Have you ever had a day where you really didn’t look that great? Seriously, everyday is not a pretty day. Well today was that day for me. I was standing there telling my self I will not feel how I look right now. My hair was is a mess (I have not been able to have a Momma salon day in almost forever), my skin is doing this revert back to my teenage acne days thing that I can’t seem to get under control and the two things combined were making me just a hot mess. Yes, I know we should always think positive have a great image of ourselves but in reality today was just Eh. I didn’t feel pretty and from what I saw I didn’t really look it either.
The fact that today was my Girlie’s 1st Grade Open House didn’t add to my emotional perception of how I looked. I felt like I was going to be under scrutiny by her new Principal, teachers, other parents, etc. So leaving the house feeling underwhelmed myself wasn’t going to help the situation. I knew I had to do something to change my own perception if i thought I was going to have a positive impact on anyone else’s.
This is when I stood in the mirror and literally had a mini pep talk with myself. It went kinda like this:
“Ok Tiffany. You’re not having the best hair day and your skin is working against you but we can work with this. I will not feel how I look today! I will not feel how I look!”
After that, I brushed my hair into the tightest ponytail I could manage. scrubbed my face with some good old fashioned Noxzema (no endorsement or compensation) and decided to dressed as if I was Hot Stuff. I put on a bit of gloss, a pretty pink necklace (everything is better with a touch of pink), sprayed a bit of my favorite body mist, put on my favorite bejeweled sandals and headed off to the Open House. Then I took another look.
I repeated my mantra:
“I will NOT feel how I look today! I will NOT feel how I look!”
Guess what? I didn’t. I felt lighter and a bit less down-trodden and I actually felt like I looked better than I did when I first looked at myself this morning.
So, although today I started out feeling rather defeated by my lack of a look I ended up being able to pick myself up with pure strength of will and a bit of mind over matter.
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