Sometimes being an adult means you have to do things that you may not want to and that may even scare you. In those moments the only way I get through is to be my most brave version of myself…
Bravery can be called upon in big situations and small ones. For me I am my bravest when I have to step outside my comfort zone. It may be hard to believe but I’m not naturally a social person. I thrive in my solitude and being surrounded by people, moments and actions sometimes means calling on all my bravery.
To try and pinpoint my most recent story of bravery would be a bit difficult simply because I think I am my bravest me nearly everyday. Starting that awkward conversation with the new neighbor or making that first call to a new contact. Even something as simple as bringing my Kiddies to a new activity. Finding the courage to do things like this while not passing my anxiety on to my Kiddies are mini victories in my life.
Now don’t get me wrong. I love people. I love social events and I even love the connections I make but those first moments are always my most insecure and scary. Will I say the right thing, make the best first impression? How will they perceive me? Only when I call am my most brave can I do this with ease. Thank goodness for bravery!
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