I Will NOT Feel How I Look Today

Have you ever had a day where you really didn’t look that great?  Seriously, everyday is not a pretty day.  Well today was that day for me.  I was standing there telling my self I will not feel how I look right now.  My hair was is a mess (I have not been able to have a Momma salon day in almost forever), my skin is doing this revert back to my teenage acne days thing that I can’t seem to get under control and the two things combined were making me just a hot mess.  Yes, I know we should always think positive have a great image of ourselves but in reality today was just Eh.  I didn’t feel pretty and from what I saw I didn’t really look it either.

photo 2 (15)

The fact that today was my Girlie’s 1st Grade Open House didn’t add to my emotional perception of how I looked.  I felt like I was going to be under scrutiny by her new Principal, teachers, other parents, etc.  So leaving the house feeling underwhelmed myself wasn’t going to help the situation.  I knew I had to do something to change my own perception if i thought I was going to have a positive impact on anyone else’s.

This is when I stood in the mirror and literally had a mini pep talk with myself.  It went kinda like this:

“Ok Tiffany.  You’re not having the best hair day and your skin is working against you but we can work with this.  I will not feel how I look today!  I will not feel how I look!

Read This Too  MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter Tops Of 2014

After that, I brushed my hair into the tightest ponytail I could manage.  scrubbed my face with some good old fashioned Noxzema (no endorsement or compensation) and decided to dressed as if I was Hot Stuff.  I put on a bit of gloss, a pretty pink necklace (everything is better with a touch of pink), sprayed a bit of my favorite body mist, put on my favorite bejeweled sandals and headed off to the Open House.  Then I took another look.

photo 1 (18)

I repeated my mantra:

“I will NOT feel how I look today!  I will NOT feel how I look!

Guess what?  I didn’t.  I felt lighter and a bit less down-trodden and I actually felt like I looked better than I did when I first looked at myself this morning.

So, although today I started out feeling rather defeated by my lack of a look I ended up being able to pick myself up with pure strength of will and a bit of mind over matter.


Have you ever had a not so pretty day?  

Were you able to lift yourself out of the funk?  If so, how?

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14 responses to “I Will NOT Feel How I Look Today”

  1. maryam Avatar

    Oh yes I have days like this too. Sometimes being a mommy can wear you out. I totally agree, A touch of pink makes everything better! I love pink too 🙂 I found you through What's my style Blog hop. You have a lovely blog. Looking forward to seeing more posts from you. Have a great day! 🙂



    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much for stopping by…pink in my opinion makes everything better 😀 I will be stopping by your site as well… 😉

  2. MrsTee Avatar

    I think we all have had a day like this at least once…
    I'll always support if I can that's what BloggerBFFs Do! 😉 …xoxoxo

  3. Brittnei Avatar

    This has definitely happened to me plenty of times. I actually feel like this most days, but hubby tells me constantly that I look so beautiful without makeup and all of that that I'm actually starting to believe him. I don't wear makeup like I used to because I'm usually home with the baby and he's wild. I'm sure I will end up getting makeup on him or something lol. You look so adorable though and I love those sandals. So glad I have you as a Blogger BFF! Thanks for linking up and supporting my new hop. Feel free to link up anything that showcases you and your style in the future! <3 muah <3

  4. Shauna @ Momma Candy Avatar
    Shauna @ Momma Candy

    Of course I have had these days! But I totally agree – wearing pink is a huge help! If I feel like I don't look good, I put on a little extra make up, do my hair, overdo everything and I feel better.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I think we all have these days…I just had an extra special one that day..LOL But the pink definitely helped me 😉

  5. Alison Hector Avatar
    Alison Hector

    I love "Everything is better with a touch of pink"! For me it's purple, but pink is a close second. But I sure do know what you mean about the self-talk. We are what we think, so if we think positive words and speak positively to ourselves, our inner and outer selves tend to line up. Love the sandals!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes…I try to add pink to everything somehow…somewhere..LOL I agree…there are a lot of moods we can simply talk ourselves out of…the same way at times we talk ourselves into them…
      Those are one of my FAV [air of sandals… 😉

  6. Rabia @TheLiebers Avatar

    I am always impressed at how powerful our minds can be in influencing how we feel, act, look, etc. Good for you for making the decision to turn your day around. You look amazing, by the way!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you so much. I definitely had to 'get my mind right' that day. Also, thanks for taking the effort to get your comment up. I appreciate it 🙂

  7. Cheryl Avatar

    Girl I feel you. Totally. There are days when I put makeup on to feel better about myself, only to realize I made myself look WORSE.

    Days like this are the reason why God created accessories.

    That necklace is BOMB. Where'd you get it????

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I don't know how to do makeup At All…so accessories are my only option :). It was actually given to my daughter because the chain was broken somehow but we linked it together and…Tada! 😀

  8. Brandie Avatar

    I do this just about every morning! I'm a teacher and always need that boost get my game face on! You look like a different person in that second picture – calm, cool, and beautiful! You go!!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks. I needed to get my head right…LOL It's not always about how you look sometimes how you look is about how you feel 😉

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