It’s Week {9} of Social Media Mixer Let’s Mix Things Up!

Social Media Mixer |

Welcome to the 9th week of the Social Media Mixer, a brand new social media link-up started when the Weekday Mixer and Social Media Sunday joined forces. Thank you to everyone who joined us for Week 8 – we had 135 blogs and numerous social media link-ups!

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The Social Media Mixer is all about networking and making connections. Also, you can gain exposure and increase your social media following! Link up your social media accounts and mix it up with some of the other linkers. Each week, the Weekday Mixer will start on Saturday nights at 8:00pm and go on until Thursday night at 11:59pm. One linker will be chosen each week each of the hosts and guest hosts and featured in the following week’s link-up! If chosen, a brief summary about yourself and your blog/website and all of your social media accounts will be featured. It’s a great way to stand out among the crowd!

Welcome your hosts!



Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Angel from Sew Crafty Angel | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | Teresa from Crafty Wife | Julia from Minivan Dreams | | Liz from Look by Liz Lewis | Kaitlyn from Three Sisters and Us | Shana from Technotini | Anni from Grapefruit Princess | Tiffany from Mrs Tee Love Life Laughter | Ce Ce from A Chicago Mom | Jillian from Baby Doodah | Holly from Southern Mom Loves

And welcome your guest hosts for July!

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Bonnie from LadyBlogger | Chelsea from That’s So Chelish… | Tara from Anything & Everything | Aysh from Words n Needles | Amanda from Old House to New Home | Krissy from Hot Commodity | Jen from Twenties Chic | Victoria from Giveaways 4 Mom | Maria from Simple Nature Decor | Breanna from Brepurposed

And here are the Featured bloggers from last week’s Social Media Mixer…

Victoria chose…

Maniac Mom

Maniac Mom

Hi! I’m Kristen! I’m a stay-at-home mom of one stupendous little boy, Chase (August 2012), and one stunning little girl, Skylar (February 2014). My favorite by far is my current occupation. I’m married to a wonderful man, Kyle, who makes it possible to do so. This was started as a memento for my children, so when they got older, they could learn more about me and the person I was as well as the mother I grew into. As time went on, it morphed into something much more. I suffer from depression and anxiety. I also show signs of a developing bi-polar condition and have gone through two stays at a mental health hospital. Through this site, I will share my journey though being a depressed mother and how I handle life. I’ve become an advocate and a supporter of making depression less taboo, less hidden, and I challenge people, not just moms, everywhere to break the silence. I’m also starting a campaign to bring it to the attention of the general public the massive amount of work needed to make the mental health care system better.

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Jillian and Ce Ce chose…

Real Housewife

The Diary of a Real Housewife

Hi! I’m Jennie, a wifey, mommy, and a child of God. And the girl behind the blog The Diary of a Real Housewife. Welcome to my little part of the world. I’m a stay at home mom who loves to write, cook, and spend time with my littles. I spend my days reading books to my boys, changing lots of diapers, folding loads and load and yeah more loads of laundry. And I wouldn’t change a thing about it. I love dancing around the kitchen with my kids, and hanging out at home with my hubby watching Netflix. I started this blog originally to keep family and friends updated with the boys (boy at the start) since my family lives hours away. My goal for my blog is today is to be a place for other moms to feel encouraged. I post super easy recipes that will hopefully help getting dinner on the table easier and try and post encouraging words to help moms understand that they are not alone in this journey!

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Holly chose…


Speaking of Everything

Speaking of Everything is a digital space designed to aid and inspire women everywhere to be fearless, dazzling and fabulous while finding the delicate balance between dreams and reality. We encourage our readers to blur the lines between affordability and extravagence, family and friends, and work and play in order to live a more fulfilling life.

Read This Too  Linking & Connecting At Turn It Up Tuesday!

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Tiffany chose…


Domain of the Mad Mommy

My name is Echo and I am the Mad Mommy. I am a 32 year old wife, mother, homeschooler, blogger and partial lunatic. I lost a bit of my mind years ago and then, lost the rest when I had children!

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Krissy chose…


The Rustic Willow

My name is Cat: The Cooker, Crafter, and Blogger over here at The Rustic Willow. I’m a twenty-something-year old living in New Orleans. I’m a huge believer in traveling to the unknown, exploring new places, and dreaming big–I’m currently doing all of those things while living down here in the bayou. I started this blog after I had some success with my Etsy shop where I sell hand-painted signs and photographs. After I began the shop I was taking over the house and kitchen table with wood, paints and crafts–shortly after, my sweet, sweet boyfriend devoted a room in his house to my crafts. A whole room! Since then, I haven’t wanted to stop crafting.

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Anni chose…


Crazily Normal

I started this blog back in June 2013 as a way of keeping touch with family and friends, both near and far, and as a way to write down my thoughts, feelings, and memories of our days as a family of 4 (of course I’m
including our first baby, Leaf). Life has been going in full speed since Palmer was born, and I don’t want to forget anything! So, I’ve picked up a (new) hobby; Photography! I try to capture our special moments, milestones, and everyday memories on camera.

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Maria chose…


North of Something

Hello, I’m Jamie! I currently live in Hawaii with my husband, who is in the Army, along with our three year old son. This blog is for people who love to travel, or haven’t traveled much but want to start, and also the reluctant traveler that may be moving to new parts of the world courtesy of the U.S. Military. As a military wife, I get to move around a lot to different homes in different cities, but no matter where we live, we are always north of something – always close enough to explore the culture and nature that surrounds us. And a big trip to a dreamed about destination every once in awhile is pretty great too! I write to inspire other travelers (and those who hope to) to explore the world and encounter the unknown with open hearts. This is the only life we get – let’s get out there and really SEE this beautiful world we live in.

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Teresa chose…


My Creative Days

Welcome to The Sassy Southerner, where life is sassy and full of adventure! This is a lifestyle blog about all the things that make me excited: love, travel, wine, food, lip gloss and everything in between. I ‘ m N i c o l e : a born and bred fiery Texan, college student, and wanna-be travel/food blogger. I believe in living life to the fullest, giving sweet kisses, star gazing often and soaking up the sun as much as possible. I am completely and utterly captivated by the ocean and the great outdoors. Fresh flowers and a good adventure make my heart sing, and I never leave the house without mascara and a good pair of earrings!

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Jen chose…


The Art of Sipping Coffee

Thanks for stopping by my blog! My name is Katelyn, the person behind all the writing. The Art of Sipping Coffee is a lifestyle blog about anything and everything. Whether it’s about health, art and design, travel, or my personal life, you can always expect great ideas and tips as well as something funny or interesting. I started The Art of Sipping Coffee lifestyle blog because it allows me to fulfill two of my many passions, writing and designing. This blog started out as a way to track our time abroad in Taiwan allowing our family and friends to share in our experiences. Then I changed my mind (like always) and decided that I didn’t only want to write about travel, but that I have many other things I would like to share with the world. I also wanted a blog that could evolve with me as time goes on. I wanted something that could change with my age and interests. Thus, The Art of Sipping Coffee.

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Read This Too  The Mommy Monday Blog Hop

Shana chose…


Crunchy, Crafty, and Highly Caffeinated

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Tara chose…


21 Random

I’m Chrissy – mom of 3 boys, Coastie wife, Design freak, handmade business owner, & coconut rum enthusiast.

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Aysh chose…



Finding Crystal

Hey y’all! My name is Crystal and I’m from the Upstate of South Carolina. I married my high school sweetheart and we have two furbabies. I have a degree in English and Psychology and had all the intentions in the world to be an English teacher. However, God had other plans for my life. I have lived with chronic health problems all of my life. These include several open heart surgeries, asthma, and depression with anxiety. Recently I was diagnosed with Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and chronic anemia. I have also struggled with losing weight and food addiction. I am an amateur blogger with a love for learning, animals, movies, a little too much TV, couponing, spending time with family, and writing. I am also a book devourer, Lupus warrior, social media addict, among many other titles.

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Natasha chose…

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Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

Welcome! I am Shaunacey. Wife to Brent (aka Mr. B), first-time mom to Annabelle (aka mini-me) and mom to fur-child, Lilo. I work full-time, love to cook and bake (and eat), love to shop, like to (try) and be crafty and LOVE to laugh. I am a fast-talker, deep-thinker and loud-laugher. It seems that I am either taking life too seriously or not seriously enough. As a first-time mom I feel like I don’t know what I am doing a lot of the time and I am learning ALL of the time. Even though I have no clue what I am doing, I love EVERY second. She makes it easy. Like everyone, I’m trying to find the perfect balance and I’m not there just yet. I want to be a great wife, mom, friend and employee and I want to look good doing it. That shouldn’t be that hard, right?

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Stop by and follow our featured bloggers! We’re sure you’ll love them as much as we do!

If you were featured above, feel free to share the badge below with pride on your blog or website!

Social Media Mixer
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Social Media Mixer" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Social Media Mixer" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Are you ready to start mixing it up?? Then, let’s go!

Make sure to add the button below to your sidebar to invite even more people to join the fun!

Epic Mommy Adventures
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


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1. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Host)  45. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  
2. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  46. Brown Earth Formula  
3. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Host)  47. Parenthood, The Good, the Bad & The Precious  
4. Teresa @ A Crafty Wife (Host)  48. Young Work at Home Moms  
5. Julia @ Mini Van Dreams (Host)  49. Oh My Heartsie Girl  
6. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Host)  50. Julie @ Home Is Where The Heart Is  
7. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Host)  51. Deborah @ Urban Naturale  
8. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Host)  52. Alycia//Crazily Normal  
9. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Host)  53. Diana @Parenting Meltdowns  
10. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Host)  54. CookingwithK  
11. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Host)  55. Carla @ Real Into  
12. Jillian @ Baby Doodah! (Host)  56. Laryssa @ Let's Talk Sakura Luxe  
13. Shana @ Technotini (Host)  57. Melanie Gets Married  
14. Aysh @ Words n Needles (Guest Host)  58. The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm  
15. Bonnie @ LadyBlogger (Guest Host)  59. Home. Made. Interest.  
16. Amanda @ Old House to New Home (Guest Host)  60. Serenity You  
17. Breanna @ Brepurposed (Guest Host)  61. Crystal from Finding Crystal  
18. Krissy @ Hot Commodity (Guest Host)  62. Kristina @ Cents and Order  
19. Victoria @ Giveaways 4 Mom (Guest Host)  63. Helen @Pleasures of the NW  
20. Tara @ Anything & Everything (Guest Host)  64. The Gluten Free Gourmet  
21. Chelsea @ That's So Chelish... (Guest Host)  65. Saving Everyday With Sonya K  
22. Maria @ Simple Nature Decor (Guest Host)  66. Bella's Shelf  
23. Jen @ Twenties Chic (Guest Host)  67. Meaghan @ 4 Sons 'R' Us  
24. Dot {ZzzonkOwl}  68. Shaunacey @ Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy  
25. Avie T @ All Things Avie  69. Cindy @ Psycho Suzy's Crazy Life  
26. Natalie Patalie  70. AmieJo @ life's little projects  
27. Amanda @ The Kolb Corner  71. April Noelle  
28. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom  72. Melissa @ HousePunkery punk up your lifestyle  
29. Sara @ A Bookish Life  73. Melissa @ More With Less Mom  
30. New Mama Diaries  74. Jas @ Rustic Luxury  
31. Chelsea @ Mommie and Wee  75. Lindsay at Life is Better in PINK  
32. Natasha in Oz  76. Just Mi!  
33. Keeping The Christmas Spirit Alive 365  77. Emily @ The Unextreme  
34. Natasha in Oz  78. Sara @ Mommy Summers  
35. Heather @ Krafts and Kiddos  79. Julie @ Grace Lace and Iron  
36. A Fresh Start On A Budget  80. whispering loudly  
37.  81. Jess | Dreaming of Leaving  
38. Nicole @ The Sassy Southerner  82. Dulce Photography & Design  
39. Michelle @ Ya Gotta Have a Hobby  83. Runwright  
40. Jen @West Street Story  84. Speaking of Everything  
41. Jen @ Simple Nails and Beauty  85. B is For...  
42. Lindsay @ My Creative Days  86. Annie @ Annie's Noms  
43. The Happy Creations  87. 702 Park Project  
44. Lauren@Lifeinthewilde  88. My Special Kind of Crazy  

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1. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Host)  39. Jen @ Simple Nails and Beauty  
2. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  40. Jen @ West Street Story  
3. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Host)  41. Lindsay @ My Creative Days  
4. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Host)  42. The Happy Creations  
5. Teresa @ A Crafty Wife (Host)  43. Lauren@life in the wilde  
6. Julia @ Mini Van Dreams (Host)  44. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  
7. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Host)  45. Giveaways 4 Mom  
8. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Host)  46. Brown Earth Formula  
9. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Host)  47. Karren @ Oh My Heartsie Girl  
10. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Host)  48. Julie @ Home Is Where The Heart Is  
11. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Host)  49. Deborah @ Urban Naturale  
12. Jillian @ Baby Doodah! (Host)  50. Alycia//Crazily Normal  
13. Shana @ Technotini (Host)  51. Cooking with K (Kay Little)  
14. Aysh @ Words n Needles (Guest Host)  52. Leslie @ The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm  
15. Bonnie @ LadyBlogger (Guest Host)  53. Home. Made. Interest.  
16. Amanda @ Old House to New Home (Guest Host)  54. Crystal from Finding Crystal  
17. Breanna @ Brepurposed (Guest Host)  55. Kristina @ Cents and Order  
18. Krissy @ Hot Commodity (Guest Host)  56. Julie's lifestyle  
19. Victoria @ Giveaways 4 Mom (Guest Host)  57. Fran/Bella's Shelf  
20. Tara @ Anything & Everything (Guest Host)  58. Meaghan @ 4 Sons 'R' Us  
21. Chelsea @ That's So Chelish... (Guest Host)  59. AmieJo @ life's little projects  
22. Maria @ Simple Nature Decor (Guest Host)  60. April Noelle  
23. Jen @ Twenties Chic (Guest Host)  61. Melissa @ More With Less Mom & HousePunkery  
24. ZzzonkOwl's Blog Pinterest Board  62. Lindsay Hilosky *LIFE is Better in PINK  
25. Pin & Share Your Blog Posts (my group board!)  63. Just Mi!  
26. Avie T @ All Things Avie  64. Emily @ The Unextreme  
27. Amanda @ The Kolb Corner  65. Julie @ Grace Lace and Iron  
28. Mila@Mila's Little Things  66. Diana @Parenting Meltdowns  
29. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom  67. kelly @ whispering loudly  
30. Sara @ A Bookish Life  68. Jess | Dreaming of Leaving  
31. New Mama Diaries  69. Dulce Photography & Design  
32. Chelsea @ Mommie and Wee  70. Runwright  
33. Natasha in Oz  71. Speaking of Everything  
34. Heather @ Krafts and Kiddos  72. Bernadyn @ B is For...  
35. A Fresh Start On A Budget  73. Annie @ Annie's Noms  
36. Stacy @  74. 702 Park Project  
37. Nicole @ The Sassy Southerner  75. My Special Kind of Crazy  
38. Michelle @ Ya Gotta Have a Hobby  76. Dawn @ Pin-n-tell  

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1. Tara @ Anything & Everything (Guest Host)  38. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  
2. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  39. Brown Earth Formula  
3. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Host)  40. Karren @ Oh My Heartsie Girl  
4. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Host)  41. Julie @ Home Is Where The Heart Is  
5. Teresa @ A Crafty Wife (Host)  42. Deborah Smikle-Davis @ Urban Naturale  
6. Julia @ Mini Van Dreams (Host)  43. Alycia//Crazily Normal  
7. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Host)  44. Diana @parentmeltdowns  
8. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Host)  45. CookingwithK  
9. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Host)  46. Mari @ Living in Mommywood  
10. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Host)  47. Leslie @ The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm  
11. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Host)  48. Crystal from Finding Crystal  
12. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Host)  49. Home. Made. Interest.  
13. Jillian @ Baby Doodah! (Host)  50. Helen @Pleasures of the NW  
14. Shana @ Technotini (Host)  51. brklynhousewife - Julie's LIfestyle  
15. Aysh @ Words n Needles (Guest Host)  52. Bella's Shelf  
16. Bonnie @ LadyBlogger (Guest Host)  53. Shaunacey @ Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy  
17. Breanna @ Brepurposed (Guest Host)  54. Cindy  
18. Krissy @ Hot Commodity (Guest Host)  55. Kristina @ Cents and Order  
19. Victoria @ Giveaways 4 Mom (Guest Host)  56. April Noelle  
20. Maria @ Simple Nature Decor (Guest Host)  57. Sincerely,Kida  
21. Avie T @ All Things Avie  58. Melissa @ HousePunkery  
22. Amanda @ The Kolb Corner  59. Melelissa @ More With Less Mom  
23. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom  60. Jas @ Rustic Luxury  
24. Sara @ A Bookish Life  61. Just Mi!  
25. Tenns @ New Mama Diaries  62. Emily @ The Unextreme  
26. Keeping The Christmas Spirit Alive 365  63. Lindsay at Life is Better in PINK  
27. Heather @ Krafts and Kiddos  64. Julie @ Grace Lace and Iron  
28. A Fresh Start On A Budget  65. Diana @Parenting Meltdowns  
29. Stacy @  66. whispering loudly  
30. Nicole @ The Sassy Southerner  67. Jess | Dreaming of Leaving  
31. Michelle @ Ya Gotta Have a Hobby  68. Ms. FatFoodie  
32. Jen @ West Street Story  69. Speaking of Everything  
33. Jen @ Simple Nails and Beauty  70. Bernadyn @ B is For...  
34. Lindsay @ My Creative Days  71. Annie @ Annie's Noms  
35. Alex B. - Funky Jungle - @elaryen  72. Sarah @ 702 Park Project  
36. The Happy Creations  73. My Special Kind of Crazy  
37. Lauren@Life In the Wilde  74. Brittany @ The Realistic Optimist  

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1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  36. Michelle @ Ya Gotta Have a Hobby  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Host)  37. Jen @ It's my Life  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Host)  38. Jen @ Simple Nails and Beauty  
4. Teresa @ A Crafty Wife (Host)  39. Jen @ West Street Story  
5. Julia @ Mini Van Dreams (Host)  40. Lindsay @ My Creative Days  
6. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Host)  41. Life In The Wilde on Bloglovin'  
7. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Host)  42. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  
8. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Host)  43.  
9. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Host)  44. Oh My Heartsie Girl  
10. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Host)  45. Deborah @ Urban Naturale  
11. Jillian @ Baby Doodah! (Host)  46. Alycia//Crazily Normal  
12. Shana @ Technotini (Host)  47. Cooking with K  
13. Aysh @ Words n Needles (Guest Host)  48. Mari @ Living in Mommywood  
14. Bonnie @ LadyBlogger (Guest Host)  49. Melanie Gets Married  
15. Amanda @ Old House to New Home (Guest Host)  50. the Crafty Side Of Sarcasm  
16. Krissy @ Hot Commodity (Guest Host)  51. Home. Made. Interest.  
17. Victoria @ Giveaways 4 Mom (Guest Host)  52. Helen@Gluten Free Gormet  
18. Tara @ Anything & Everything (Guest Host)  53. Julie's lifestyle  
19. Chelsea @ That's So Chelish... (Guest Host)  54. Bella's Shelf  
20. Maria @ Simple Nature Decor (Guest Host)  55. Shaunacey @ Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy  
21. Jen @ Twenties Chic (Guest Host)  56. Cindy @ Psycho Suzy's Crazy Life  
22. ZzzonkOwl {Etsy-related}  57. Kristina @ Cents and Order  
23. Avie T @ All Things Avie  58. April Noelle  
24. Natalie Patalie  59. Melissa @ HousePunkery  
25. Amanda @ The Kolb Corner  60. Melissa @ More With Less Mom  
26. Sierra & Faith@Winks and Eyerolls  61. Just Mi!  
27. Mila@Mila's Little Things  62. Emily @ The Unextreme  
28. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom  63. Lindsay Hilosky at LIFE is Better in PINK!  
29. Sara @ A Bookish Life  64. Julie @ Grace Lace and Iron  
30. New Mama Diaries  65. whispering loudly  
31. Chelsea @ Mommie and Wee  66. Jess | Dreaming of Leaving  
32. Heather @ Krafts and Kiddos  67. Runwright  
33. A Fresh Start On A Budget  68. Bernadyn @ B is For...  
34. Stacy @  69. Annie @ Annie's Noms  
35. Nicole @ The Sassy Southerner  70. Sarah @ 702 Park Project  

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1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  30. Lindsay @ My Creative Days  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Host)  31. Alex B. @ Funky Jungle  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Host)  32. Life In The Wilde on Insta  
4. Teresa @ A Crafty Wife (Host)  33. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  
5. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Host)  34. Brown Earth Formula  
6. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Host)  35. Julie @ Home Is Where The Heart Is  
7. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Host)  36. Alycia//Crazily Normal  
8. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Host)  37. CookingwithK  
9. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Host)  38. Laryssa @ Let's Talk Sakura Luxe  
10. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Host)  39. Leslie @ The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm  
11. Jillian @ Baby Doodah! (Host)  40. Home. Made. Interest.  
12. Shana @ Technotini (Host)  41. Crystal from Finding Crystal  
13. Breanna @ Brepurposed (Guest Host)  42. brklynhousewife - Julie's LIfestyle  
14. Krissy @ Hot Commodity (Guest Host)  43. Starbryte76/Bella's Shelf  
15. Victoria @ Giveaways 4 Mom (Guest Host)  44. April Noelle  
16. Avie T @ All Things Avie  45. Just Mi!  
17. Natalie Patalie  46. Emily @ The Unextreme  
18. Mila@Mila's Little Things  47. Lindsay Hilosky at LIFE is Better in PINK!  
19. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom  48. Julie @ Grace Lace and Iron  
20. Sara @ A Bookish Life  49. Diana @Parenting Meltdowns  
21. Tenns @ New Mama Diaries  50. whispering loudly  
22. Chelsea @ Mommie and Wee  51. Jess | Dreaming of Leaving  
23. Heather @ Krafts and Kiddos  52. Ms. FatFoodie  
24. A Fresh Start On A Budget  53. Speaking of Everything  
25. Nicole @ The Sassy Southerner  54. Bernadyn @ B is For...  
26. Michelle @ Ya Gotta Have a Hobby  55. Annie @ Annie's Noms  
27. Jen @ It's my Life  56. Sarah @ 702 Park Project  
28. Jen @ West Street Story  57. My Special Kind of Crazy  
29. Jen @ Simple Nails and Beauty  

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1. Aysh @ Words n Needles (Guest Host)  33. Jen @ West Street Story  
2. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  34. Jen @ Simple Nails and Beauty  
3. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Host)  35. Lindsay @ My Creative Days  
4. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Host)  36. The Happy Creations  
5. Teresa @ A Crafty Wife (Host)  37. Alex B. @ Funky Jungle  
6. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Host)  38. Life In the Wilde on Google+  
7. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Host)  39. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  
8. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Host)  40. Deborah Smikle-Davis @ Urban Naturale  
9. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Host)  41. Alycia//Crazily Normal  
10. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Host)  42. Kay Little (Cooking with K)  
11. Jillian @ Baby Doodah! (Host)  43. Mari @ Living in Mommywood  
12. Bonnie @ LadyBlogger (Guest Host)  44. Carla @ Real Into  
13. Amanda @ Old House to New Home (Guest Host)  45. Leslie @ The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm  
14. Breanna @ Brepurposed (Guest Host)  46. Home. Made. Interest.  
15. Krissy @ Hot Commodity (Guest Host)  47. Crystal from Finding Crystal  
16. Victoria @ Giveaways 4 Mom (Guest Host)  48. Julie's Lifestyle  
17. Tara @ Anything & Everything (Guest Host)  49. Fran/Bella's Shelf  
18. Chelsea @ That's So Chelish... (Guest Host)  50. Cindy @ Psycho Suzy's Crazy Life  
19. Maria @ Simple Nature Decor (Guest Host)  51. Kristina @ Cents and Order  
20. Jen @ Twenties Chic (Guest Host)  52. AmieJo @ life's little projects  
21. Dot @ ZzzonkOwl {Etsy-related!}  53. April Noelle  
22. Avie T @ All Things Avie  54. Melissa @ HousePunkery  
23. Amanda @ The Kolb Corner  55. Jas @ Rustic Luxury  
24. Mila@Mila's Little Things  56. Melissa @ More With Less Mom  
25. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom  57. Just Mi!  
26. New Mama Diaries  58. Emily @ The Unextreme  
27. Natasha in Oz  59. Lindsay Hilosky at LIFE is Better in PINK!  
28. Keeping The Christmas Spirit Alive 365  60. Julie @ Grace Lace and Iron  
29. Heather @ Krafts and Kiddos  61. Jess | Dreaming of Leaving  
30. A Fresh Start On A Budget  62. Bernadyn @ B is For...  
31. Stacy @  63. Annie @ Annie's Noms  
32. Michelle @ Ya Gotta Have a Hobby  64. Sarah @ 702 Park Project  

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Do you have another social media account that is not mentioned above? Then, link it up here! Make sure to put the social media type in parentheses. 

Ex. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (StumbleUpon)

If there are enough links from one type, I will include as a separate list on next week's post.

1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (LinkedIn)  18. Victoria @ Giveaways 4 Mom (LinkedIn)  
2. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (StumbleUpon)  19. Tenns @ New Mama Diaries {StumbleUpon}  
3. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Sverve)  20. Tenns @ Sweet Face Studio {Etsy}  
4. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (LinkedIn)  21. Natasha in Oz @ Hometalk  
5. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Tumblr)  22. Stacy @ (Sverve)  
6. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Etsy)  23. Stacy @ (StumbleUpon)  
7. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Sverve)  24. Life In The Wilde on YouTube  
8. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (LinkedIn)  25. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy (Sverve)  
9. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Flickr)  26. Crystal from Finding Crystal (Sverve)  
10. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Foursquare)  27. Bella's Shelf (GOODREADS)  
11. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (LinkedIn)  28. Melissa @ HousePunkery  
12. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (StumbleUpon)  29. Jas @ Rustic Luxury (Etsy)  
13. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Tumblr)  30. Just Mi! (StumbleUpon)  
14. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (YouTube)  31. B is For... (Stumbleupon)  
15. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Networked Blogs)  32. B is For... (Sverve)  
16. Victoria @ Giveaways 4 Mom (StumbleUpon)  33. Sarah @ 702 Park Project (Sverve)  
17. Victoria @ Giveaways 4 Mom (YouTube)  

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4 responses to “It’s Week {9} of Social Media Mixer Let’s Mix Things Up!”

  1. Carla Avatar

    Thanks for the link up! This is really the only one I participate in. It's just that good. 🙂
    My recent post The Skinny: July 2014

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So glad to have you Carla!!! Wow that means a lot – Thanks!

  2. irkedmommy Avatar

    Thank you so much for choosing me as a featured blogger! I am so excited!
    My recent post 3 Years Ago…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Anytime 😀 Thanks for sharing such a great post with us!!!

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