I’m Best At Being Me…

I'm Best At Being Me | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself…. Coco Chanel

When I saw this month’s quote for the That’s What She Said LinkUp I had a moment where I wasn’t sure how to approach it. It is a great quote but what did it mean to me? That’s when I thought back to my younger years when I was so busy trying to be like someone else that I never gave myself the chance to actually discover who I was. After all, I’m best at being me and not at trying to imitate what I thought beauty stood for.

I'm Best At Being Me | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

Once I gave myself the permission to stop copying what I thought was beauty in someone else I finally discovered I had beauty within myself the whole time. True it may not have been super model beauty or even the most popular kind but it was beauty just the same. It was mine. It was me.

The moment I decided to embrace my quirky, nerdy and at times sexy sides was the very moment that I stopped feeling insecure, less than and unworthy. I began to see that who I was (all of it) was just a beautiful as who anyone else was. The main reason why I could never feel equal to those I compared myself to was because it took way to much work to try and be them. I wasn’t equipped for it. Only they could be the masters of their type of beauty and in the end of it all …

Read This Too  #WordlessWednesday Christmas Eve DELUXE Edition!



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4 responses to “I’m Best At Being Me…”

  1. Mrs.AOK Avatar

    You are one of the most beautiful people I know, and I'm talking about inside and out. I love that you are real, what you get is what you see, a real down to earth gal, who cares, loves, and has jokes for days.
    Thanks for sharing with us Mrs.Tee… I <3 YOU!!!
    My recent post Dollar Tree Pumpkin Redo

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You So Much. I learned it takes way too much energy to try and be anyone besides me so I had to be okay with her and I am so glad to say I finally am. This was a really fun quote and I can’t wait for next month’s 😉

  2. irkedmommy Avatar

    And you are FANTASTIC!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Awww Shucks!!! Thanks Echo 😉

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