Lauren Asks… MrsTee Answers… #AskAwayFriday

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I am so excited fo this week’s #AskAwayFriday ! Why you wonder? This is my very first time exchanging questions with someone I’ve actually met face-to-face !

What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers! By offering a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!

Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…


Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Amber from Bold Fit Mom
We are sending out a warm welcome to our Co-Host for the next two weeks the amazing April from 100lb Countdown!

AskAwayFriday CoHost - April 100lb Countdown

April is a wife, mom, blogger, entrepreneur, author, and fitness guru who blogs about the things that make up her daily life as a SAHM focusing on her family. Be sure to stop by April’s site to check out her wonderful recipe offerings and money making opportunities or to just say “Hi”!


Grab our Button, Follow our amazing Hosts and Co-Host then Hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!

Yup, that’s right I met Lauren from Sunshine & Sweettea at the NCBloggers Meetup last weekend and I immediately knew I would love to get to know her and her Blog a bit more.


First off, I am already in love with Lauren’s site where she describes herself as ‘southern at heart… life*love*food’ that alone let’s me know this is a girl I can get along with! 🙂 Lauren is a New Jersey transplant who totally feels at home in the south, much like I am from New York and feel the same way. Lauren’s site is a collection of fun, love and reviews! If you want to have a bit of sunshine and sweet tea added to your day head over and visit Lauren!

Now for Lauren’s questions…

AskAwayFriday Lauren Sunshine & Sweettea

1.       What is one beauty product you can’t live without?

If you asked me this question about 4 months ago I would have said Vaseline with no hesitation. My family uses Vaseline for EVERYthing so it is something that I always have on hand whether at home or out and about. Now though, I have started to explore my fashionista  a bit more and I have a new found love of all things lip care…LOL

Read This Too  10 About Me, MrsTee…

The EOS Lip Balm is now my constant companion. I have the pink and red (don’t ask me the flavors, I only know colors LOL). I am so in love with the red because it smells like a bowl of fresh fruit!


2.       What movie can you watch over and over and never get sick of?

Hmmm…hard one. I have so man movie favorites but I have to watch them in a rotation because too much of anything can well…be too much 😉

I think I could take watching FROZEN simply because I have been put to the test and after about my 100th time seeing it I am still in love with it. I still get ticked off when the Prince says “If only someone loved you” and I still tear up when Anna saves Else and turns into ice.

3.       What is your go-to outfit?

This is easy peasy! Jeans (skinny or jeggings) a t-shirt (pink) or hoodie and my favorite worn in Converse (classic Black & White).

Go To Outfit AskAwayFriday Sunshine & Sweettea

4.       If you were on the show ‘What Not to Wear’, what one piece of clothing would you choose to keep?

Oh My Goodness! I can’t keep all of the above mentioned? Just one?!? Torture. I would say my worn in Converse. I can always cheat and go buy another pair of jeans or t-shirt but wearing in a pair of Converse in just the right way can take some time. 😉


5.       What is one food you always keep stocked in your house?

Peanut Butter & Jelly! That is seriously my Go-To snack, meal, etc. I can eat 4 PB&J sandwiches in one sitting and be completely content.



6.       If you could be a famous celebrity for one day, who would you be?

Lanaya asked me this question a few months ago and I had a really hard time putting my self in the place of a celebrity. I still do honestly. i have stepped outside my comfort zone socially but I still don’t think I would want that ‘celebrity’ lifestyle or the pressure that comes with it. I admire some of them but most I just feel a bit sorry for because I feel like their lives are always on display and being judged. I don’t think I could handle that.

7.       What is on your Summer Bucket List?

This is so funny! I actually made my Summer Bucket List a few weeks ago as part of my CoHosting #TuesdayTen with Rabia and Lisa. You can check out my list and tell me what you think I have been able to check off since the post in my comments 🙂

8.       What perfume are you currently wearing?

I am honestly not much of a perfume person at all. I was the wife who wore her Hubby’s cologne because I couldn’t stand smelling like a garden or fruit tree BUT I have found a perfume that I Actually Like! It’s called Aerie from American Eagle.

Read This Too  #AskAwayFriday W/Mary From Secret Obsession


9.       If you could get on a plane and go anywhere tomorrow, where would you go?

Back to Hawaii! I totally miss my Aloha Home and would love to go back and visit and have a vacay with just the Hubby and I.

10.   If you had to wear one pair of heels every day for a year, which pair would you choose?

Now Girl! You know how I was Saturday with those heels but those are still the ones I would pick! My Nude Steve Madden Platforms. They are the perfect color and style to go with just about any outfit and occasion. Maybe by the middle of the year I would have them broken in and have no worries? LOL 🙂

Nude Heels!

Lauren gave me some really fun questions and I had a blast answering them all! Don’t forget to head over to Sunshine & Sweettea and see what I asked Lauren and how she answered!


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22 responses to “Lauren Asks… MrsTee Answers… #AskAwayFriday”

  1. ssgannett Avatar

    Absolutely wonderful! I do believe that I need to try the PB & J on the hawaiian bread! I absolutely love the Hawaiian rolls…though I have to say that I hate the new commercial! LOL! The chuck's are amazing…I always wanted a pair of them, when I was a kid and just never got around to getting some. I could never go on that show…I would be scrappin with them if they tried throwing away some of my old and very holey clothes! LOL! Wow, vaseline…my mom lived for that stuff, I always thought that she should have bought stock in the company…she would have been rich! LOL! Have a great weekend!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Stacey! Hawaiian rolls are the best…sweet, buttery and so good with almost anything! New commercial? I don’t think I’ve seen it yet… You should definitely get a pair of chucks…you’ll never go without them again 😀 Yup, my Hubby is the Vaseline guru…if you ask him it can heal, cure or fix everything! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your weekend!

  2. upliftingfam Avatar

    I am now craving Hawaiian rolls thanks to your photos.

    I am with you I could watch Frozen over and over too. Actually, we usually watch it at least once a week most of the time. My youngest is in love with it. He even had a Frozen theme for his birthday a few weeks ago too.
    My recent post #ASKAWAYFriday with Sonya From Saving Everyday With Sonya K

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha… not sure if I should say sorry or your welcome, Christy 😉

      Yes, we haven\’t watched it this week yet but we did watch it over the weekend…twice LOL

  3. Beth Avatar

    My go to outfit is about the same for when I'm doing stuff with the boys. Just in the summer I swap the tee for a tank and the jeans for shorts! Love those heels!!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I do the same switch up fort he summer… LOL well still tees but definitely more shorts. Thanks! They are my new favorite pair 😀 Thanks for coming by Beth I hope your weekend has been a great one.

  4. Karen Avatar

    frozen is a great movie…I always have supplies for pb and j sandwiches, and cereal. I also have some extra hotdogs too…just in case. Sounds like a great trip, I think I'd choose Italy.
    My recent post Dino is FIVE today

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      My whole house loves it so for us that is a definite score :). Oh yes and we always keep hot dogs on hand too – quick easy meal. Italy is a definite Wish List trip…

  5. Kim @2justByou Avatar
    Kim @2justByou

    This is fun stuff, Mrs. Tee! I've loved the idea of it since I first saw you posting, but this time I had time to read through the whole thing. =0)
    I've been put to the test watching Frozen too. The whole family knows all the lines. Ha!
    My recent post Give it a Boost {Co-Hosting Boost Your FB Post Party}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really is… Let me know anytime you want to join in the #AskAwayFriday Fun!! 😀

      I thought I would tire of it by now but I still love it…LOL

  6. Rea Alducente Avatar
    Rea Alducente

    Well I guess we all love CHUCKS!! I won 2 pairs of Chucks.. but for my husband not mine. Hehe.
    I see that you love Hawaii so much! 🙂
    Love your nude stilettos! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! It seems that way… they are too cool not to love 😉 Oh yes, Hawaii has my heart. Thanks! I found them on sale and couldn\’t levee without them… 😀

  7. The Vanilla Housewife Avatar
    The Vanilla Housewife

    Well, hello fellow Chucks girl! I love converse too! I wear my Chucks to work almost every single day! Yes to PB&J ANYTIME! LOL I haven't seen EOS Lip Balm around here but sure looks good enough to eat!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi There! 😀 Chucks are the BEST! I would wear them everyday if I could too… LOL PB&J has a bit of everything…perfect mini meal LOL Ooooh can I send you some or is that on the No Mail list?

  8. Sonya K Avatar
    Sonya K

    I like watching Frozen too. It reminds me of the Disney movies from when I was a kid. I love jeans and t-shirts too.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’m shocked I haven’t tired of it yet LOL Comfy is always one of my faves.

  9. irkedmommy Avatar

    I love your go to outfit and I know we both agree on PB&Js and the Hawaiian rolls!
    My recent post What Are You Doing For Dad?

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I\’ll probably switch to shirts with this heat but the Chucks are a constant 🙂 Oh yes, Hawaiian told are m fave!

  10. tamaralikecamera Avatar

    I don't think I have what it takes to be a celebrity at all!
    And worn in Converse are a necessity for me too.
    I'm inspired to do my own bloggers brunch so thanks for talking a bit about that! I saved the link from the post.
    Happy Ask Away Weekend!
    My recent post I Am The Butterfly.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Me either. I would just fold up somewhere and hide from the paparazzi 😀 There is NOTHING like a great worn in pair of Chucks! Great! You should – it was so much fun and we mostly chatted and got to know each other. Have a great weekend!

  11. spiritedlife Avatar

    When it was on, I would secretly hope that someone would nominate me to go on the show, but then I would break down and be real.. I would HATE going shopping alone and would probably try to hide in the corner for the day. So, for that reason, I'd rather be on the other one, where your friend and an expert shop for you instead! I have some great pieces, but I never wear them anymore. Doesn't bring me the confidence it used to. I'm not big on perfume either, but I have two bottles, given to me by my sisters in law – one for Christmas, the other for my birthday… now that I think of it, maybe they are trying to tell me something.
    My recent post The “No Excuse” Workout Plan

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LMBO…I did the same thing. Then I knew I would be the person who started bawling out of shock and embarrassment LOL Oh yes, I can\’t remember the name of that one but it would definitely be a bit less stressful. LOL… I picked this one out myself. It was the first perfume that didn\’t smell too…. Girlie! LOL 😀

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