Living My Happy | The Color Run SHINE Tour

Living My Happy | The Color Run SHINE Tour |

The Color Run is one of those events you see on TV, in ads and hear on the radio and think wow that sounds really cool. Well I thought that for a few years before I had the chance to participate for the first time last year during The Color Run Kaleidoscope Tour. Finishing that race was something I always wanted to do but never thought I would. It was aaa-may-zing! So when I realized that The Color Run SHINE Tour was coming to Fayetteville this year I knew that I wanted to be there no matter what. For me doing this was part of my promise to myself to Live My Happy – to enjoy every moment, make memories and most of all be happy!

Living My Happy | The Color Run SHINE Tour |

Growing up I was always the kid who was protected from EVERYthing! This also meant there were a lot of experiences that I never had because my Grandmother questioned the safety, protection, etc. As an adult I have fought to find my own courage to move beyond my fears and try to experience life to the fullest. For me living my happy is finding my way beyond my normal comfort zone. The Color Run definitely qualifies as being outside that zone.

This year when I saw that the theme was SHINE I knew this was going to be amazing fun! I love all things that sparkle, glitter and well – shine 😉 The fact that this year The Color Run was giving a medal to all finishers of the race just added the icing to my happy cake!

I'm Ready To SHINE In The Color Run |

Yup! A Medal! I could hardly believe it. This was awesome because not receiving a medal was probably my only disappointment from finishing last year’s race. I think I registered for The Color Run SHINE Tour sometime in February and I was counting down the days the entire time.

Check In

Okay so we were down to the wire. Only 2 days before the race and I needed finalize my race outfit and Check In and pick up my Race Packet. I headed out the day of the Check In a bit early and started trying to find the most important parts of my outfit: the tutu, my wig and my sneakers. My color is pink. Always has been. So I was looking for a hot pink tutu and a new wig since the one from last year was still filled with the colorful remnants of my first race.

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I found my wig at Party City – my GoTo place for all things costume. The sneakers I found in my most favorite leopard print right at Payless ShoeSource and boy was I happy with the find!

After grabbing the essentials of my outfit I headed over to Kohl’s where the Check In Party was being held.  The store was buzzing with people excited about the race to come. The race packet pick-up went really fast and smoothly. They were organized and everything came down to a quick scan of a QR Code from my Registration email.



After not being able to find the color pink I wanted in stores I found my hot pink glitter tutu right at The Color Run Store for $15! I was so excited and happy to have my outfit ready for the big day…

All ready for an early start and my @thecolorrun fun in the morning. Follow me on #Twitter (@mrsteeh) #Facebook ( and here on #Instagram so you can share in my fun from the day!! I’ll be #Vlogging so be sure to #Subscribe to #TheMrsTee On #YouTube (Clickable Link In Profile) 💟 ? #TheColorRun #Happiest5K #WeShine #NCBlogger #MYFayetteville #MrsTeeH #MrsTeeVlogs #NCVlogger #VloggersCommunity #MommyYouTuber #MomsOfYoutube #LifestyleVlog #ad #Sponsored

A photo posted by TheMrsTee (@mrsteeh) on

Check out my entire day and the secret I have to finding really cool sneakers and even cooler prices!


Race Day

At the last minute, I found out that my Teenager would be able to participate in the race with me! Can you say awesome sauce? This was going to be the best and I knew it. My son and I are very close and we love making memories together.

Ready to get our @thecolorrun START on!! #TheColorRun #Happiest5K #WeShine #NCBlogger #MYFayetteville #MrsTeeH #TheMrsTee #MrsTeeVlogs #ad #Sponsored

A photo posted by TheMrsTee (@mrsteeh) on

We arrived a bit early to make sure I had good parking and then we played the waiting game as the pre-race festivities began. We checked out a few vendors, danced along with the Zumba fun on stage, grabbed a KIND Bar to help give us a bit of fuel for the race and even caught a pic with the The Color Run Runicorn.


Hanging out with @thecolorrun #RunIcorn before the race starts!! #TheColorRun #Happiest5K #WeShine #NCBlogger #MYFayetteville #MrsTeeH #TheMrsTee #MrsTeeVlogs #ad #Sponsored

A photo posted by TheMrsTee (@mrsteeh) on


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Then it was time to Conga our way to the Start Line. The Conga went kinda fast but the Start Line not so much. The Color Run has staggered starts to help control the crowd of racers. So even though it was a bit of a wait we had a blast people watching, dancing and just having fun with the people around us.

So that’s it! The Color Run SHINE Tour for me was a way for me to make new memories with The Teenager, step even further out of my comfort zone and live my happy to the fullest and in bright pink living color!


Hanging out with @thecolorrun #RunIcorn before the race starts!! #TheColorRun #Happiest5K #WeShine #NCBlogger #MYFayetteville #MrsTeeH #TheMrsTee #MrsTeeVlogs #ad #Sponsored

A photo posted by TheMrsTee (@mrsteeh) on


If you’re looking for a way to share a day with someone you love and make some really awesome memories be sure to head over to The Color Run and see when they will be in a city near you – I promise you will have one of the happiest days of your life!

Living My Happy | The Color Run SHINE Tour |


How Do You Live Your Happy?


**Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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28 responses to “Living My Happy | The Color Run SHINE Tour”

  1. AWTWD Avatar

    Okay Mrs. Tee! I love those shoes!! How fun is that! I have wanted to the Color Run for so long and every time it is in a city near me. It looks like you had a great time with your son. One day hopefully for me and my family. A great family day out.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha!! Thanks!! I had to have them… You should so do it – I haven\’t done it with the Kiddies yet but The Teenager and I had a blast!!!

  2. The Haute Frugalista Avatar
    The Haute Frugalista

    love your wig!!! so much fun!! this is such a great cause driven marathon and such a great way to be active and have fun! Ive tried to do it for 2 years but havent been able to. Im glad you were able to build memories and have fun!
    Dee T
    My recent post Best Self Tanners For 2015

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank YOU!! That wig was a Must to help me not have to wash out any color plus it made my outfit a lot more fun 😀 I hope you get a chance to join up next year….it\’s definitely tons of fun!

  3. Sage Avatar

    This looks like such a fun event, thanks for sharing it! I was raised by a grandmother who was afraid of everything and rarely let me participate in anything, and am I ever making up for lost time! She nearly had a heart attack when I told her I was moving abroad, but I want to experience as much as possible in life and that opportunity was too good to pass up. Good for you for moving out of your comfort zone!
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was so much fun! Oh I totally know what you mean with Grandmothers…mine reacted as if I were moving to the moon when we were stationed in Hawaii. Luckily it wasn\’t as bad as she expected 😀 I\’m so glad you took like and made the most of it. There is no time like now to make memories. Thanks so much for coming by!

  4. Melissa Avatar

    This looks like so much fun and I really love the pink sunglasses and wig! Looks like a blast! My neighbor is always telling me how fun this is, I will have to try soon! Thanks for sharing!

    My recent post Secret Ingredients Not Listed on the Food Label

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Fun…yes I loved it.. Thanks I have a blast coming up with my outfit and the wig is a must to make sure my hair isn\’t raining color for days. LOL You should! Thanks so much for coming by Melissa 😀

  5. jenniferjuro Avatar

    I love to run color runs!! I did two of them with my kids last summer and they were a blast! We plan to run them again this summer, hoping we can make a better time but they have a blast at all the color stations.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Aren\’t they the best fun??? I haven’t taken my younger kiddies but I’m think I may next year. Thanks so much for coming by!

  6. upliftingfam Avatar

    This looks like so much fun. Congratulations for completing your first color run. I wish that I could do something like this one day but right now it's just not possible with my health. 🙁 I'm hoping back surgery will help so that I can at least walk further in the future.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was! I hope you are able to do more of what you wish soon xoxo

  7. rochkirstin Avatar

    Oh wow this event looked so fun especially when you were with your son. This was an opportunity for people who usually find office work and everyday chores at home boring and find life dull. Running with color sounds exciting and really memorable.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was much fun and I am so grateful that I had the chance to share the memory with him. The color was awesome!

  8. Kita Avatar

    I was invited to do the one they had here in GA but I could not do it with my hair I would have cried but I think it's fun to do something beyond the norm and to get to do it with the one you love….that's even better.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Girl that\’s why I wore a wig! The wig took all the color and I brushed my hair down and went out shopping with the Hubby right after 🙂

  9. Danielle K Avatar
    Danielle K

    I did a Color Run a few years ago. It was probably the most fun race I've ever done and I found color in random places for days lol. I really need to look for the Shine tour in my area cause I'd love one of those awesome medals 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha – Yes that color has a way of hanging around for sure 🙂 Yes! Check out the site for the remaining cities 🙂

  10. MZJ Avatar

    I love the Color Run. I am planning to make the Color Run my come back run post having my baby. I love the excitement, the paint and the fact that it is family friendly. You look like you had a great time. I can't wait to enjoy the race with friends.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay! You should so do it! I see another on in my future for sure! I had an awesome time and can\’t wait for the next one..

  11. Amanda Avatar

    The color run is very popular in Chicago, but not really something that my hubby and I would ever do…because he HATES paint. Isn't that hilarious? Especially if it is blue paint. It looks like a fun race, but we typically stick to ones that promote charities near and dear to our hearts, like the Get Your Rear in Gear Colon Cancer races.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Is it really? Oh No! It’s not paint though just colored powders and totally washed off. The Color run actually supports local charities from whatever city they are hosting in so if you can get past the colored powder then you should check if it will be near a city near you – they list whatever charity will be donated to on The Color Run website for that city.

  12. Tiara Avatar

    I absolutely love color runs! It's always so nice when you meet new people and get to dress up creatively! I hope you had fun!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Me Too! I definitely want to do it again 🙂 I think the dress up part may be one of my favorites!

  13. MimiCuteLips Avatar

    Looks like you had a great time. I'm digging those sneakers. The color/print combo is hot.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I Did!! It was so fun being able to share it with The Teenager… oh yes I saw the leopard and I was sold! 😀

  14. Karen Avatar

    What a wonderful race and cause! So glad you got to do it with your son…the memories! Love your racing outfit. you rock
    My recent post Slow Cooker Roasted Chicken

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! Their Charity causes are amazing on top of the fun …. thanks so much and thanks for coming by Karen!

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