I’ve Got A New Buddy! #AskAwayFriday With Bernadyn!

I've Got A New Buddy! #AskAwayFriday | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

That’s right folks! I’ve got a buddy and her name is Bernadyn from B is For… We are talking a bit about writing, fashion, photography and family vacations in this week’s #AskAwayFriday…

I've Got A New Buddy! #AskAwayFriday | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County who will again be joining us from time to time, as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!

Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…


Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Amber from Bold Fit Mom


Please join us in welcoming the amazing and wonderful Sonya from Saving Everyday with Sonya K as our new two week co-host!


Sonya from Saving Everyday With Sonya K. has a knack for finding sales, deals and ways to save that will make you wonder and make your pockets happy. Be sure to stop by her place for the latest of her finds and a few tips on how to find your own savings as well.

So…grab our button, follow our amazing hosts and co-host, hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!

On To The Questions!

I've Got A New Buddy! #AskAwayFriday | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

1. What is your favorite topic to write about on your blog?
My Life. The good, the bad, the crazy and the ME! I love writing from my day to day experiences. It’s always fun to have a review, bit of fashion or sponsored post here and there still I always want my blog to be a place where I can share my thoughts.

2. I see you are a girl scouts leader, what is your favorite girl scouts cookie?

Well unfortunately I won’t be leading this year. Still I am always a Girl Scout (and so are my Girls) and we will ALWAYS be Girl Scout Cookie Fans! My favorite cookie is definitely the Peanut Butter Pattie…I can seriously eat a box on my own…LOL My Kiddies love the Thanks-A-Lots (each cookie has a different name in different regions) these are shortbread cookies coated in chocolate on the bottom.

3. You were raised by your grandmother and she sounds like an amazing woman, what is your favorite thing about her and what is the most memorable moment you remember when you lived with her?

Yes! She was and is amazing. Her spunk! My Grandmother is barely 5 feet tall (she misses it by an inch) but she will protect and defend her family like the giant she feels she is inside.
My most memorable moment with her was when I was in elementary school and this click of girls decided that I wasn’t their favorite person. They started to pick at me for no real reason and even though I tried to just ignore it my Grandmother worked at the school and She. Saw. All.  One day she walked up to them and told them if they didn’t like me that was fine but they Were NOT going to torture me because of it. She then told them if any of them had an issue with that to send their parents her way. Well one of them did!
This woman came to school the next day looking for my Grandmother. My school wasn’t in the great part of town and this woman looked like she could handle herself. Well after she sent someone to get my Grandmother from inside I figured it was time to eat crow. Nope. Not my Grandmother. She walked her 4 feet 11 inches right up to this woman who had to be at least 5’9″ and told her she was the person she was looking for. She proceeded to tell her that her daughter was being a bully and it needed to stop. She asked her if she had a problem with that or her telling her so that she could let her know and they could figure something out. I’m not sure what else was said but by the end of that school year my Grandmother was not only babysitting that same girl but her mother was seeking advice from her and calling her Miss.

4. What type of clothing or fashion accessories are you looking forward to wearing when the weather becomes cooler?

Oooh! This is so funny because I just started my Fall Fever Pinterest Board. I can’t wait to pull out my boots, skinny jeans, sweaters, hoodies and scarfs!

Follow MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter’s board Fall Fever on Pinterest.

5. Some weeks I’m more organized than other weeks when it comes to my blogging schedule and sticking to it.

What is your blogging and vlogging process like, do you often already have posts ready to go?
I try my best to stay really organized especially since I Host and CoHost a few LinkUps and Hops so keeping up with those can be a bit hectic. Still there are days weeks when things can just get away from me. I may Vlog or Blog once instead of twice a week. Usually when I know I have a crazy week of family things coming up I try to prepare. I’ll tape 3-4 Vlogs ahead of time and do the same with posts. This way should time run away from me I have a bit of a cushion to fall back on. It helps a lot.

6. Your family trip to Disney looks like such a great time!  We still have not gone there as a family.

Is there anything you would do differently for next trip?
It was SO much fun! I gave you guys a day to day Disney recap but there was so much more that I never even mentioned. Definitely a vacation to remember!
I would definitely plan things out a bit more ahead of time. I did a lot of research before we left for Disney but we still felt like we were flying blind the first few days we were there. So just trying to be a bit more informed and organized wherever we go will definitely be on my priority list.

MrsTee In Disnay {A Series} | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
7. Where would you like to go for your next big family trip?

We actually want to go back to Disney but that will probably not happen for the next few year. Before then we would like to go Great Wolf Lodge and Medieval Times. They both are on our Family Places To See lists 😀
We actually went to Great Wolf Lodge during my Hubby’s leave during Deployment and the Kiddies loved it. My son wasn’t born yet though and we want to go back again so that they can all experience it and make more lasting memories. It is really family friendly and a great place to go all year round for watermark fun and adventures.
Medieval Times is somewhere I went as a teen and I really loved the experience and want to share that with my Kiddies.

8. You’re learning more about photography,
what is your favorite type of photo to capture?

The candid moments. The ones where you’re not posed, ready or even thinking about the camera at all. I love capturing my family and Kiddies in the midst of a laugh, giggle or hug. Those are the memories I want to keep forever and my camera makes that possible.

Nikon Girl Reflection
9. What are two things in your life right now
that you wish you had more time to do?

Blog and Travel.
I blog when I can but it is always in spurts. Either 4 hours straight while Hubby is out with the Kiddies or in 10 – 15 minute increments in between keeping up with the Kiddies, housework and family. I’d real like to have something like office hours where I have a dedicated amount of time each day and week just for my Blog.
Hubby and I are drooling over passports and exotic destinations. I am waiting for my Kiddies to get old enough where I don’t feel like a wreck in leaving them and especially in going more than 2 hours away from them. I am so excited to explore and have a few adventures that are just for Hubby and I.


Read This Too  #AskAwayFriday W/Rabia From The Lieber Family

10. For me, I still feel like I have so much to learn
when it comes to social media.

Which one is your favorite social media network to engage with others and why?

TWITTER! I love me some Twitter! I can start a conversation, meet a new friend or promote a new post all in 140 characters or less and I love every keystroke! LOL

I have fun with all of my Social Media but Twitter is definitely my first love. I started research on being a Blogger through Twitter, I made my first connections there and I have met some of the most amazing people all through those mini chats we have one tweet at a time. It’s awesome!

Bernadyn gave me some really fun and thoughtful questions and I had a blast meeting and getting to know my new Buddy this week! Don’t forget to head over and check out her answers to my questions at B Is For…

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20 responses to “I’ve Got A New Buddy! #AskAwayFriday With Bernadyn!”

  1. alesheadominique Avatar

    Nikon and Girl Scouts oh yes ma'am we can be frans
    My recent post Campus Books

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      2 of my favorite things for sure…LOL

  2. modernjune Avatar

    I love this! It was great really diving in and getting to know her! I can't wait to follow along with her blog!
    My recent post Last Call for two giveaways! R&R Games – Monthly Giveaway

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Glad you could come by and visit a bit…if you ever want to take part in an #AskAwayFriday just let me know or stop by the FB Group Page 😀 http://facebook.com/groups/askawayfriday

  3. anallievent Avatar

    I always enjoy going behind the scene and getting to know bloggers a little bit better! Great questions and answers!
    My recent post Pretty Pintastic Party Time

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      it can be really fun! I love sharing a bit more every week…thanks for coming by Alli 😀

  4. Poised in Print Avatar
    Poised in Print

    I love Nikon and Girl Scouts as well. This is a really in depth post. I appreciate meeting the new people every week.
    My recent post Around the Water Cooler with Puddles

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I am definitely a Nikon girl…I love my camera and still enjoy exploring all the features and options. Thanks! Bernadyn definitely gave me some really great questions to answer and have fun with. It is really fun to share a bit more each week. Perhaps you can join in the #AAF fun sometime 😀

  5. upliftingfam Avatar

    Great Wolf lodge is a ton of fun. It has been a long time since we went there too. I would love to get media passes. 😉
    My recent post #ASKAWAYFriday Come Join in the Fun and Make Some New Friends

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It truly is! I can\’t wait to go back 😀

  6. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    I loved reading the story about your Grandmother. It is great that she let it be known that you were not to be tortured.
    I think I feel the same way about Disney and I've been seven times so far, but there are different parks and so much to see at each park.
    My recent post The Limited Coupon $10 Off $10 or more Purchase

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      She’s my own little defender…lol

      7 times! Love it…I am already hoping and wishing for our next visit 😀

  7. Ana Lynn Amelio Avatar
    Ana Lynn Amelio

    Your grandmother sounds like an awesome woman! I was primarily raised by my grandmother and I feel closer to her than my own mother but that's entirely different story! I'd love to visit Disney and Medieval Times, I think both Frank and I would lots of fun there!
    My recent post Ask Away Friday With Tamara – The Newlyweds Style

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      She truly is. She raised me from the time I was 3 months and I feel the same way as you….also another story 😀 You should definitely go…it is fun for the whole family!

  8. Bernadyn Avatar

    Love your answers! That story with your grandmother is priceless, definitely something to remember. I've never been to Medieval Times but always wanted to go. It's on our list, too but just waiting until our youngest is a little older. Love your Fall Pinterest Board; can't wait to wear scarfs and skinny jeans again!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Bernadyn! This was such a fun swap and I loved your questions! She is definitely a little spit-fire of a woman and I love her for it…LOL Yes, definitely wait until they can actually remember it but then go for sure…so much fun! Thanks! I am so ready for my boots and sweaters 😀

  9. tamaralikecamera Avatar

    I am so going to your Fall Fever board immediately after this. I think we have similar fall styles!
    Also that story about your grandmother is AMAZING.
    My recent post It’s Time For The Newlywed Game!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Tamara! I had so much fun making it and can’t wait to start wearing my fall clothes again…Summer was fun but I love that brisk air and my scarfs and jeans 😀 Haha…thanks – she’s my little hot head 😀

  10. ssgannett Avatar

    Awesome swap! I love the story about your grandmother! She definitely sounds like my kind of woman! I always love the Thin Mints and the Peanut Butter sandwich cookies! Yummy! I would love to go to Medieval Times, but boy they are costly! Next year I would love to try to make it to the Bristol Renessaince Faire in Wisconsin, I know that the kids would absolutely love it! Hope you have a great rest of the week!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday Movie Edition with Echo from The Domain of the Mad Mommy!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks, Bernadyn gave me some fun questions for sure! Yeah, she\’s a mess. Fiesty and compact…LOL Yes, Medieval Times is a bit pricey but hopefully we can get it done before the kiddies are grown… 😀 Happy #AskAwayFriday!

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