Klout – 5 Changes You Need To Know

Klout: 5 Changes You Need To Know | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

Have you noticed the changes over at Klout? They are major and can have just as major impact on your Klout. I want to highlight 5 changes you need to know that Klout has made recently and how you can use them to help increase your well… Klout!

What is Klout?

In lay-Blogger terms, Klout is a number representation of  your impact and influence within your Social Media presence. Now don’t ask me for the details and formulas as to how they come to the exact number. I’m not a genius BUT I do know that the more you are active and involved on Social Media and the more your content and identity is shared, mentioned and used the higher your Klout will be. Make sense? If not, here is how Klout breaks it down.


Klout: 5 Changes You Need To Know | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com



Klout Design

Klout has redesigned their entire look, approach and ease of use! They have taken away the dark colors and lists of your Top Klout Influencers but have replaced it with so much more. There is a brighter more user friendly design and you now have a way to increase your Klout directly from their site and with little effort on your part.

Klout: 5 Changes You Need To Know | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

Content Sharing & Scheduling

Klout has now added the amazing ability for you, as a Klout Influencer, to share hand picked content based on your top interests as well as your audience. By sharing relevant content you have the opportunity to spark conversations and further sharing from your Readers and Followers. What will that lead to? Yes! An increase in your own influence and in the end your Klout as well.

Klout: 5 Changes You Need To Know | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
Select Content To Share


Klout: 5 Changes You Need To Know | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
Draft the content information as you want to share it. Includes short link and image. (Shares to Twitter and/or Facebook)


Klout: 5 Changes You Need To Know | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
Schedule according to YOUR best times to share

Not only is the content provided selected from your topics list, but Klout has also integrated a scheduling system which gives you optimal times to schedule the content sharing based on the highest rate of activity from your Social Media Presence.

I know I have Pinned and saved so many of those info graphics that try to teach us how to pick the best times to share, promote and reach our target audience. Klout has done all the work and created your best times leaving you no more to do than click, draft, schedule and share!

Read This Too  5 Tools For Effective Blogging & Time Management

The Klout Bookmarklet

I don’t know about you but I am slowly becoming the Bookmarklet Queen. I am discovering how easy it is to have some of my favorite Social media resources no further than a click away in my header. Well Klout has joined in the fun with their bookmarklet which now allows you to share content from some of your favorite Blogs and sites directly from their source.

Klout: 5 Changes You Need To Know | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
Click this little K-Cloud to be taken to the create content page with the link already inserted.

Sharing and promoting content other than your own is a great way to not only show support to others but to also show that your not all about you. You want to offer your Readers and Followers great content and resources and that means reaching out beyond only your own. You are also giving them the opportunity to share it even further, now that’s influence!

Klout on Twitter

Once you have the Klout Bookmarklet installed you will also notice a few changes when you log into your Twitter account (from the laptop or PC you’ve installed the bookmarklet on).

Klout: 5 Changes You Need To Know | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
Check out those lovely little Klout Clouds…

See those little K-Clouds with the numbers there? That is the Klout Score of your Twitter pals. When you click on their Klout Cloud you have the chance to give them a +K which is just like a high 5 for their Klout Influence.

Klout: 5 Changes You Need To Know | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
Click the area of influence you want to +K and help make their day!

If you think Starbucks is making a great impact with their Blogging, Media Presence and Social Media, click that cloud and give them a +K. You will add to their equation of what can increase their Klout a bit more. *Now obviously Starbucks is doing great with or without my +K but ya’ll know I love me some Starbucks!

Another way those little K-Clouds can work is by giving you an insight as to how much Klout someone has. If you have a friend or brand who has a high social media presence you want to share and promote content with them because that will increase not only your reach but also you interaction with more people giving that content a bit more influence. This will work not only for your benefit but for their’s as well. 

The Klout App

As Bloggers, our smartphones are probably our best friends. I know I never leave home without mine which also means I am always connected and able to maintain my presence across my Social Media. Klout has helped to make this easier with the design changes and improvements to their App.

Read This Too  10 Ways To Keep Readers Scrolling…

Klout: 5 Changes You Need To Know | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

As users, we are now able to check our score changes, measure our impact, change our topics (points of influence), schedule our content shares and even accept Perks (totally cool Influencer stuff) all at our fingertips!

The Klout App helps you take all the convenience of Klout On-The-Go with just a few clicks!

Make Klout’s Changes Work For You!

All of the changes that Klout has made are meant to make it easier for you to not only increase your content but share, promote and support the Influencers around you. So go ahead, get out there and take your Klout places it’s never been before with these 5 changes you need to know!

Have you signed up for Klout?

Do you see a steady increase in your Klout Score?

How to you share, promote and support other’s content?


**Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”







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62 responses to “Klout – 5 Changes You Need To Know”

  1. @EmbellishCandle Avatar

    Thanks so much for these tips the only problem I have is for some reason my scheduling doesn't work. I can share others post though.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Your Welcome. Double Check your settings and be sure your networks (twitter facebook etc) are connected.

  2. Shana (SITS Girl) Avatar

    Thanks for this post, very helpful. Just installed my Klout extension and can't wait to fiddle around with it.
    My recent post Easy Brazilian Themed Crafts for Kids!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Your Welcome, so happy it\’s helpful! 😀

  3. Brittnei Washington Avatar
    Brittnei Washington

    Really great synopsis of Klout and the new changes. I agree the changes are much better and user friendly! I hate to say it, but my Klout score is definitely up and down, primarily because I've had so much to dedicate myself to at home and my presence on my blog and social media is not consistent enough. For now, this doesn't bother me because if and when I have more time, I will be involved more. 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing this with us at the Creative Style Linkup, Tiffany!
    My recent post A Miracle Within

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Brittnei! They really are and I can totally understand when you need a break…I am sure you score will sore whenever you come back in full Brittnei force 😀

  4. Tenns Avatar

    I used to be pretty active on Klout and then they changed the whole design, and it turned me off. I didn't know how quite to use it and if it were still useful to me. Looks like they've made some more changes, and I should totally check them out. I really enjoyed Klout back when I was using it, so I'd like to be active on it again. Thanks for sharing this lady! 🙂
    My recent post What’s Up Pippit?! | Pippit App Review

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Well these recent changes are so user friendly I hope you\’ll find you like them. Thanks for being such a great host!

  5. Galaxia Avatar

    I had no idea there was a Klout app and I can't wait to install the bookmarklet, too! I love this post, it's so helpful. Thanks MrsTee!
    My recent post Shea Moisture Kids Detangler

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes!! I love them both 🙂 So happy it was helpful!! Always happy to see you visit Galaxia…

  6. linkouture Avatar

    I have really like the changes Klout has made and have been taking advantage of the their suggestions of things to post on social media. I have tried the bookmarklet, but I'm going to add it now.
    My recent post On leaving the place I call home

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Me too! I have seen increased engagement and re-shares. I\’m glad you are going to give the bookmarklet a try..I love it!

  7. @GrowItGirl Avatar

    I have totally been slacking on Klout. I noticed the great perks others were getting but I was getting crazy stuff. So, I just gave up. Might pick it up again. Are you coming to GA for the Bloggy Mommy conference in Oct?

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Your perks definitely get better as you score does. Yes, I\’ll be there! 😉

  8. Tati Avatar

    I never knew that klout had an app!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes, and it\’s easy to use and allows you to everything the website does 🙂

  9. Jen @ Driftwood Gardens Avatar
    Jen @ Driftwood Gardens

    This is a fantastic post about the new Klout. Thanks for taking the time to explain all the new changes! I'm pinning this for future reference.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Jen and thanks so much for the Pin support… 🙂

  10. Simply called Avatar

    Very nice post. I pinned it so I can go back. It will make me understand Klout a bit more, very clear info! Dropping by from Mommy monday blog hop! Have a nice week!
    My recent post Summer quinoa salad

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks and thanks for the Pin support as well….greatly appreciated. Have a great week!

  11. spiritedlife Avatar

    Thanks Tiffany! I hadn't done anything with Klout in a long time. I jumped back in and scheduled some things for the next few days! I think it'll be much more useful these days! Thanks for sharing with Creative Style
    My recent post How to Save $$ on Your Children and Juicy Onion Burgers with Creative Style {5}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Your more than welcome! Sharing content is really one of the great changes and it is definitely a great influence impact.

  12. Akaleistar Avatar

    This is good to know!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’m glad it’s helpful. Thanks so much for coming by…

  13. Candice Avatar

    I love the idea of K-Clouds. Thanks for breaking down all the new Klout features, I hadn't even realized they'd made changes.
    My recent post YOU SHOULD READ THIS Link Round-Up for July 4th

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s my little made up name for them but I think it fits…LOL I’m happy you found the info helpful Candice, thanks so much for coming by!

  14. Pure Grace Farms Avatar

    This is s social media platform I haven't heard of. You have peaked my curiosity. I am pinning so I can investigate more thoroughly when I have the time. Thanks for the information.
    (stopping by Creative Style)
    My recent post Grilled Snap Peas and Soy Ginger Sauce

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay! I love introducing new information…Klout is definitely worth a click or two of investigation 🙂 Thanks so much for the PIN support and if you have any questions, just let me know. Have a great day!

  15. Jodee Avatar

    This is great! I already learned something new….the bookmarklet! Thanks for sharing!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! In so happy it was helpful 🙂

  16. Bernadyn Avatar

    I still have so much to learn and have heard of Klout scores but wasn't really sure what is was all about and didn't look into it yet. This is so helpful, thanks a lot for this!
    My recent post Black Bean Mango Salad

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’m just glad it’s helpful…I’m still learning about most things on a daily basis I think it’s the best way to learn.. LOL 🙂 Thanks for coming by!

  17. Madaline Avatar

    This is awesome – I actually have only briefly looked into Klout – so now I'm going to go and explore a little bit more.
    My recent post What I want her to know.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Madeline, thanks – glad I sparked a bit of interest. Let me know if you have any questions or anything 🙂

  18. Dee Avatar

    I've been hearing so much about Klout lately– I'm going to have to look into this. There's always something new to learn. 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Dee, Klout can be a great way to grab a Brands attention and even land a few campaigns…you\’re so right!

  19. Kalliste Avatar

    I've never actually used or heard of Klout, I might go take a look now 🙂
    My recent post Joy!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Definitely worth a click (or two) 🙂 Let me know if you have any questions…

  20. Ana Lynn Amelio Avatar
    Ana Lynn Amelio

    I have Klout account and they usually emailed me often when my score increased or changed in any way but now I see that it has changed when I log in but I don't receive the email anymore. I'll have to go poke around and see if I inadvertently checked something off. Thanks for the tips!
    My recent post How To Move From Blogger To WordPress

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes, check you settings because I still receive email updates and such even after the changes. Thanks for coming by Ana 🙂

  21. deliberatemom Avatar

    I used to be active on Klout but gave up on it a couple months ago. It feels like there's so much social media vying for my attention… I don't know what to focus on.

    Maybe I'll look at Klout again. These changes do look interesting.

    Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the SHINE Blog Hop).

    Wishing you a lovely day.
    My recent post SHINE Blog Hop #7

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      The great thing about Klout is you really don\’t have to do a lot to maintain it just be signed up. Your activity on your other Social Media is what does the work for you. Thanks so much for hosting such a fun hop!

  22. irkedmommy Avatar

    Thanks for the great tips! I love Klout!
    My recent post Co-hosting Whatever Wednesday!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks for coming by, me too! 😀

  23. Kristin Avatar

    Oh wow…I had no idea it had changed so much!
    My recent post Best Summer Beauty Products: Bobbi Brown

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes, they changed so much in maybe the last month or so. Thanks for coming by Kristin 🙂

  24. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    Thanks for the info! I’ve signed up for Klout but I haven’t spent much time figuring out how to increase my score. However, I probably need to go over to Klout and try to add the booklet. I’m all for freebies and would love to get some Perks.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Anytime Sonya! I hope it is helpful, freebies are definitely a great bonus! 😀

  25. jengwen74 Avatar

    Great info I need to get in the habit of using Klout more often.
    My recent post How to Make a Low Country Shrimp Boil

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! It definitely has its \’perks\’ 😉

  26. Tara Simone Avatar

    I have a klout account but never really got into it. I think I'll have to log in again and become more active. Thanks for this update, because I know I would be lost without it!
    My recent post 6 Reasons I Deleted You From Facebook

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Your welcome Tara, I’m glad it’s helpful even I. Jump starting your Klout activity a bit 🙂

  27. The Vanilla Housewife Avatar
    The Vanilla Housewife

    My klout score is slowly gong up but no perks yet LOL #thirdworldproblem LMAO

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You’ll get there I promise. When the come accept even the small ones because the reviews of those can lead to the bigger one. 🙂

  28. smfarris Avatar

    I haven't heard of this! I will definitely be checking it out! Thanks for sharing. The graphics are really helpful!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I\’m glad it\’s grabbed your interest 🙂 Thanks so much and thanks for coming by!

  29. Rabia @TheLiebers Avatar

    This is one I still need to get figured out. I've seen people give me +1s but I don't really know what that means. I'm adding this to my to do list. Thanks for the great info, Tiffany!
    My recent post If Wednesday is Hump Day Does That Make June Hump Month? {Resolution Recap}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It\’s just a measure of how your content and influence (very similar to serve in that way) is across your social media… let me know if I can help 🙂

  30. @MissLouMae Avatar

    I'm with Klout but never really put it to good use. I do need to work on my score on there a bit more. Thanks for the break down girl!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Anytime! Thanks for coming by… 🙂

  31. Amy Albers Avatar

    Pinning this – Klout is one that I have not gotten too deep into yet. Thanks!
    My recent post Arts & Rec: Family Day at Atlanta's High Museum of Art Giveaway!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Amy! Klout has always been one of my first ways to find out how I was doing in my Social Media.. There is always more to learn though 🙂

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