It’s Christmas Break…Now What!?!? iMommy To The Rescue!



Christmas break has started and that means the Kiddies are home…All Day!  This is a wonderful thing BUT it can also be the start of the search for things to keep them occupied.  I know as the Momma to 3 Kiddies under age 7 that the “Momma I’m Bored” starts pretty early on.  How can you help make these as far apart as possible?  I have a great solution!  The iMommy App by K&N Ventures, LLC!


The iMommy App is an App that gives your children the ability to care for, feed, clothe and play with their very own animated and full interactive ‘baby’.  This app has been designed with such attention to detail that the baby almost seems real!  All of my younger Kiddies were complete occupied with this App, from my 2 year old to my 6 year old…


The graphics are great and I really liked that you can pick your baby’s ethnicity, hair, clothing, etc.  My Kiddies loved being able to customize how each of their babies looked.  They even got to name them!

Some of the customization available to the iMommy LITE Version include:

eye color

Once they finished customizing our babies my Kiddies were amazed at the cool sounds that were within the App.  When I tell you that the baby sounds like a true live baby…there were times while my Kiddies were playing that I had to check and make sure a baby wasn’t in the house!

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Isn’t that the neatest? You can put your baby to sleep, cover them with a blanket, give them a toy and turn out the light!

That’s just one of the options you have to do with your baby. You get to select what room you want to play with your baby in.  The iMommy LITE Version includes:

kitchen, nursery, bath, changing area and



Each room has it’s own accessories and areas that your children can swipe and discovery even more features to.  I won’t share them all because honestly I think I had as much fun discovering what we could do as my Kiddies did!

If you want your Kiddies to be able to explore even more options, clothes, rooms, etc. you can go for the iMommy FULL Version which is reasonable at a cost of only $2.99! avaiolable on iTunes and for Android phones this App is accessible and affordable!

So here’s my advice: if you want a great way to keep your Kiddies occupied a bit during the Holidays while your wrap those last minute gifts, bake those final desserts or even catch a quick nap before you umm Santa makes his appearance the iMommy App is the way to go!


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6 responses to “It’s Christmas Break…Now What!?!? iMommy To The Rescue!”

  1. blogqueendiane Avatar

    Very interesting! My son is in grad school and we sure didn't have things like that when he was little. We did do the giga pets mentioned above when he was older, though.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It can be a challenge to find things to keep them active…but thank goodness for technology…LOL

  2. Brittnei Washington Avatar
    Brittnei Washington

    Oh my goodness. lol. This reminds me of the little giga pets we had when I was coming up. It was like a small keychain sized thing. You would take care of the pet, animal, dinosaur or whatever you chose and your "pet" could die if you didn't care for it regularly. 🙁 I loved playing with those though. It was so many types that came out. Guys and girls definitely had them though. I don't know if you remember them. 🙂
    My recent post Ask Away Friday with Rea from REAlity Bites

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! I totally remember those! I had a few that slowly beeped there way to a digital death somewhere in my closets…LOL

  3. Christy Garrett Avatar
    Christy Garrett

    This is a great app. I no longer have an iphone so my kids can't play it anymore. I also have a review of it on my blog. 🙂
    My recent post Rascal Woke Up With A Horrible Cough This Morning

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is…my Kiddies love it..

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