Let’s Chat: Feeling Blah, College In My Face & Easter Memories

Hey there Lovies! I have been sitting down trying to write this post for nearly three days now and it just wasn’t happening!  You have ever those times you just feel kinda…blah?  I’m there.  On top of that I have the fact that the Teenager is going to college like NOW smacking me in the face and lastly the Easter I didn’t think would happen and how we saved it.

That’s when I thought, why not just Vlog it? So that’s what I did.  I wanted to share what’s been going on with me most recently but in more of a one-on-one way.  I wanted to chat with you so Let’s Chat


Let's Chat With MrsTee...




This was so much fun!  I can’t wait to chat with you guys again like this.  Don’t forget to leave a comment here or over at my YouTube and let me get to know you.

What Did You Do For Easter?

Egg Hunt, Family Dinner, Church?

How was your week?

Do you have a Teenager headed for College or any other major changes?

How are you dealing with it?

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10 responses to “Let’s Chat: Feeling Blah, College In My Face & Easter Memories”

  1. linkouture Avatar

    I've also been feeling very blah, but just I have too much going on right now and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by life–hopefully it will pass! That's got to be so hard to have your son going off to college. My little one is just (almost) 6 months, and having her go to childcare 9 hours a week is hard enough!
    My recent post An Interview with Shannon McDonald

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I think mine had something to do with the weather and how gloomy it had been for soooo long. I have felt a lot better with some good old fashioned vitamin D filled sunshine.

      Yeah, the college thing is a lot to deal with. I\’m going to miss him but I will bribe him to come home as much as possible 🙂

  2. Karen Avatar

    I need to vlog…though I can't until my other laptop is fixed,…sighs. I felt blah lately too…I think it';s the change in weather…just stick to a season Mother Nature.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You should! It\’s a lot of fun and a great way to get a personal touch with your followers…I recorded my first Vlog with my iPhone 🙂 LOL I think it may be the weaner too…I\’ve felt a bit better since the sunshine has arrived 😀

  3. adrianscrazylife Avatar

    Hi MrsTee – always glad to see your comments popping up on my blog. You are so faithful about visiting! I have been in exactly this same place, although I've been lucky to have my kids stay in the same town, so they haven't been far away – except for my stepson who has always lived in Calif. It is a big change, but it's funny how quickly it starts to feel very "normal" and we always have him over for dinner and whatnot at least once a week or so. The good thing is that you tend to focus on them more during the visits and actually enjoy more meaningful time with them because you appreciate that time more. Kind of freaky about that Sunday School lesson – I'd be having a word with that teacher about the appropriateness of that lesson for 5 year olds. It doesn't take much to set them off for years. They did a fire safety presentation at school when I was in 2nd grade and it scared me so bad, I slept with my mother for like six months! Even when I was an adult, my boss's wife told me about stepping off a curb holding her toddler and breaking her ankle. 20 years later, I never step off a curb that I don't see that image – ugh! Things can really stick with you. #SITSSharefest
    My recent post Lots of Thrifty Weight Loss Ideas

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Adrian! I always enjoy coming by for a visit 🙂 Luckily he will still be within driving distance but somehow it just won\’t be the same. I am sure I will adjust but I think the waiting on it to happen is what\’s getting to me the most. Hopefully he will be home most weekends 😉 Yes, I did speak with the teacher and she assured me she meant no harm which I never thought she did) but I do feel it may have been a bit too much. I now have to convince her to go when she used to look forward to it every week. I\’m praying she gets over it soon. Thanks so much for coming by! I hope you are having a great weekend.

  4. Kristen Avatar

    I was so excited to see your video but it wouldn't load. Hmmmm…I'm new to video blogging and to your site, but happy to meet you!
    My recent post [VIDEO] Ask the Marlins: Kids & Cell Phones

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Kristen! It's loading fine on my end so I'm not sure what could be wrong. I'm so sorry about that. It's also on my sidebar and will open in a new window when clicked or here is the direct link to my YouTube Channel…perhaps that will help? 🙂

  5. perfecttenn Avatar

    I've been feeling blah lately too! Maybe its the season change or just feeling plain overwhelmed. I'm starting to come out of it, but I know exactly how you feel!
    My recent post Lions,Tigers, Bears, & Lamborghinis

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It's so weird. Maybe it is the weather. I get like a teaser day of sunshine and then nothing but rain and dark clouds…I'm trying my best to shake it though. Thanks so much for coming by Lovie! 🙂 xoxo

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