#KiddieLogic | 2 Girls 1 Boy

#KiddieLogic | 2 Girls 1 Boy | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

There are days when the things that my Kiddies say are no less than amazing, brilliant and hilarious all at the same time! Those are the days I wish I could have a camera or at least a recorder to capture the pure #KiddieLogic that they share at some of the most random moments.

So, like every great Blogger Mom, I have figured out how to jot them down and make them into a great post – like when my 5 year old started Kindergarten and came home with tons of School Days #KiddieLogic or when my 3 year old Buddie decided that in the game of Good Guys vs. Bad Guys my Hubby’s winning was a #KiddieLogic no brainer!

This time I’ve decided to include a bit of my 7 year olds musings and oh so very logical thoughts as well in this edition of #KiddieLogic I’m going to call 2 Girls 1 Boy…


2 Girls

Baby Girlie (5)
Have you ever gotten yellow when you were in kindergarten?
Big Girlie (7)
No. I don’t do yellow. It’s red or super star. No yellow. Momma doesn’t take yellow.
Baby Girlie (5)
I know a few kids who got yellow.
Big Girlie (7)
You stay away from them. They’ll bring you down.
Baby Girlie (5)
Do teachers try to stop you from making superstar?
Big Girlie (7)
No. They don’t do that
Baby Girlie (5)
Mine does. She knew I was trying to get that last point and she just wouldn’t give it to me.
Big Girlie (7)
How do you know she knew? Maybe she didn’t.
Baby Girlie (5)
She knew. She knew.
Baby Girlie (5)
Listing the things she wants for her birthday.
I want a daughter who wants less.
Big Girlie (7)
Whoa Daddy that was just mean. You should be grateful for what you have.


1 Boy

Buddie (3)
I know why I have to listen to Mothers
Buddie (3)
Because they are always right and only lie a little bit.

3yr old Buddie jumping and running around

You need to chill out
more jumping and running around
Buddie (3)
Oh! Does ‘chill out’ mean stop?
Yes. Yes It does.
Playing video games. 
Buddie (3)
Daddy I just beat a bazillion bad guys!
Wow I don’t even know how many that is!
Buddie (3)
Well we’ll just call it 11 then. Since you don’t know –  lets just call it 11.


Read This Too  When The Kiddies Are Away…

Do your Kiddies ever say things that just make you pause for a minute? 

If so, welcome to the land of #KiddieLogic

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23 responses to “#KiddieLogic | 2 Girls 1 Boy”

  1. Vashti Quiroz-Vega Avatar
    Vashti Quiroz-Vega

    Ah, ha, ha, ha! You had me rolling on the floor laughing. Those kids are too much! Buddie is a trip, 'Oh, does 'chill out' mean stop?' I love it! 😀
    My recent post Haiku Friday – Happy Holidays

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LMBO…they had me doing the same!! 😀 Thanks for coming by Vashti!

  2. Parent Your Business Avatar
    Parent Your Business

    One of the things I like about blogging is I've been able to capture some of these moments I would otherwise forget. They are priceless.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! I love that too, I don\’t think I would note them the same if I weren\’t blogging 😀

  3. karen Avatar

    love this, Dino says some doozies and whoppers that make me just laugh. It's great how they think and work it all out.
    My recent post Just Finished Reading…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I think all of us have those moments we just have no words to their words…LOL

  4. @MWfiresidechats Avatar

    This is so adorable! I don't have any kids to share in Kiddie Logic yet, but when my sister was little she would say some doozies. One time, we were having a conversation over Apples to Apples, and my sister busted out with, "my kids will never eat canned Parmesan!!!" She was very emphatic about it, even though that thought had absolutely nothing to do with our conversation…

    Thanks for sharing with Hump Day Happenings!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Haha…siblings totally count. I think the way a young mind sees things can be so fun! Thanks for hosting!

  5. PinkNoam Avatar

    Oh for the simple outlook of a child! Wouldn't life be so much more fun if we all thought like this? Thanks for a fun read 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It surely would…. Thank you for coming by! 😀

  6. The Posh Blog Avatar
    The Posh Blog

    just too cute!! LOL

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! Thanks Girl…they definitely keep me thinking 🙂

  7. melaniejoysm Avatar

    Hahahah Mrs. Tee!! I love love love this post! 🙂 I can just see the kiddos saying all of this! I love it! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank Melanie!! They are a laugh a minute sometimes 🙂

  8. Jeanae Avatar

    So funny! It is so amazing to see how their minds work, and what things they take literally.
    My recent post What to Read: Christmas Books

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Jeanaee!!! It truly is awesome to see…

  9. tammya1999 Avatar

    how cute!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Tammy…they definitely make me laugh 🙂

  10. mommytalkshow Avatar

    Yes, my 4 year old is incredibly observant and makes the funniest observations!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Kids see stuff in such an amazing way…I love hearing their takes on things 🙂

  11. cosmosmariners Avatar

    Hahaha! I LOVE this! Moms only lie a little bit–awesome! 🙂
    My recent post 5 Charleston Activities to Get You in the Holiday Spirit

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Somedays I have absolutely no words for the things they say…LOL 😀

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