I’m The Kinda Girl Who…{you should get to know}

So I came across this really amazingly fun LinkUp called “I’m The Kinda Girl Who…” while scrolling through the Blogs I stalk follow through Bloglovin.  It is hosted by Holly from Hey, Hollywood and I think it is the best thing ever!  So, enough chatting from me and let’s get to the part where you find out that

I’m The Kinda Girl Who…

2012-08-03 21.13.48

♥tends to do a lot of duck faces or kissie pouts in my selfies.  it’s not intentional it just kinda happens. i guess i’m trying to send out a bit of love?

♥will watch en entire season (or 4) of a show that I find randomly on Netflix or whatever online stream site I have found this week.  I can’t help it.  If I like I want more…more…more.

♥eats as if food is going out of style.  no seriously I. Love. To. Eat. PERIOD.  I have no worries about if a girl should eat ‘like that’ if it’s good and I want some I want a lot.  sorry not sorry.

♥drinks way to much soda.  i know it and well i honestly don’t care.  i love my fizzy drinks and they love me.

♥plans things down to the last moment.  i try to consider every possible outcome and scenario to have a back up for each one.  this can be ummm time consuming and bit annoying to my spontaneous Hubby but hey…it’s me.

♥can’t shop alone.  i try i do. i will hover over a rack or item for 15-20 minutes debating if i should make the leap to the register. is this in style? does it look good? am i getting my money’s worth? i usually end up snapping a pic and sending it to Hubby (he’s my best shopping buddy) or going home and dragging him back with me.

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♥will stop reading for 6 months then read 12 books in less than 2 weeks.  i dunno.  i have phases.

♥has kept a journal since 4th grade and often goes back to see what i was thinking ‘way back then’.

♥checks everyone else’s grammar, punctuation, etc.  like right now i am dying inside with every keystroke because i am not using capital letters. but hey, YOLO right?  LOL

♥has a bad habit (yes i know it’s bad) of cutting people off when they talk because i’m so scared i may loose my thought by the time they finish theirs. i promise i’m trying to do better.

♥loves going for a nice country road ride with the Hubby on his motorcycle. it’s so calming and even though i get scared of the speed at times it’s still the good kinda scare.  an adrenaline rush.

♥is a tomboy on the inside with a pretty girlie coating on the outside.  who can’t love something with a bit of pink and sparkle and a great crunchy filling?

♥blushes a bit every time one of my 17 year old son’s friends thinks i’m his sister instead of his mom. i wonder how long before they stop?

♥tends to love hard and long.  if i love you i’m in it for the good and bad.  but if you cross me or abuse me…well….i’m too nice to be mean but i won’t be a doormat either.

♥uses sarcasm as my second language.  it can be hard at times because i think i may need to travel with an interpreter 😉

♥has a really nerdy sense of humor. i have a movie or song reference for any and every situation.  i will insert a song lyric with no thought to if anyone else will get it or not.

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♥i love socks.  like seriously it’s an issue.  i only have two feet. right now my current obsession is with the long knee socks.  they’re awesome! i even mix-match them at times 😀

♥watches and purses.  they kinda have a hold on me.  Hubby says i am taking over every closet.  i think that means i need one just for them, don’t you?

How much fun was this?  I am so excited and happy that I stumbled across it and can’t wait for the next one…maybe you can join in too!



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12 responses to “I’m The Kinda Girl Who…{you should get to know}”

  1. Laney Avatar

    I drink way too much soda too. Especially Coke and I dont care.. it's just good stuff. i'm sarcastic too and some folks hate it. I think that's why i almost cut folks off is b/c i'm scared i wont remember it later. and I love socks too. esp knee high tacky socks.
    My recent post What Are You Watching?

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I\’m trying with the soda but I think I may be with you…. starting not to care! LOL Isn\’t sarcasm fun? Well for us anyway… LOL 😀 HAHA! Maybe that\’s why I cut folks off too…I don\’t wanna loose my chance ! I just bought 6 pairs of socks the other day…it\’s an obsession…

      Thanks so much for coming by Laney!

  2. mamarabia Avatar

    I love socks too! I used to wear them a lot more often at my last job, but now I have a more professional dress code and sometimes I miss my socks.
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Lanaya from Raising Reagan

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I wear them everywhere! LOL I hide them under slacks, in boots, etc. It gives me that inner sense of silliness that can carry me through a crazy day… LOL

  3. Julia Avatar

    I really enjoyed reading this list. I love getting to know people through random tidbits about themselves! I can relate to many of these as well, especially the nerdy sense of humor and the love for socks!
    My recent post It's the Little Things: Best Friends

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was actually a lot of fun to get them all together. You\’d be surprised how much I didn\’t know about myself…LOL Thanks so much for coming by 😀

  4. upliftingfam Avatar

    This is a cool link up. 🙂 FYI, if you come across some mistakes in my posts, please feel free to email me and let me know. 😉 I am not the best but getting better on using proper grammar.
    My recent post Top 2 Formal Dresses That My Daughter Picked Out to Wear to the Military Ball

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was…so much fun!

      Oh My! I would never actually point out anyone\’s errors…the one time I did I would probably have more in my own post…LOL

  5. perfecttenn Avatar

    This remind me of when we did our #AskAwayFriday! Yet again, I feel like we are one in the same with so many of these. I love long knee socks, and have a lot of fun colors and patterns of them. I'm not even a big sock girl, but, I have a super soft spot in my heart for long knee socks. I sarcasm about 90% of the time too, thankfully I married a man who is too, so even if nobody else gets me, I know he will. I could go on and on…lol, but I lopve post ideas like this! 🙂
    My recent post My Struggle Lately…A Sleepless Baby, Daddy, & Mama!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…too funny! My sock thing was recently fueled by a Target Clearance…6 pair of knee socks…wait for it… $4.50 !!! I was having a socktopia!

      My sarcasm is so crazy…I don\’t know how to shut it off! My entire family is this way and at first my Hubby would be like dang they got issues…I\’m like what? They weren\’t serious silly! LOL

  6. irkedmommy Avatar


    I am guilty of the "duck face/kissy face" too. It just happens!
    My recent post Almost Wordless Wednesday…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…I know, it\’s almost involuntary. 😀

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