I Met Carla Hall Ya’ll ! | #BlogHer17 Day 2

I Met Carla Hall Ya'll | TheMrsTee

I Met Carla Hall Ya’ll! Like seriously it wasn’t just a quick selfie – she actually talked to me – like  full conversation with thoughts and exchanges and such! I found out I look like her niece and we share an obsession with glasses! It’s like we’re BFFs . . .

I Met Carla Hall Ya'll | TheMrsTee

I knew Carla Hall was set to be at BlogHer this year I just hadn’t been certain when and where. After Arlene told me that she was going to be signing her cookbook at the Best Buy Booth in the Expo Hall I knew I wanted to be there. Still it was later in the day so I decided to head up to my room to try and get a few things done for the blog and channel. As I was walking towards the elevators I saw her hair. Carla Hall’s hair is aaaah-may-zing! I WISH I could wear mine like that

She was talking to another Blogger friend of mine Taya and I couldn’t believe how chill she looked. I went into total Fan Girl Stalker Mode and kinda just stood there (perhaps a bit too closely) as they took a photo together. I then introduced myself as the fan who tweeted her last week saying I couldn’t wait to see her at #BlogHer17.



People! She remembered!! She said oh yeah – the glasses!! Lawd I was so done. That’s when we started chatting about our mutual love or all things frames and glasses. She said she is venturing into new colors and I told her how I’m trying to jump outside my shape comfort zone and try circle frames and such. Let’s just say my day was completely made at this point.

Read This Too  MEMPHIS · A Love Story . . .


Twinsies!!! I found a fellow Glasses/Frame Collector in @CarlaPHall . . . ? #NerdGirlGlasses #Glasses #BlogHer17 #BlogHer #BlogConference #BlogConferences #HiltonStory #Orlando #Florida #Blog #Blogger #BlogLife #NCBlogger #LifestyleBlogger #TheMrsTee

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I got a picture with her and floated off to my room to try and remember why I was headed up there in the first place. Later in the day Arlene told me it was time to get in line for the cookbook signing because it was first come first serve. Standing in line I was all nervous because I didn’t want Carla (yeah first name level ya’ll) to think I was getting photo greedy since we already took a picture earlier.

Once she arrived, and I was next up I decided to get a horizontal shot this time – you know to switch things up! I walked over to her and . . . SHE TOTALLY REMEMBERED ME!!! Needless to say I had to suppress my fan girl and not look crazy. I smiled and she looks down at me – I’m really short compared to her – and tells me how I look just like her niece!

I Met Carla Hall Ya'll | TheMrsTee

After chatting through a few pictures we finally managed to actually smile for the real one and get through the moment. Now I’m sure you guys know that Day 2 of BlogHer was not just about my meeting Carla Hall. I did way more than that and you can check it all out in the video below BUT it was definitely the highlight of my day.


I may have been in fan girl mode just a teensy bit . . . ? #CarlaPHall #BlogHer17 #BlogHer #BlogConference #BlogConferences #HiltonStory #Orlando #Florida #Blog #Blogger #BlogLife #NCBlogger #LifestyleBlogger #TheMrsTee

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PS – I sent my husband a text of my pictures with Carla and the first thing he asked was “are you guys related??” Man I Wish!!



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14 responses to “I Met Carla Hall Ya’ll ! | #BlogHer17 Day 2”

  1. Kiwi Avatar

    You guys do look like you could be related. Cool she remembered you. I met Carla 3 years ago when Oprah came to Atlanta and she is so down to earth!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Haha! I think so too. Just adds to the awesomeness I think..LOL Yes, she was so amazing and super nice. Thanks for coming by Kiwi!

  2. Amanda Kee Avatar
    Amanda Kee

    I won’t even lie, I have no idea who Carla Hall is…. However, I am excited you got to meet her and I agree, her hair is pretty awesome! And don’t think for 1 second you can’t wear your hair like this or any other way because you can. It looks like you had an awesome time and I will have to be sure to check out her cook book.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Whaaaaat??? Nah it’s okay. She’s a Food Network, Foodie type start so if that’s not your thing it’s understandable. Thank you for sharing in my excitement still! 😀 I should rephrase: I don’t know how to maintain my hair in it’s curly state. I suck at it…LOL I had such an amazing time and yes definitely check out her book! Thanks so much for coming by Amanda!

  3. Shanna Fife Avatar

    I love me some Carla Hall. Glad to see I’m not the only fangirl! Lol She seems so personable and your post confirms it’s true. On to read Day 3…

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Girl me too!! She’s so sweet and her spirit is so kind. Yay . . . I hope you enjoy it 🙂

  4. Censie Sawyer Avatar

    I saw so many selfies with her. Such a fun person to meet. She is so creative and seems like she would be a great person to hang out with. What a fun opportunity for you. 🙂

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      She was so kind and willing to endure all of the fans she had at BlogHer!! Thanks so much Censie!

  5. Lisa Favre Avatar

    Ahh! You’re so lucky to have met her. She seems incredibly interesting to have a one-on-one conversation with. I know lots of people that would love to meet her. Her cooking is also fantastic!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Yes!! I’m still a bit high off of it. I think the thing I loved the most was she was as sweet and nice in person as she seems on TV. Oh yes, I can’t wait to try a few things from her cookbook!

  6. Ali Rost Avatar
    Ali Rost

    Oh my gosh, what a fun thing! Lucky duck, Carla Hall is awesome. Isn’t it fun when you meet someone like her in real life and they turn out to be just as wonderful as you imagine them to be? It takes a special person to connect with and remember her fans, like she did with you. And the glasses! How much fun about the colored glasses .. I couldn’t be any happier for you! x

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      It was so much fun Ali!! She is amazing and so nice! It is so much fun – no let downs here. Thank you so much!!

  7. Nikki Avatar

    How exciting! Your fangirl enthusiasm just jumps right off the page. 😀 I’m so glad you had a chance to talk to her a bit. She sounds super down to earth!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Girl!! I’m still floating a bit from this – she is so cool and sweet! Definitely down to earth 🙂

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