Look Ma, I’m Glowing!

WordlessWednesday | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

This past weekend we celebrated my Buddie’s 4th Birthday with some arcades and a bit of Glow-In-The-Dark miniature golf. We have all played mini-golf before BUT this was his first time with the Glow-In-The-Dark variety and boy did it leave a glowing impression!




PirateWheel-WW BuddyGlow-WW

Look Ma, I’m Glowing!


What are your kiddies favorite Birthday activities?

Have you ever been glow-in-the-dark golfing?


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2014 Wordless Wednesday

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39 responses to “Look Ma, I’m Glowing!”

  1. JaniceTrinh Avatar

    that looks totally fun. i can't remember the last time I've attended anything glow in the dark!
    My recent post Photography :: (Early) Signs of Spring

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was!! I can’t either but it totally brought out the kid in me 😀

  2. orangeheromama Avatar

    We have glow bowling and glow golf here..so fun!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Isn’t it?!?! I’m so glad we found it 🙂

  3. Dara Shultz Avatar
    Dara Shultz

    My husband took the kids to a place like this in Monterey and they had SUCH a blast! Hopefully, next time I'll get to go! As for birthday activities, they're into all the usual stuff like Disneyland, arcades, mini-golf, etc. It's fun to share those kinds of experiences with them–takes me back to my childhood. 🙂
    My recent post WordlessWednesday: The Fog

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You should definitely try to make the next time…I think I had as much fun as my Kiddies…LOL Thanks so much for coming by Dara 😀

  4. Angela Avatar

    This looks so cool! The kids would love it!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was Angela!! Mine loved it and already want to go back 🙂

  5. Diana Avatar

    That is the coolest glow-in-the-dark miniature golf I've ever seen! And how do you get your photos to turn out so nicely?

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I thought so too. The paintings were awesome. I took them with my iPhone 🙂

  6. astrodarlings Avatar

    Playing golf on his birthday.. that's a really cool idea. HAppy WW
    My recent post Highlights of January 2015

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was so much fun!! Thanks so much – Happy WW to you too 🙂

  7. irkedmommy Avatar

    I love glow in the dark stuff! So much fun!
    My recent post Love Is All You Need!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I think I am officially a fan now too 🙂

  8. Beth Avatar

    I never heard of a wordless wednesday 🙂 I'll have to look around. My daughter's 12th birthday is next month and she wanted to take a few friends to a kids' cabaret theater, but she couldn't choose only 7 friends (the tables seat 8) so now we are doing karaoke in the basement. Much better 🙂
    My recent post Super Bowl of Chili Three Ways!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh they are all over…just check the hashtag 😀 Kind of a fun way to share your photos from the week without a lot of writing needed. Yes, that must be a lot of fun too…I love karaoke…I\’m like a big ol\’ kid anyway! Thanks for coming by Beth!

  9. Cascia Avatar

    It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I've never played glow in the dark mini-golf before. We celebrated my daughter's birthday on Saturday. She turned 9 and we had a house full of aboout 15 of her friends and a few of the moms stayed too.
    My recent post #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday – Playing in the Snow

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Cascia! We really did…I think the adults had almost as much fun and the Kiddies 😀 That sounds so nice…my Kiddies always opt for the activities but we used to do house parties too…much more intimate.

  10. tbellkindred Avatar

    I can see why kids would find that appealing! Have a great week! Teresa from NanaHood.com

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Kids and Adults! LOL…thank you Teresa…have a great week!

  11. pixiedusk Avatar

    OOhhh what a fun place! Wish we have something like that here =)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was so much fun. Definitely a repeat in the future 🙂

  12. Karren Haller Avatar

    I dont have little ones anymore, but if they were still young there are so many more choices.

    Thanks for hosting again this week!
    My recent post Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You’re right!! I don’t remember half as many places when I was a kid. They are so lucky now!

  13. Ashleigh Avatar

    Thank you for hosting! Love the pirate pics! xx Ashleigh
    My recent post Taco Tuesday Meatballs

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks of coming by Ashleigh! Happy to have you 🙂

  14. @KeepUpJonesFami Avatar

    I did once in Florida – it was SO much fun!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      This may have been our firs but I know it isn\’t going to be our last…lol

  15. Crafty Spices Avatar

    They are really good, love the colors.
    I am sure the kids really liked them.
    My recent post States Of Matter Wordless Wednesday Hop 130

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes. The Kiddies and The Adults had a blast!! LOL… 😀

  16. Patrick Weseman Avatar

    Wow, the graphics are amazing. Happy Birthday to him. I am at the point where they just want money or a gift card for their birthday.
    My recent post Going to Travel Like it is 1895

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They really were! Even better in person…thank you so much! Yes, that\’s about where my Teenager is too…which is okay with me 😀

  17. Mystery Case Avatar
    Mystery Case

    Happy Birthday to your little one. Looks like his party was a whole lot of fun.
    My recent post One Perfect Day {Worth Casing Wednesday Link Up}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you. Yes, for all of us 😀

  18. stevebethere Avatar

    Haha! these are brilliant, a very happy birthday to him 🙂
    My recent post WW On A Tuesday – The Photographer

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! The colors were amazing! Have a great week 😀

  19. April G Avatar
    April G

    I'm supposed to be planning my son's birthday right now, but he's been getting in trouble so much in school, I'm struggling concentrating on getting things going. He loves to go eat sushi! Anything that ends or begins with sushi!
    My recent post jpeg vs png: When and How To Use It with Turn it Up Tuesday {72}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh trust me I know how that can be. I used to go back and forth with my oldest on if a party would even happen depending on his grades. He always pulled them up just in time…LOL Sushi!? Wow….a kid with good taste 😀

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