More Than Enough…

More Than Enough |

My Hubby is the type of man who no matter what the problem, situation, obstacle or setback he always figures out a way to save our family’s day. We never worry, fear or wonder whether we are at risk because we know that he will always be there. He has always been more than enough for us in love, deed and every way a husband and father should be.

More Than Enough |

Today we are celebrating 10 years of being married and having our Team as unite as a family but I am celebrating over 12 years of being in love with the best husband there is (no offense to the others out there but mine Rocks!) . He is my superhero. He doesn’t have a colorful costume or cool name. No secret identity or secret hideout. Instead he has worn the uniform of our nation, the hugs of my children and the kisses of a loving wife…and his super powers include using vaseline to heal almost anything, playing jokes on me I can never forget and creating a life for us full of adventures and wonderful memories that we are all grateful for.

So to my Hubby on this our 10th Anniversary, I say thank you for being my love, friend, confidant and the best husband and father I could ever pray for, you are so much more than enough!

To Us


I play this song every year during our Anniversary week and use it as my ringtone…

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We may have had our rainy days throughout our time together but standing and making it through those days is what has made us stronger…

This is definitely from back in the days but it’s still one of our favorite jams!

Love This Song! I totally think of my Hubby every time I hear it…

We are definitely music lovers so this is a short dedication to us, our love and our life together…10 Years and A Lifetime to Go! xoxoxo

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9 responses to “More Than Enough…”

  1. God Life Happy Wife Avatar

    Happy Anniversary! Thank God for all the great husbands out there. I hope you & your hubby enjoyed your special day! ~Sherri
    My recent post What Wives Wear Link Up:Week 15

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Sherri! It was a lovely day…full of family and love 🙂

  2. Mrs. AOK Avatar

    Happy Anniversary!!! I thought this was such a sweet post 🙂 My hubby & I just celebrated our 13 anniversary, I shared our soundtrack, but I forgot to add Tony, Toni, Tone on the list… Doh! I always sing that for anniversary 🙂 oh and for my BBF's Blogiversary 🙂
    All the best always!!!
    My recent post Mommy Monday #BlogHop {59}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Lovie!!! Congratulations to YOU!!! Isn\’t that song absolutely perfect? LOL Awww shucks Thank You… Xoxo

  3. Carrie775 Avatar

    Happy anniversary! I really have a great husband, too and I thank God everyday for him!
    My recent post This Month's Freezer Meal: Chocolate & Peanut Butter Ice Box Pie

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You Carrie!! A great husband is definitely a blessing!! 🙂

  4. Kathleen Avatar

    Dear Mrs. Tee
    I too thought that about my hubby, always there making everything all right, then one year he just left! The only "Man, Father, Husband etc is God through his Son Jesus. I use to say I have faith in John, and guess what he was taken away! May I suggest you put God first in your life and your husband (or praise to your hubby) second; miracles will happen and continue.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh Kathleen…don't misunderstand my praise for my hubby on this special day for a misplacement of my faith. I know that all things in our lives are only possible because of our faith and trust in God and HE is ALWAYS first in my life. Still, I believe in showing my appreciation for my husband in words and in actions and this day I wanted to make a special acknowledgment of all he is to me and our family. Thanks so much for coming by and have a blessed week.

    2. Mrs. AOK Avatar

      Hello Kathleen,
      I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you. However, I think, excuse me, I know MrsTee is a faithful person; this is her wedding anniversary, she is writing an open love letter to her husband.
      I think a simple congratulations would've been nice.
      All the best..

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