was totally happy with my #GoVoxBox and was happy to be introduce to a few new products that I may now have come across on my own.

How often do you try new products?

Have you ever used any of the products I received before?

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6 responses to “The GoVoxBox : My Very First Influenster Box!”

  1. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    I recently got my first voxbox too! I enjoyed reviewing the items in the TLC box and I hope I get picked again to receive another box.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You did? Yay!!! I hope I get another one soon too, it was fun!

  2. mysocalledchaos Avatar

    I got this box too! Such a great box!
    My recent post Goodbye June Group Giveaway

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Right?!?! It was so many good things in there!Loved it…

  3. irkedmommy Avatar

    Aren't VoxBoxes fun?! I love getting them!
    My recent post Ask Away Friday with Love, Life and Laughter!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They really are!!! I felt like it took me For Ev A to get one… So glad I started with such a great one 🙂

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