#GreenLightAVet | Veterans Day Support Everyday

#GreenLightAVet | Veterans Day Support Everyday | TheMrsTee.com
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About a week ago I saw a commercial for a new Campaign sponsored by Walmart. It’s called #GreenLightAVet – the premise? To show everyday support of Veterans by simply switching 1 light outside our homes to green. The color Green means hope and well-being…

Image Source - WalMart
Image Source – WalMart

Once a soldier returns home and takes off that uniform at times it can be hard to tell them from the civilians. They know how to blend in and for us that means we may not know who they truly are. The heroes they have been and the gratefulness they deserve.



#GreenLightAVet is a way to let Veterans we may not even know see how much we appreciate them, their sacrifices and their service. As soon as I saw this campaign I knew I would be a part and share as much as possible. Not for payment but because I am in love with a Vet and I know that letting him know that what he did is appreciated means more than many of us realize.

How To #GreenLightAVet

Head over to your local WalMart and look for the #GreenLightAVet displays which are most likely place right near the from of the store.

GreenLightAVet Display

Next take that little green bulb home and pick a place. You can light up your porch, garage, window or backyard. The point of #GreenLightAVet is to give Vets everywhere a visible sign of your support. That’s It!

“Change A Light. Show Your Support.”GreenLightAVet Change A Light

My family and I always make Veterans Day something special and this year we were even able to add a bit of fun with these amazing #GreenLightAVet cupcakes I found while picking up my light bulbs…I can always count on WalMart to make things even more fun.

Read This Too  Celebrate Red, White & Blue with FTDFlowers & The USO

GreenLightAVet CupCake


This year I choose to #GreenLightAVet to show my support and appreciation for the Vets around me and for the one I love the most. Make this Veterans Day one the Vets around you will never forget.. #GreenLightAVet

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19 responses to “#GreenLightAVet | Veterans Day Support Everyday”

  1. […] with veteran organizations, raising awareness on social media and signaling appreciation by changing one light to green in one’s home or […]

  2. pk1homeschoolfun Avatar

    What a cool thing to do to show our support! Thank you for posting this to get the word out! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!! Happy to spread the word…

  3. Samantha Avatar

    I absolutely love this and will be heading to Walmart later to purchase one. I keep seeing the commercials and this just made me want to go right now. My husband is active duty and I know how the struggle can be for soldiers sometimes. Thank you for sharing!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s great Samantha! It is so much fun to spread the word…I know how difficult it can be and how that one thank you from someone can make such a big difference. WE get to show our thanks this way and it’s so awesome! Thank YOU for joining it and don’t forget to snap a picture and share it with #GreenLightAVet 😀

  4. Brooke Avatar

    Not a big fan of Walmart but will for sure be doing the green light for a vet. What a wonderful idea to show are support to the men and women who protect us everyday.


    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Brooke! It is supported by Walmart but many other stores are showing support by selling the Green Lights including Lowes. It is really a great way to give a visible sign of our support…

  5. Adventures of a Cavemom Avatar
    Adventures of a Cavemom

    We picked one up as soon as I heard about it, too. It makes my husband smile each time he sees another green light shining outside of someone's home.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Mine too. He said “yeah that’s kinda a good idea” from him that’s a stamp of approval…lol

  6. latoya Avatar

    What a great Green way to support our Veterans! Love the Cupcakes

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really is Latoya…they were so yummy my Kiddies loved them! 😀

  7. bonniegowen Avatar

    Thank you so much for sharing this. This is really great! I want to go pick some of these up now.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks for coming by Bonnie! That\’s awesome… Don\’t forget to snap a pic and share with the hashtag #GreenLightAVet 🙂

  8. Mama to 5 Blessings Avatar
    Mama to 5 Blessings

    What a great way to support our Veterans. Unfortunately it seems like our Veteran's get noticed less and less, this is a really nice idea to show you care.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really is! I love how easy it is and you’re right they do I think that’s why I wanted to do this. It’s such a great way to refocus on what the day is really for and how to take it beyond 1 day…

  9. Alli Avatar

    What a great way to support vets! When I go to Walmart next week I'll look for this display. I want to light up my front porch with a green light.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Isn’t it Alli?!! I knew I had to do it as soon as I saw it…that’s great! Don’t forget to share your porch with the hashtag #GreenLightAVet 😀

  10. jEREMY Avatar

    I think this is a great way to support veterans and let them know that they're sacrifices don't go un-noticed. Military men and women gives so much, I think it's only fair to remind them how valued their service is.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I did too. So easy but still with a great impact. Agreed!!! Thanks so much for coming by …

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