#KiddieLogic | Life Advice and Randomness

#KiddieLogic | Life Advice and Randomness

There are times when the things that come out of my Kiddies mouths go from hilarious to straight out baffling. I’ve shared their theories of Good Guys vs. Bad Guys, School Days and even how they feel about being siblings. Today I’m giving a bit of #KiddieLogic on all things Life Advice and Randomness…

KiddieLogic - June

Buddie {3 years old}


“You know you should be glad about something”

“That we don’t have a dog”
Why would I be glad about that?
“Because they leave poo and we would have to clean it up. Oh. Yeah by the way… I don’t think I want a dog anymore. “


In dressing room with 4yr old Buddie
“Momma you know you’ve got a big bootie, right?”
Blank stare
“It’s ok. Don’t worry…Daddy likes it. “


I’m not tired. I just go to sleep to make waking up come faster. 

Baby Girlie {6 years old}


“Momma what do we have to do tonight?”
“Uhhhh my WHOLE LIFE is cheerleading!! “


Part of a conversation with Buddie

“Oh yeah. Homework. You need to know about that. It’s hard. On my first day of school I didn’t know WHAT to do!! “


To TheTeenager

“You can’t get a job”

Why Not?

“How will I be able to boss you around?”


Big Girlie {7 years old}


“You know as the Big Sister you have to listen to me no matter what.”

Baby Girlie: What if Momma is here?

Read This Too  To Be Well…

“Okay well No Matter What unless Momma is here…Got It?”


“Didn’t you know? Naps are for babies. I’m almost 9 that’s why I can stay awake until the day goes away. Yup. No naps for me”


Baby Girlie to TheTeenager
Does your face hurt?
Why because I have a bump?
Baby Girlie
Big Girlie
He’s okay. It’s not that hideous. 

What have your Kiddies said lately that left you wondering where they get their logic from?

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6 responses to “#KiddieLogic | Life Advice and Randomness”

  1. Jenny Evans Avatar
    Jenny Evans

    Great quotes. And your 3-year-old's comment is EXACTLY why I don't want a dog. (Well, that and the fact that they chew up my stuff and we have to get a babysitter to go anywhere and they leave a big mess everywhere and you have to feed and exercise them every day… that's why I had children!)
    My recent post Travel the World with Your Kids for Free This Summer

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Jenny! LOL… me too! I always say I don\’t need anymore booties to clean…LOL

  2. Karen Avatar

    OH MAN…laughing out loud for real…such cute conversations and advice.
    My recent post Book Review Blog Hop #7

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! Thanks Karen…they definitely keep my days from being boring 🙂

  3. Lowanda J Avatar

    Lol, I can tell there is never ending laughter in your house. I miss that since the "teenagers" decided they no longer wanted to be that and decided to turn into 21 year old men. Ughhh…I love this post. I could picture everyone saying each part. Too cute!
    My recent post Currently…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes Lowanda…laughter and moments of no words…LOL Sometimes I just sit there because I don\’t even have a response… 😀 My Teenager still has a few moments but I am definitely enjoying the Kiddies while I can 😀

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