How To Be Sure Your Business Cards Work For You Not Against You

How To Be Sure Your Business Cards Work For You Not Against You |

Business Cards can be one of the fastest and most efficient ways to leave a lasting impression with potential clients, employers and contacts. They can give a reminder of who you are, what you do, where you are as well as how to reach you. Still, there are ways that your business cards may work against you without you even realizing it. I want to share a few easy ways how to be sure your business cards work for you.

How To Be Sure Your Business Cards Work For You Not Against You |

After attending my very first Blog Conference last year along with a few Blogger MeetUps and Events I started to realize that although business cards can be a great way to make a first and lasting impression. Yet how to you make sure that impression is a good one?

There are several things you really must have as well as a few to avoid when designing your business cards. Leaving a person wondering or confused is the last thing you want to do but creating interest and curiosity are the first steps to that next contact.

[tweetthis]Your Business Cards are the lasting impact from your first introduction to your last impression. #Bloggie101 #TheMrsTee[/tweetthis]


  • Social Media Handles
    • don’t just have social media icons – cards are not clickable
    • be sure to include your actual handle
    • if you have a consistent handle across several media networks you can print it once to represent all. This can save precious card space and show your consistent media presence. (ex: Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest: @themrstee)


  • Easy to Identify Site URL
    • be sure it is printed clearly prominently 
    • be sure that both your name and business name are clearly identified
    • You want to sell you Brand but you also want to be the person behind that Brand.


  • Clear representation of your brand identity 
    • include your Logo if you have one
    • this will give something to be recognized when they follow your links and handles


  • Easy to read fonts
    • Scripts can be fun just be sure to select one that is readable when printed.


  • Photo (optional but good)
  • if you include one be sure it’s friendly, makes eye contact and falls in line with your Brand


  • Brand consistency 
    • be sure your Business Cards are consistent with the look, style and message of your site and Brand.
    • If your card looks nothing like what they will find when they look you up it will send mixed messages


Read This Too  Blogger or Vlogger – The Same Rules Apply

How To Be Sure Your Business Cards Work For You Not Against You |



  • Choose a readable font and color palette
    • Don’t make reading your business card difficult
    • It’s more likely they will move on to the next card


  • Include where you have the most influence
  • As a Blogger our Influence is our biggest selling point. So when you leave a business card behind you want the holder to be able to find that influence with ease.
  • Simply having images of Social Media Icons is not enough. Include your handles and/or URLs. 


Click Away Tips

  • Updating your Business Cards is almost just as important as the content you have on them.
    • be sure that your information is always current
    • just like broken links on a site bad URLs or handles is not the impression you want to make

These are just a few tips that can make it easier to create and network with business cards that are able to speak for you even when you’re not there to do it yourself.


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59 responses to “How To Be Sure Your Business Cards Work For You Not Against You”

  1. […] Make sure your business cards carry your theme from your site and social media presence. You want Brand Consistency on all […]

  2. Contactous Avatar

    Article is just Great! Business card play very crucial role when any one sharing his/her initials, mostly in marketing to generate leads. So it important to know if the business card is perfect or not. These tips will help a lot at that moment. thanks for sharing.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you! It truly can be such a big influence on how far a new connection can go. Thanks so much for coming by.

  3. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar
    Terri Webster Schrandt

    Great post and excellent points! I splurged for a fold-over biz card so I can place more info on the card. Always good to have them professionally done!
    My recent post Sunday Stills: Goslings

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Terri! I have seen those…very nice!

  4. itzybellababy Avatar

    Great advice. I got some really nice cards, but made the mistake of using kraft paper, and the images looked horrible. I should have listened when the little pop up screen told me not to do that.. lol
    My recent post Toddler Yoga Practice

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Oh wow…see I wasn\’t brave enough to do my own. I know I am DIY Challenged… LOL

  5. workingmommagic Avatar

    Great tips here! I have blog biz cards, but I have yet to hand one out! (I am sure that is not making my biz cards work FOR me.. haha!)
    My recent post Funny Things I said Before I Had Kids

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I’ve handed out a few and even placed them in local businesses – that can really help you gain local readers and even the eye of a local PR Rep 🙂

  6. Karen Avatar

    super awesome tips and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your business card.
    My recent post Just Finished Reading Book Hop #45

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Karen!

  7. HLFoster Avatar

    These are great tips! Thanks for sharing. I would add don't use an all black card. Lots of people jot down reminders about your conversation on the back of your card in order to remind them of any follow ups they committed to in your conversation. They can't if it's black…unless they miraculously have a white pen with them (which might happen at a scrapbooking event, but nowhere else)…. and you've potentially lost an opportunity.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! That\’s a great tip…I haven\’t come across any but that is definitely a great reason why black may not be the best choice. Thanks for sharing!

  8. @haleysvintage Avatar

    I was just thinking about ordering business cards… Thanks for all the great tips~ Haley
    My recent post Review: Target Cartwheel App

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay! I’m sure they’re going to come out great! Thanks so much for coming by Haley 🙂

  9. Amanda Avatar

    This is such a great post! I need to order new business cards ASAP – I've been out for a while now! This will definitely have me thinking more about the design. I think my old sign wasn't planned out as well as it could have been. Thanks so much!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Amanda! I would love to see the end results 🙂

  10. Erica Avatar

    Yup, all good points! I had my cards made earlier this year and I'm in love – I just used all the same graphics that compose my actual site, so my brand consistency is en pointe. Handing out cards or putting them in mail to giveaway winners or readers…it's so much fun!


    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Erica!! That is a great way to be certain of consistency… isn’t it so much fun? I love mine too 😀

  11. Brandee Avatar

    Great tips! I need to get new business cards done up soon, so I will be sure to incorporate any that I may have missed last time. Thanks for sharing!
    My recent post Mother’s Day giveaway with Crabtree &amp; Evelyn!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Brandee! I\’m sure your cards will come out great…thanks for coming by!

  12. Sage Avatar

    Great tips! Funny, I hadn't considered having blogger business cards, but after reading your post, it seems so obvious! Do you have them printed locally, or do you use an online print house? I have no idea where to even buy business cards in Denmark, I guess I have a new project 🙂
    My recent post Travel Tuesday

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Sage, yes business cards are really important when attending conferences with Brands or even local events. I use or but I know many Bloggers who design and print them right at home. Since your in Denmark I would say an online source.

  13. rochkirstin Avatar

    Our business cards in the company look very plain without any graphic, typography, or colors in it. I guess this means that we are just simply serious without creativity whatsover. All these must-haves are great tips to remember when creating a new business card design next time.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Design or even the lack there of is totally personal taste and style. I just suggest whatever you pick be cohesive with the style, design and feel of your site. That was it feels the same once they follow the information on the card 🙂

  14. Anita utami Avatar
    Anita utami

    Great post! Finally after almost a year blogging, I ordered business cards. In addition of everything you mentioned above (minus the picture), I also included my phone number. I understand that not every one is tech savvy (older folks, especially) and they are more comfortable talking on the phone.
    My recent post Mother's Day Gift Guide: What a Mother of a Toddler Really Wants for a Mother's Day Gift

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay for you Anita! I know they can feel like big step. I’m not sure when I got my first step but I definitely felt like a ‘Big Girl Blogger’ when I did…LOL I do see the reasoning behind including a number but I would use a Google+ number to avoid having my personal home or cell phone on the card. That is a personal choice but the Google+ numbers are free, customizable (mine ends in MRSTEE) and easy to link to whatever number you’d like. If you want to know more about that feel free to reach out to me 🙂

  15. cosmosmariners Avatar

    Great tips! I'd never had business cards before I made my own to hand out on the press trips I was taking–I LABORED over those things. But I love the end result, so I guess it was worth it!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I think we all want to be proud of the card we leave behind and that\’s a great thing! So worth it 😀

  16. jenniferjuro Avatar

    I had to order business cards the night before my conference last month!! I had failed to update them after changing jobs and it was outdated with missing some social media! I am going to have to remember these tips when I order new ones.
    My recent post Fred Meyer $1.49 WYB 6 Sale Ends May 19!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh No!! Now that’s a rush order…LOL Yes, keeping your cards updated and current is very important.

  17. MZJ Avatar

    great post. I love a simple yet detailed business card. I've never used a photo on mine but that's a cute idea.
    My recent post Pregnancy Update #39Weeks

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much! Yes, a business card design is much like any style preference but just being sure you include the necessary information let’s you be able to add a bit of yourself to it either way.

  18. @StylishGeek Avatar

    Wow! Very insightful and helpful post! Thanks for sharing! I have actually created tons of cards because I am always running out. But thanks to your tips I have something to keep in mind next time I design the next batch. 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! So happy you found everything helpful…thanks so much for coming by!

  19. Betsy Avatar

    These are great tips! I laughed so hard when I read "make sure to use handles since social media icons are not clickable" it seems like a duh moment but we get so use to using our icons I can see someone making that mistake!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Betsy!! You know what it is so easy to forget. I collected more cards than I should have that had icons but no indication of what their actual handle was. The first thing I thought was “if only I could click the picture” LMBO

  20. Avatar

    That's very useful information – thank you so much for sharing!
    My recent post Moringa “After-Eight” Chocolate Mint Smoothie Bowl (vegan, refined sugar free)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you and thank you so much for coming by!!

  21. Justine Y Avatar

    Great tips! I also have a QR code on mine that takes you right ot my blog homepage, which I love. 🙂
    My recent post horchata ice cream sandwiches

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Justine!! So do I 🙂 My QR Code is on the back … Great way for quick access to your site!

  22. sexymoxiemama Avatar

    This is a great post. I was just thinking that I needed to get business cards for my freelance writing. These are really great tips, especially about the social media. Thanks for sharing.
    My recent post Review: OZ Naturals Hyaluronic Acid Serum + Vitamin C

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Social media is often forgotten on business cards but now it had become such an important aspect of branding it is key to include them. Thanks so much for coming by!

  23. Shaye Wyllie Avatar
    Shaye Wyllie

    This is definitely great, especially since I plan on ordering some business cards soon!
    My recent post What You Should (And Shouldn’t) Wear To The Met Gala Event!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Shaye!! I’m so glad they will come in handy 🙂

  24. mrsmuffintop Avatar

    I really love this. I think putting a picture on your card is actually a GENIUS idea, since a lot of people are really visual. I'm definitely bookmarking your site, and will recommend to others when they need to order new cards!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you…I think at least one image that represents you as a brand is a great idea. Thanks so much!

  25. Addie Avatar

    yes to this! When I went to my last conference, collecting each other's business cards was like playing Pokemon lol, we all wanted to have everyones! They get the creative juices flowing and I have redesigned mine to have a picture and to look more minimalist and with less clutter. This is great info!
    My recent post The sign said “Visit Arkansas”

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha at really is. I remember getting back to my room and going through the stack I had accumulated throughout the day. So fun! Thanks so much Addie and thanks for coming by!

  26. thegirlnextdoorisblack Avatar

    I like the idea of having your photo on your business card – especially as a blogger. I may do that the next time I re-order my cards.
    My recent post 5 Myths About Black Americans That Need to Disappear

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I do too…I do feel it should match or be similar in style and look to your profile images to maintain consistency. Thanks so much for coming by!

  27. kimberly Avatar

    Great advice!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Kimberly and thanks for coming by!

  28. Stacie Avatar

    These are such great tips. Too many times, people think that any old business card is enough, but it really isn't. You have to stand out above the rest if you want to make connections.
    My recent post Pitch Perfect 2 Premieres May 15th | Win $100 in Fandango Gift Cards {2 WINNERS}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Stacie! You’re right, business cards are such an important way to be certain you are remembered and making sure it’s in a good way is really key.

  29. Nicole Avatar

    Thank you for this post! I am looking into getting new business cards and your post is going to beyond helpful!
    My recent post Sayin’ Thank You.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Of course…so happy you found it helpful Nicole 🙂

  30. Fi Ni Neachtain Avatar
    Fi Ni Neachtain

    Oh thank you for this post. I need to order business cards for a blogging conference I'm going to next month and was quite stuck on what to put on them. I think adding my blog logo instead of my own photo would be better – no one wants to look at me! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Your Welcome. It really can be hard to decide. I think logo or photo is truly a personal choice as long as you give the card holder something they can visually connect to you and your brand.

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