I need to write, right? I mean I’m a Blogger. It’s what I do BUT there are times when I simply want to write for the sake of getting my thoughts on paper.
I feel like it has been forever since I’ve written anything. I mean like write. I’ve done a few coverage pieces and media recaps but to simply write for the sake of seeing the words hit the screen? It’s been forever. So here I am. Writing.

I’m that person who grew up with my words being my favorite form of expression. Yet I wasn’t a big talker which meant the introduction to journals by my 6th-grade teacher Ms. Edelstein was one of the happiest moments in my life! I mean I would sit for hours and fill pages with my thoughts, fears, reflections, hopes, dreams – you name it I wrote it.
Flash forward to my late 20s when I started this blog as a hobby – a place to share my words and gain feedback from adults. Then hit the button again and skip to when it became my very own business. A source of income where my words mattered enough that people paid me to write them. Except somehow it slowly took away the joy of simply putting pen to paper, fingers to the keys. It was no longer because I wanted to share my innermost reflections but simply because I had a deadline and it needed to be done.
I think I hit a point of frustration. Where it became less about my writing and more about simply getting an assignment done. I always enjoy the opportunity to attend events, have new experiences and share my moments BUT I need to find a balance between my job and writing simply for the joy of the words.
So yes, I know I need to write as part of what I do yet I also want to write to give an outlet to that part of who I am. The writer. who simply needs to write.
Now I have a few questions for you, my fellow writers turned business owners and bloggers:
How do you keep the joy in what you do?
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