Can you believe Spring is only 3 days away?!?! I know that I am more than ready to say goodbye to the Winter chill and Hello to Spring sunshine and turn up the fun with plenty of outdoor play and adventure. We had an awesome time on Turn It Up Tuesday last week with 446 links – another amazing week! Thank You for making every week so amazing! Let’s keep the momentum going and get this Tuesday Turned Up!
Turn It Up Tuesdays is all about being happy, excited, energetic…and having fun! Link up your favorite posts (old or new) and meet some awesome bloggers in return! Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, recipes, mommy moments — anything at all. We want to laugh, be entertained, be inspired, and have a good time!
Thanks so much to everyone that joins us each week and makes this blog hop the best that it could be!
Moms: As Elite as the CIA…Well Almost
Andrea Keeney is a writer, blogger, mother, and wife. She is the creator of the blog, Parenting with Parents as well as the author of the book, Moms: As Elite as the C.I.A….Well Almost. When she isn’t pursuing her dreams of writing she is taking care of her three small children.
Attention! There is an elite group of women walking freely among the average citizens of the world. These freakishly instinctive beings are capable of physical, mental, and emotional acts of greatness. They tend to appear irritated, exhausted, and are almost always bombarded by very tiny renegades who are whining and/or yelling. These women come in many shapes and sizes, however they all respond to a single name: Mom. If you know one of these women, if you are one of these women, or if you are going to be one of these women, you need this book!
Are you looking to get your blog or website in front of numerous people per week? Do you enjoy Turn It Up Tuesdays? Interested in having your blog or website featured for an entire month?
Then, sponsor Turn It Up Tuesday for a month by clicking here!
Welcome the lovely ladies of Turn It Up Tuesday!
(from the top – left to right)
Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings | Jessica from The Wondering Brain | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | Rhonda from Mother 2 Mother | Jillian from Baby Doodah | April from April Noelle | Tina from The Happy Creations | Melissa from The Coupon Chronicles | Cindy from Mom Maven | Tiffany from MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter | Kelly from Making-More | Yolanda from That’s Mashed Up | Tenns from Bliss & Faith | Silvie from My Silly Little Gang | Mari from Living in Mommywood | Rose from What Rose Knows | Kimberly from Keystrokes by Kimberly | Chelsea from Mommie and Wee | Nancy from Afro-Chic Mompreneur | Kelly from Mum-bo-Jumbo | Zografia from Bisozozo | Elaine from Ramblings of a Bad Domestic Goddess | Lisa from Blogghetti | Latisha from Ask Latisha
And welcome our awesome guest hosts for March!
(from the top – left to right)
Danielle from insearchofthe25thhour | Ginger from Does Your Sister Have Normal Hair | Cathy from Brand New Mom Blog | Marie from Just Plain Marie | Marose from Simple Pero Rock | Victoria from Giveaways 4 Mom
Interested in being a guest host for the month or becoming a permanent co-host?
Complete the form here! Monthly co-hosts will be chosen on a first come first-serve basis.
Here are the Featured posts from last week!
Marose chose Be aware of the money vampires from Simple Pero Rock.
Marose chose Using Google to Organize Your Blog – Planning Blog Posts from Sarah Celebrates.
Cindy also chose this post. “I chose this post because it is genius! I started using a Google spread sheet this year to track my posts but I like the visual of a calendar better. Just reading this post I felt liberated and I’ll be starting this method in April.”
Lisa chose Creamy Tomato Basil Soup & Homemade Garlic Basil Croutons from Juggling Act Mama. “I love tomato soup and Ang’s recipe is easy, delicious, and the garlic basil croutons are awesome. Perfect cold weather comfort food.”
Lisa chose DIY Ranch Dressing from All She Cooks. “Jessica’s recipe for DIY Ranch Seasoning is perfect for any dish or dip that uses the packaged dressing. I love the DIY seasoning mixes because you know what’s in them and you control the amounts to your tastebuds. I can’t wait to try this!”
Elaine also chose this post. “I have been looking for good seasoning recipes as part of my healthy eating plan and this is the best Ranch recipe I have seen.”
Kelly chose Paper Easter Basket Crafts from Crafty Journal. “Noreen has shared just about every paper basket possible that both adults and kids alike can create for Easter. I love how just almost all households would have the materials on hand to make them. Simple, inexpensive and a great activity for all the family.”
Kelly chose How to Set Up Your RSS Feed with MailChimp from My Craftily Ever After. “Setting an RSS feed has been on my list of things to do for some time but being a novice, I didn’t really know how to do it with Mailchimp. Ashley’s simple step by step tutorial has helped put this task back to the top of my to do list.”
Elaine chose 6 Tips for Healthier Grocery Shopping from All Things Lifestyle. “Good solid tips for healthier grocery shopping.”
April also chose this post. “As I try to eat healthier, choosing how I shop has become a priority, Karon at All Things Lifestyle really lays out some simple rules to follow while grocery shopping.”
Rhonda chose Baby Chicks from Hell from Kari. “I loved this post. I’ve heard of dishes being a disaster as they’re being prepared, but never an adorable and delicious dish that was turned into one. Too funny!”
Tenns chose Homemade {Stress Relieving} Foot Soak from View from the Fridge. “I love a good foot scrub and its awesome to come across one that I can make myself. It also gives me a reason to try out essential oils, something I’ve been meaning to get into for a while.”
Tenns chose 10 Ways to Double Your Page Views from Classy Yet Trendy. “I’m always excited to come across blogging tips and learn something new. This was a really round up of different things bloggers can do to drive more traffic to their blogs. You can never have enough tools in your box!”
Tiffany also chose this post. “What amazing tips to help gain page views when it can honestly feel like a harder task than what it needs to be…with these steps you can do it each day with not too much extra effort.”
Natasha also chose this post. “I have been very interested in tips to take my blog to the next level. These are some amazing tips!”
This post also received the most clicks.
Jillian chose 20 (Less) Extreme Cheapskate Ways to Save More Money from Pretty Simple Ideas. “I chose this post because my husband and I are working on creating a better budget and sticking to it. This post provides tips to save even more money! Just what the doctor ordered!”
Jillian chose 7 Steps to Decluttering from Just Another Mom. “We’re going to be moving soon, and I will absolutely need to declutter. This post gives some great tips and examples on how to go about decluttering without becoming overwhelmed.”
Zografia chose DIY Simple Floating Artwork + Free SVG Cut Files from Hey, Let’s Make Stuff. “I loved this idea! I am definitely trying something like this!”
Zografia chose How to Magnify Your Adsense Earnings with this Simple Trick from Live Randomly Simply. “We never stop learning! That’s a trick i will be using!”
Natasha also chose this post. “Amazing and simple trick! Thanks so much for sharing!”
Victoria chose Top Favorite Yoga Poses from The Crafty Side of Sarcasm. “I chose this post because I recently have gotten back into yoga and I was curious about the different yoga poses.”
Victoria chose 10 Ways to Save Money This Spring from Earning & Saving with Sarah Fuller. “I chose this post because who doesn’t like saving money? I am on a debt free journey this year and I need all of the money saving tips that I can get.”
Tina chose No Sew Bandana Bib + Funday Monday from Lipgloss and Crayons. “What a beautiful bandana bib. A simple super cute bib, easy to make and adorable!!Thanks so much for sharing!”
Tina chose Rustic Serving Tray with Gold Arrow Accent from Simply Designing with Ashley Phipps. “I love this project, pure DIY that looks real good!! I love this tray , great as a gift!!I’m making one!!”
Mari chose DIY Lush 4-in-1 Bath Bomb Bar Recipe from Fry Sauce and Grits. “My two choices this week are Courtney’s bath bars I love cute and useable stuff in my bath so this is a must try for sure.”
Mari chose Banana Caramel French Toast + Big News! from Annie’s Noms. “I loved Annie’s French toast because of caramel and bananas mix! I can’t wait to try these at home.”
Latisha chose Basic Pancake Recipe – Fluffy and Delicious from The Wilderness Wife. “I love pancakes and between the photo and the description this blogger uses to describe this pancake makes my mouth water. I definitely want to try this recipe. Those pancakes look like they would put boxed pancake mix to shame.”
Latisha chose Homeschooling Kindergarten : What Subjects to Teach and For How Long? from Lina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus. “I am homeschooling a Kindergartener right now. I found this so helpful, to let me know if I am on the right track. I agree with everything said.”
Ginger chose Beaded Wreath from our very own Zografia from Bisozozo. “This is a simple yet really elegant decorating idea. I also love that it is so easy to customize.”
Ginger chose Paper Flower Backdrop: Flower Variations from Ash and Crafts. “This is a simple yet really elegant decorating idea. I also love that it is so easy to customize.”
Stop by and show some love to our featured bloggers this week! I’m sure they’d all appreciate it!
If you were featured above, feel free to share the badge below with pride on your blog or website!

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
And the Best of the Best is…
We have a 3-way tie this week…so all three posts have won best of the best!
DIY Simple Floating Artwork + Free SVG Cut Files from Hey, Let’s Make Stuff
7 Steps to Decluttering from Just Another Mom
Using Google to Organize Your Blog – Planning Blog Posts from Sarah Celebrates
Show some love to our Best of the Best bloggers this week!!!!
Best of the Best Bloggers – make sure to showcase the button below on your blog!

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
And now for our giveaway of the month!
From Sarah at Grace in Oils: I am so excited to partner with Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures for this awesome giveaway! We are giving away three books & three Young Living essential oils. I originally got started with Young Living and essential oils in July 2014. I did a lot of research before choosing this company. I run a blog Grace In Oils ( where I talk about my research, how I use essential oils, and other fun things! My goal with my blog and my Young Living business is to help bring essential oils into every home. I want everyone to know they can use essential oils! While I encourage research I also offer resources to those I enroll to help empower them to get answers to their questions. I chose Young Living due to their Seed to Seal guarantee and I go into that on my blog. If you are interested in starting your journey with Young Living I would LOVE to have you be a part of my team. I fully support those I enroll via online groups, an e-series, and more! I also offer a really amazing Welcome Kit free to those who choose to become a Wholesale Member with Young Living via purchase of a Premium Starter Kit (
Also, make sure to enter to be 1 of 3 winners to win $500 in the Luck of the Irish Giveaway! Enter to win by clicking the link above or clicking on the image below. There are only a couple of days left!

let’s get started!
- Show some love to your hosts and co-hosts simply by following them on social media and leaving a comment so they can follow you back.
- Link up as many posts as you’d like! The more, the merrier!
- Check out some of the other posts and make some new friends!
- Grab the button below and showcase on your sidebar! Invite your fellow bloggers to join the fun!

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Link up your posts, make some friends, and earn the chance to be featured or become the Best of the Best on Turn It Up Tuesday! We will feature the favorite posts each week! **Disclaimer: Adding your link to this link party gives permission to Epic Mommy Adventures, along with co-hosts, guest hosts, and participants of Turn It Up Tuesday, to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features, roundups, etc. with an explicit link back to the original source.**
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Interested in reading all of our favorite posts on Turn It Up Tuesdays – past or present? Or do want to know if your post was featured before we go live next week? Follow Natasha Peter’s board Featured on Turn It Up Tuesdays! on Pinterest.
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
- I Never Went To Prom – Will A Fashion Show Do? – May 1, 2021
- Cape Fear Regional Theatre – Best In The House – May 1, 2021
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