You Know You’re A Vlogger If…

You Know You're A Vlogger If... |

A while back I shared a few signs that could let you know you’re a Blogger well since starting my YouTube Channel I am beginning to notice that there a few tell tail signs to know you’re a Vlogger as well….

You Know You're A Vlogger If... |

You Know You’re A Vlogger If…


  1. Any video loading time less than 30 minutes is a great one! 
  2. 10 minutes of your life on camera can take 2 hours to perfect
  3. Looking for the ‘right light’ becomes your life’s work
  4. A low battery light is the signal that your work day is done
  5. Getting dressed for work is no more than a great top and your favorite jammie pants
  6. It’s not talking to a camera; it’s talking with friends
  7. To Edit or Not To Edit is never a question
  8. You say ‘down below’ way too many times a day.
  9. TAG is no longer a kids game
  10. Annotations are not your friends
  11. Your camera has better luggage than you do
  12. A shopping spree is your next vlog waiting to happen
  13. Subs are way more than sandwiches
  14. Your favorite YouTube Channels have you just as (if not more) excited as the new season TV’s line ups
  15. Your empty product bottles are destined for greatness

*16. Striking a pose for the perfect thumbnail is always a must.

[tweetthis]Guess What!?! I’m A Vlogger and I can prove it! #MrsTeeH #Vlogger[/tweetthis]


How many could you relate to?

What’s your top Vlogger trait?

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28 responses to “You Know You’re A Vlogger If…”

  1. Michelle Westbrook Avatar
    Michelle Westbrook

    Thanks for linking up the the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party! Your post has been pinned to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board.

    I've been curious about vlogging… I think I am entirely too shy though. I never realized how much work would go into it!!
    My recent post Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party – week 45

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Definitely a great party..happy to be a part!

      It can be a lot of work but definitely a lot of fun as well 🙂

  2. Tia Avatar

    I love vlogging but you're right – so much goes into it!!
    My recent post Thought Bubbles…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really does but I love very moment of it…LOL

  3. joanncrohn Avatar

    Awesome! I have not yet gotten into Vlogging! Excited to check your work out 🙂
    My recent post Hook your Readers with a Freebie

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Joann, can’t wait to have you come by for a visit 🙂

  4. BeFree Project Avatar
    BeFree Project

    LOL! #8, #9, #5 are the funniest. I was just sharing with someone yesterday that I wanted to start vlogging, but I didn't have all the fancy equipment, and I didn't know how to edit videos. I'm planning to give it a try soon. Stay tuned…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I will definitely Stay Tuned! You don’t need fancy equipment to start just a webcam, good lighting and an idea 🙂 Keep me posted!

  5. Nicole Avatar

    I have yet to put my toe in the waters of vlogging. I don't like the sound of my own voice. Is that weird?
    My recent post Basic HTML for Bloggers

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      No not weird at all …I don’t like mine either…but I’ve noticed what I hear isn’t necessarily what others hear – does that make sense? LOL

  6. Rachel G Avatar
    Rachel G

    hahaha–I don't think I have the patience to be a regular vlogger, ever. I have vlogged a few times, but if I can't take it in one take, I won't do it!
    My recent post Chicken Milk

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      😀 Being a one take Vlogger would be AWEsome…I get close but there are always a few bloopers in the reel LOL

  7. Rea Alducente Avatar
    Rea Alducente

    Guess I'm not ready to be a vlogger just yet. LOL. It takes work too. And you're doing it really well!
    My recent post Wanders and Wonders

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…thanks Rea, that means a lot 😀

  8. Julie S. Avatar
    Julie S.

    Vlogging sounds like a lot of work indeed. This is a cool post, very insightful 🙂
    My recent post Kitchen Cabinet Hardware Update Project

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Sometimes but so worth it 😀 Thanks Julie!

  9. stephanickeety Avatar

    I'm really want to start vlogging. It seems like a lot more worker than just taking pictures and writing a blog post. I can totally see it taking me way longer than 2 hours for a 10 min video, lol.
    My recent post Spider Crackers with California Black Olives

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It can be a lot of work but it all depends on how you want to edit and present your videos. You can be super detailed or super easy. Just like in posting…yes sometimes it is more than 2 hours LOL but the end results are SO worth it 😀

  10. Kristin Avatar

    It's amazing how long it can take to make one little video!
    My recent post 10 Ways You Know You’re a Grown Up

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! Recording it is usually the shortest thing in the whole process… LOL

  11. tamaralikecamera Avatar

    ha! I love the part about a great shirt and pajamas pants.
    I'm no vlogger but I do spend a lot of time looking for the best light. I'd love to be more into vlogging.
    My recent post A Completely Tearful and Not Completely Wordless Wednesday: Kindergarten.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      😀 That\’s why I record waste up only…LOL You should! I think you would be a great Vlogger 🙂

  12. Danielle Avatar

    Hahah these are on point and I'm not even a Vlogger 😛
    My recent post Blogtember – My Inspiration

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL Thanks…maybe you’re a Vlogger in the making 😉

  13. Tenns Avatar

    LOL, I was a blogger before I was a vlogger, so you know I agree with every single one of these! I really need to get my vlogging game back up. I'm thinking its a new goal of mines for the Fall.
    My recent post Turn It Up Tuesday {#51}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Girl I know you do…LOL I have an idea or two in the works…just sent you a text 🙂

  14. anallievent Avatar

    You go, girl! I'm so not a vlogger, but my youngest daughter is making it her life's work to turn me into one. I'm a writer, not a talker. 🙂 LOL
    My recent post DIY Rustic Pears

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Haha…you never know…maybe you are one and just haven't discovered it yet? 😀 I'm with your youngest daughter on this one…Go For It!

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