I’ll Be Fine…They’ll Be Fine… I have been repeating this to myself for the past week or so now. In the midst of my excitement and anticipation of attending my very first Blog Conference I have been dealing with something else – a fear, a nervousness – in the back of my mind. Something I just can’t seem to shake.
My biggest fear: leaving my children without me. I know, every parent’s fear. Yet it isn’t just about my fear of leaving them without me as a mother but leaving them period. Since their births I have always promised to never leave them. I know irrational right? I know every parent will have time away. For me it meant I will never abandon them. As a child who felt that pain I never want my children to know it. The wondering where your mother was, when she would come back, if she would come back. In our life as a military family, I have always been their constant, their consistency. In the morning, I’m there…at night, I’m there.
Since having my 7 year old I haven’t left my kiddies for more than 2 weeks. That was only to find a new home in Hawaii with my Hubby during our station there. I stressed the entire flight there and back. All during our real estate hunt and beach walks, the times I should have had peace instead I had fear and anxiety. I missed and longed for my children. Were they alright? Was anyone mistreating them? Did they miss me or need me? Were they happy? My would mind race with every thought and worry possible and it wasn’t until I saw their faces, heard their giggles and held them in my arms that I felt whole again – at peace again.
My 3 year old was in my belly during that trip and since having him he has never been away from me for even a night. He’s never had to wake up without me near him or more than a ‘Mom’ call away. Still life happens. Growth happens. Right? I mean that is another part of what I keep telling myself. This is supposed to happen. They are getting older. I’m allowed to leave now. Parents can go away without their children. It’s okay. Still that fear lurks and creeps into my excitement…stealing my joy.
In a few hours I will be leaving my children for my Buddie it will be for the very first time. As I lay here and tell myself that all will be fine. That they will be fine and that I will be fine. I search for comfort in the only place I know to go. In God. I know I’m only leaving for 2 1/2 days still I feel the dread. The anxiety. The fear. I need to conquer it. I need to let it go and replace it somehow…
“But God has not given us {me} the spirit of fear…”
I know this. It’s familiar. I trust this. It’s for me. God’s Word has never failed me. I know this fear is not mine to embrace. I was never meant to have it. God has given me more and better…
“…but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
2 Timothy 1:7 KJV
These are God’s gifts to me: I have the power to pray protection, strength and safety over myself and my family; the love to give my children whether I am here physically or not; and a sound mind – I will not be troubled, I will not fear but instead I will embrace the gifts that God has promised me. The truth of His comfort and protection. Only God can give me these things but only I can reject them. Reject them with my worry, anxiety and focus on what could be. No. I will not accept fear. So today I choose faith, I choose to conquer that fear and embrace my faith in God’s promises.
You know what? I WILL Be Fine…They WILL Be Fine! Know how I know? Because my God says so! It’s just that simple. Just that easy. God said it and that’s all I need. I’m so thank flu to have the Word to rely on as a resource and as a reminder. Sometimes we all need that ‘hey remember this’ moment to help us realize that fear was not intended for us. God has greater things in store and to gain them we simply need to conquer the fear and embrace the faith.
Lifestyle Blogger & Media Influencer at It's Me, Tee
I am the ‘ Tee’ behind It’s Me, Tee an award-winning Lifestyle Blog where I share my love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel.
“Believe in yourself, your passions, and your dreams. Your voice is unique – build on that. Embrace what is different about you and make it your greatest asset!”
16 responses to “I’ll Be Fine…They’ll Be Fine…Conquering Fear Embracing Faith”
This is so hard, but you will all do fine! My boys are 19 and 17 now and I still get anxious when I leave them, which is so silly. But we mama's can't help it!
They will be fine! The first and only time I left my son for a few days, he was fine!! God will watch out for them
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Amen! I love this post! I have the same fear. God is an awesome God and He protects our families as long as we are faithful. I always pray angels to protect my little one when I'm not with her.
I have two boys 10 and 4. I totally understand your nervousness about leaving! As long as you are leaving them in capable hands I KNOW you have nothing to worry about! The beauty of technology….SKYPE, FACE TIME, and others like it! They can see you and talk to you everyday you are away! No worries mama! I try to remind myself good moms like us deserve some me time now and then! Enjoy this time away instead of worrying!
Thanks Margaux!!! You’re so right. We deserve it. Funniest thing…I expected a meltdown of some sort but they all just said By Momma Love You. They’re already fine and I know I am too Thanks so much for coming by!!!
Amen! They will be fine and so will you. Faith is greater than fear and God will never leave you or forsake you. Loved your post today. I used to battle fear, but my God delivered me from all my fears. And when they try to come back, I refuse to give in to fear. Have a great trip!!
My recent post All Things Fall Giveaway
Thanks Alli! I know they are…it went a lot smoother than I thought and I think I had more anxiety than they did…LOL I have definitely learned to push fear aside and leave it no room by putting my faith to action instead.
I'm going to miss you at the conference since I'm not going anymore due to family having a emergency and no longer have daycare now. But you'll do just fine at the conference. It actually not bad once you get there and start seeing your bloggy buddies. I went to my first conference last month and it wasn't bad at all and I fitted right in.
Oh NO! I was looking forward to meeting you. I know how things can happen though and I pray all is well with you and your family. I am doing just fine and I am so glad I let the fear go…
You sound like a perfectly normal, caring and loving mother. You are so right, they will be fine and you will be fine. I remember when my baby girl left for college! I cried every day for the first 2 weeks. Momma's are the special ones.
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Hang in there mama, it's all going to be okay! I had a freakout the first time we dropped out 3 year old off at his new preschool – he had never been without me or a family member in his whole life! But it was all just fine.
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Thanks! I know it sounds so – I dunno – even to me but I was seriously stressing…LOL That’s exactly who my 3 year old is!! I’m doing better and I know it will all definitely be fine
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