#KiddieLogic | School Days

#KIddieLogic School Days | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

So we are officially about a month into the school year and to say it has been a bit of an adventure would be putting it lightly. My Kiddies are notorious for their logic and twist on everyday things but factor in an entire day at school and sometimes the things I hear are just too much for one Momma to process.  Here are just a few of the tales and stories of my Baby Girlie’s school #KiddieLogic…

#KIddieLogic School Days | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com



1 Week Before School

“Are you sure I really need to do this school thing?”

Yes. I’m sure.

“It’s just because you know they teach all that stuff on TV, right? I really don’t need to leave the house.”


First Day of School

Left home with her standard white uniform polo shirt.

Returns home with a big brown stain on the front of white uniform polo shirt.

What happened?

“The chocolate milk didn’t want to open for me. I had to force it.”


Second Day of School

I successfully bleached out the chocolate milk in time for school the next day

Left home nice white and bright.

Returns home with extra large blue ink stain on previously white and bright uniform polo shirt.

What happened?

“I colored with a marker but had no where to wipe my hands.”


Third Day of School

Gave up on white polo shirt and opted for dark red

Left home clean and full from a with a healthy breakfast.

Returns home still clean! Woot-Woot! BUT…

“Momma guess what happened at breakfast?”

Breakfast? You ate before you left.

“I know but they offered it to me. I couldn’t say no.”

Okay, what happened?

“I poured apple juice on my cereal.”


“I can’t read remember? All the boxes look like milk boxes.”

Umm, yeah I guess so.

“Yeah. I’ll be glad when I get this reading thing down, cereal does not taste good with apple juice.”

Fourth Day of School

Momma guess where we had recess today?


“In the playground. It has sand, look!”

Proceeds to take off shoes and dump a hefty pile of sand on my floor – From. Each. Shoe.

Read This Too  Girl Scouts Unite…It’s Cookie Season!

Now we have a sandbox too.

Fifth Day of School

“I think I’m starting to like school a bit. I even made a best friend.”

Really? That’s great. What’s her name?

“Hmmm…I guess I should ask her that huh?”

I am picking some of the jewels of the various things that have been said since we started school but I am sure I will have many more to look forward to moving forward. Mind you, these are only from the 5 year old…LOL


How has your school year been so far?

Any #KiddieLogic stories of your own to tell?

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32 responses to “#KiddieLogic | School Days”

  1. satrntgr Avatar

    That put a smile on my face – what a blessing it is to be a Mom! 🙂
    My recent post Review & Giveaway of “When Calls The Heart – Change of Heart”

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Awww!! I’m glad – it is truly the best blessing.

  2. AmieJo Avatar

    This is great!
    My recent post Color Wheel

  3. ssgannett Avatar

    Oh, that is amazing! I totally remember those days, before I home-schooled, especially that last one! Well the stains however still last, and I could do without so many of them! 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing on Meandering Mondays and hope you have a great and calmer week!
    My recent post This Momma’s Meandering Mondays 66!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Stacey!!! She definitely keeps me laughing and washing 😉 I hope so too – thanks for hosting and coming by…

  4. becominneurotic Avatar

    I am snorting and laughing and wheezing over here!! I love reading these on Facebook and Twitter, but a whole post?!?! I'm dying over here! You could devote a whole Twitter account to her musings and be the biggest thing since sliced bread. Seriously. Gold.

    Thanks for sharing, lovey, this was just what I needed!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hahah! Happy to share the laughs she brings me everyday…I’m already collecting a few from the 3yr old to give him his 5 minutes of fame 😀

  5. lolagishell Avatar

    Oh my goodness, these were hilarious!!
    Out of the mouths of babes…
    My recent post Dos & Don’ts for a Smooth School Morning Routine

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I am definitely not wanting for humor during a school week…LOL Glad to share the funnies! 😀

  6. Melanie Avatar

    Haha! Cracks me up! Mine says crazy things, too, and anyone she meets is her best friend! She rarely knows their names, too 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Me too Melanie! They all have their moments that leave me absolutely speechless…LOL Update: She finally learned her name…2 weeks later! 🙂

  7. jadeislegendary Avatar

    LOL Don't you just love how quickly they make "Best friends" at that age and yet there isn't a need to get their names.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Exactly! LOL…anyone who says \’hi\’ is their new BFF 😀

  8. Krystal Avatar

    My son hates going to school already! It is so cute though to get him dressed with his little backpack!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’m sure he’ll warm up to it. She didn’t even want to go at first now she counts the days through the weekend to go back!

  9. MJ@Daisy & June Avatar
    MJ@Daisy & June

    When David was little he made a friend and for weeks he called him "the sad boy" before learning his name. A few months later he came hom and told us he didnt think he was all that sad after all – just shy LOL

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LMBO…she did learn the little girl’s name and now she is all she talks about after school 🙂 I love it…

  10. jennabrussee Avatar

    I love hearing kids takes on stuff. This is hilarious! Thanks for sharing it.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They definitely make ya laugh…Thanks for coming by Jenna 😀

  11. Sarit Avatar

    So cute and funny. My kids are already waiting to the end of the school year. 🙂

    My recent post Three Practical Tips To Become A More Productive Blogger

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks, luckily she’s still in that new school year excitement phase…not sure how long it’ll last though 😀

  12. Louidam1 Avatar

    My daughters school year so far has been going well. This week is parent/teacher conference so I'll see how well they're doing in school.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes we have that in a few days too. I keep in touch with their teachers by text though so I think we\’re doing good. I\’m sure your daughter is too…she’d have let you know trust me 🙂

  13. momentousmom Avatar

    OMG these are so cute! My favorite was "I have to get this reading thing down", LOL awesome. My daughter is not quite at this stage yet but I am looking forward to it soooo much! Thank you for the big smile this morning!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Yes she is definitely anxious about the whole ‘reading thing’. She want so much to be on the same level as her older sister. Happy to spread a smile 🙂

  14. andreamcopley Avatar

    Kids at that age are my favorite. They's so funny and adorable. 🙂
    My recent post Birchbox: September 2014

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! Yes, she definitely makes me laugh…

  15. logancan Avatar

    hahaha Ohh man! You've got to love them! This is so funny and adorable!
    My recent post Fall Bucket List

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You gotta…she cracks me up everyday…LOL Thanks for coming by Logan!

  16. Jennifer Avatar

    Of my goodness… HILARIOUS! Kid logic is the best.

    Of the sandbox… we get one… daily. LOL

    Thanks for sharing. I love starting my day with a laugh.

    Wishing you a lovely day.
    My recent post Play Dating

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Jennifer…happy to share the humor 😀

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