How To Host A Successful Twitter Party | From Prep To Party!

As host of a recent Twitter party I realized there wasn’t a lot of information about the How To of being a host for a successful twitter party. Prepping, Promotion, Images, Scripts- I couldn’t find a clear source to tell me the steps I needed to be ready so I decided to change that! In this post I will give you the steps from preparation to party to help you host a successful twitter party!


What is A Twitter Party Host?

So the first thing I need to do is explain what a Twitter Party host is. A Twitter party host is basically a moderator for a online meet up on Twitter centered around a specific topic, brand or product.

Twitter parties can have themes from your personal blog topics and shares to sponsored parties focused on promotion and brand, campaign or cause.

[tweetthis]Hosting a Twitter Party can be an easy source for added income for any #Blogger ! #TheMrsTee[/tweetthis]

Twitter hosts have several responsibilities including:

Party Prep

Preparing for a Twitter Party is really similar to how you prepare for any party. The first thing you need to do is decide the When, Who and Why of your party.


When should you have your party?

Timing is everything. You don’t want to have a party when no one you invite can attend. The same applies for twitter. You want to be sure that those you want to be involved are there. Check your Twitter insights to see when your audience is most active.


Who is your target audience?

If you’re talking about something targeted towards stay at home moms a daytime party may be most effective. The kids are in school and most moms enjoy a bit of time to do something just for them. If you are focusing on something that is more family focused like game night then perhaps an evening time would be best to give a chance for every family member to participate.


What do you need?

Gather all the information you  need for your party to run smoothly ahead of time. This takes the pressure away and gives you time to be sure that what you have is what you’ll need before you need it.


Party/Branded Hashtag

Brand Twitter Handles

Brand Site & Social Media Links

Twitter Script with Required Content


CoHost Information

Prize Information

Winner Requirements

Party Time Frame


Why are you having this party?

Twitter parties hosted on behalf of a Brand, Campaign or Cause tend to have specific purposes. Whether to get a new product a bit of promotion or drive traffic to the Brand itself you need to know the goal of your twitter party to plan for it in the best way.

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How will your party run?

If you will have a CoHost be sure you have their Twitter handle, email and any other way to contact them prior to and through out the party. Hosting a successful party requires clear communication between all involved. You never want a miscommunication to show during your party. So share, collaborate and inform.


Now that you know the When, Who, What, Why & How of your party it’s time to get the word out there. That’s right it’s time for promotion. Any party host wants to be sure that everyone knows their party is the place to be and you want the same for your twitter party.


Invite your targeted audience. You can do this through Twitter, Instagram and Facebook posts. I have even used Facebook Events to help get my party out there. Facebook events has the great option of allowing people to not only indicate their interest in attending but sending them a reminder about the event automatically. It’s like an RSVP and Save The Date all in one.


Intrigue your audience. I find using images is one of the easiest and most effective ways to capture attention. With a great visual you can give all the information about your party as well as give you invitee a great way to save that information. I often screenshot or save images to help me remember an event that I want to attend.


You read that right. You can inspire your possible twitter party participants to spread the word about your party. By giving them something to talk about you give them all they need to take your message to their audience causing a ripple effect and increasing your reach tremendously.

[tweetthis]Twitter Parties bring increased Impact & Influence to Brands, Campaigns, Causes & More! #TheMrsTee[/tweetthis]


The main purpose of a twitter Party is to tweet. So how do you prepare for 60 minutes of engagement, promotion and hopefully fun via twitter? The best way is to prepare a Tweet Script prior to your party. A Tweet Script is basically exactly what it sounds like: a script of the tweets you plan to post and share throughout a hosted twitter party.

The next question I want to answer is how to prepare a Tweet Script. My first attempt at prepping one was like walking in the dark. I couldn’t find any examples of what a tweet script was or even how it should deb formatted for submission to a Brand for review and approval. I want to give you the answers I couldn’t find.

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Click Image for Full Twitter Script


The above Script is a sample of 15 tweets that can be optimized and formatted to fit your Twitter party details. I have included Pre-Party Tweets, Welcome Tweets, ReTweets, Instructional Tweets, Brand Promotion Tweets as well as Questions and Prize Instructions.

Please Note: when posting tweets to promote a brand directly you must include the #AD hashtag. Examples are when sending party participants to the Brand’s website, content or sponsored publishings.

Using a Twitter Script helps eliminate the need to tweet as you go as well as give you the freedom to engage and interact with party participants throughout.

Once you have your script approved and you are ready to start you can simply open your script document and click, copy, paste and tweet your way to a successful twitter party!

[tweetthis]Click,Copy,Paste & Tweet to Hosting A Successful Twitter Party w/ @themrstee Tweet Script! #TheMrsTee[/tweetthis]

The Difference A CoHost Makes

A Twitter party CoHost can play a huge role in helping to maintain the flow of a Twitter party. A good Cohost can take care of not only engagement with participants but answering questions, retweeting, trouble-shooting as well as selecting and announcing winners.


The tips, tricks and guides I’ve given can help get you a step ahead when it comes to becoming the host of a successful twitter party.  You guys know I love my video and I wanted to give you even more insight into hosting so I decided to let you get a Behind The Scenes look at what it’s really like to Host a Successful Twitter Party.




Have you ever hosted a Twitter Party? Share a few tips on how you made your party a success!

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25 responses to “How To Host A Successful Twitter Party | From Prep To Party!”

  1. Tee

    Visitor Rating: 4 Stars

  2. Bites for Foodies Avatar

    This post reminds me that I need to pay more attention to my Twitter account since I've been neglecting it! Of all the social media accounts that I have, Twitter for some reason, is my least favourite?!?!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You Should!! Twitter can offer so many awesome opportunities: it’s an amazing way to connect directly with brand we love and it has a great potential for income through campaigns. I’m so glad this post helped spark a bit of a reminder to revisit it a bit more often 🙂

  3. Farrah Less G. Avatar
    Farrah Less G.

    Wow I bet its a lot of hard work to conduct twitter party but also I believe its all worth it. I wasn't too active in twitter nowadays and I have to find ways to be motivated.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It can be but planning ahead definitely makes it a lot easier.

  4. melody pittman Avatar

    The timing could not have been more perfect for me! I am trying to host a twitter chat and working out the details right now. This is such a comprehensive post that I know I will ace it perfectly the first time. You have described everything to a T and provided invaluable information. Thanks for that.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay!! That’s awesome. I am so happy to hear that/ When I was trying to figure things out I had to go to so many different places to find one answer – I wanted to try and give the best information in one place as I could. Please be sure to send me an invite so I can join in and support! 🙂

  5. Brandi Puga Avatar

    Great information! Thanks so much for sharing! #TurnItUpTuesday

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Brandi!! I truly appreciate it 🙂

  6. Mommy Hates Cooking Avatar

    Wow, this is all such great information! Twitter Parties can be crazy intense and yet so much fun. They fly by so stinking fast, it is hard to keep up. Your tips are great and very thorough, which is not something I've ever seen when it comes to explaining Twitter Parties.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!! It can be but I must say I can’t get enough of them 🙂 Thank you… I hope it helps you when and if you host your own party!

  7. Cindy Gordon Avatar
    Cindy Gordon

    THIS is awesome advice! I love your tweet examples. I've held one and have been to several, but they used to be intimidating to me to run. You provided some great insight and got my courage up! Thanks for sharing these awesome blogger tips!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Cindy!! That’s right…get out there and host that next party!! You’ve got this 🙂

  8. Lisa B Avatar
    Lisa B

    I'm not a huge fan of twitter parties,but when they are run well they are a lot easier to follow and a lot more fun. I can't stand the ones where were have to retweet 10 different hashtags or visit this or that over and over, but I am always impressed when the brand or person having the twitter party is able to narrow it down to the basics, get their point across and make it work. Some great advice,thank you!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I wasn\’t always but once I understood how much it takes to make one happen I had a different appreciation for them. Oh no I get that. I try to keep RTs at a minimum and spaced out. Timing and flow is so important for any Twitter party. Thanks so much Lisa!!

  9. Sage Avatar

    This was an awesome article, thanks for sharing. Twitter is the one social media platform I've never really "gotten." Seriously, it just confuses me and I don't see the point of it. I've seen a lot of mentions about Twitter parties and I never really knew what they were, but now I do. Maybe I need to pay a bit more attention to Twitter 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Sage!! I truly appreciate that. I have always loved Twitter. It was how I first got my feet we in the Blogging Community. It can take a bit of getting used to but it also has such great potential for networking and brand reach. Maybe I’ll see you at my next party 🙂

  10. Paula Schuck Avatar

    These are AWESOME tips! Being a Twitter Party moderator puts you in a really important position. You have to interact. You have to drive the conversation. And before all of that, you have to get the word out. It's a BIG responsibility, and if you aren't on top of it, it shows in the party. Love this.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Paula!! You’re right… moderators can be the success or failure of a twitter party. I think that’s why finding out the How behind it was so important to me. I’m just happy to have a chance to share it! Thanks again 🙂

  11. naturalhealthidea Avatar

    Thanks for explaining how to do host a Twitter party. I feel like I don't exploit Twitter to the fullest, so these detailed instructions are exactly what I need. I'm sure others will appreciate the details on how to make the most of Twitter.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You’re so welcome!! Oh Twitter has a lot to offer and it’s really easy to tap into. There are campaigns that can give you an extra income simply for a few tweets a months! Thanks again…

  12. sriches Avatar

    Some great tips here and I will definitely be following these the next time I get the chance to host a Twitter party! Hope all is well! Sim xx

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much Sim!! I hope they help 🙂

  13. sunphant Avatar

    Oh gosh, you worked your ass off for this one. I never thought about all the details of a Twitter party, but this is pretty crazy busy work. Wow, hands down to you for doing such an excellent job of putting this all together.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha… it took a bit of work I admit but I actually pulled it together in about 3 hours. It was fun though. I love gathering information to help someone else skip the hassle I went through to get it…LOL Thanks so much!!

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