Grateful In 9

9 Grateful Moments |
No Material Connection Disclosure


Now is the perfect moment to stop and think a bit on what’s good. So here are 9 things I’m grateful for that make everything else less of a big deal.

9 Grateful Moments |

Yesterday I skipped NaBloPoMo to spend the day with my Kiddies. We went to see Trolls which may I say was so fun. We are a family who thrives on all things music. Trolls is absolutely full of our old school favorites as well a few new tunes that are sure to be added to our favorite list.

My kiddies love the characters and how different each of their personalities are. My favorite was definitely the Smidge the deepest voiced troll in the movie. Just because  was little didn’t mean she waanr fierce! My Baby Girlie (8) fell in love with Princess Poppy while my Big Girlie (9) and My Buddie (5) both love Branch and how he was able to rediscover his happy. I am definitely glad we were able to check this family fun movie off my Must See List. I even trollified myself in honor of the movie…


After the movie we grabbed our favorite fast food great from chick-fil-a and headed home.  We got home and had a blast creating a poster for our school’s next fundraiser.  The rest of the night was full of cartoons and our favorite tv shows. We ended the day with kisses and hugs knowing that in a world where our tomorrow isn’t always guaranteed every moment is one to be grateful.

Read This Too  Beauty Captured {56}

1.  I’m grateful to have a life where family time is our favorite time.

2.  I’m grateful to have a life where I can be home with my Kiddies to see and share the little moments of their lives with them in real time.

3. I’m grateful for a husband who works daily to be sure that this is possible.

4. I’m grateful for children who find joy  in the little things. That love moments spent together whether on an adventure or simply having family snuggles on the couch. Their happiness brings me happiness.

5. I’m grateful for the random hugs kisses and ‘I love yous‘ that flow throughout our home on any given day.

6. I’m grateful for a teen almost 20 something year old who still loves me enough to share his hopes and dreams with me.

7. I’m grateful for our newest member of TeamHaywood our Harley Girl who brings added laughter and joy to us each day with her excitement for pretty much everything.


8. I’m grateful for my faith because without it my path In life would be uncertain and unclear. With my faith as my foundation I know that whatever the future holds God always has my good in the outcome. No matter what I will always be aware that His plan is greater than any other.

9. I’m grateful that in my life the good outweighs the bad and for me on this day remembering that is enough to make even the darkest of days bright again.

How do you focus on the good in life?

Can you share 3 things your grateful for?

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6 responses to “Grateful In 9”

  1. bigfitfam Avatar

    Love this, we should all be a bit more grateful! #TurnItUpTuesays

    1. MrsTee Avatar
  2. Andrea Bates Avatar

    I'm grateful for you, friend. So glad we've had the time to connect that we have.

    Love this list. Definitely want to see Trolls, maybe during the long holiday weekend – and yay, new puppy!!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Aww shucks!! I’m grateful for you as well. Your compassion, empathy and willingness to always be there for others is so encouraging that the good in the world is still there.

      Trolls was awesome!! Definitely a must see… we saw Dr. Strange this weekend and my inner Marvel fan was so happy 🙂 Yes! She’s a mess and makes a mess but we definitely love our Harley Girl!

      Thanks so much for coming by Lovie!

  3. sunphant Avatar

    Prayer and Faith! I saw a billboard today and it says faith is being okay with the results and trusting the outcome or something to that effect. Lol!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes. It is definitely something you have to learn how to master. To be content knowing that God has the ultimate control…

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