Today’s prompt is all about one of my most very favorite things! FOOD. Yes. I am a hungry girl for sure and I am totally okay with that! On my first date with the Hubby we went to grab some pizza. He ordered a small pie. I glanced at him and said “Okay but what are you gonna eat?” He tells this story all the time and I haven’t changed a bit. I love to eat, I love what I eat and I love how it makes me feel so let’s get on to the prompt…
Wednesday – December 3rd
What food always makes you feel happy while you eat it?
My food happy definitely comes from all things savory and comforting. I think it is so amazing how a well prepared dish can not only bring nourishment but enjoyment.
Have you ever wondered why food prepared with love seems to taste just like love? Those are the foods I get the most ‘happy’ from. The love dishes. The meals prepared and seasoned with care and love.
Every so often you can find that little place that has the rare love you find at home in a great setting and hey less face it at a great price.
Most times that means it’s something home cooked. Chicken Parm, Mac & Cheese, Roast Beef. The hearty meals that fill you up and leave you wanting for nothing more than a warm blanket and a loved one to cozy up with.
Lifestyle Blogger & Media Influencer at It's Me, Tee
I am the ‘ Tee’ behind It’s Me, Tee an award-winning Lifestyle Blog where I share my love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel.
“Believe in yourself, your passions, and your dreams. Your voice is unique – build on that. Embrace what is different about you and make it your greatest asset!”
Mmmm, fooood lol Sucks that I'm on a diet during the holidays, but my body really needs some tlc right now. I did give myself a couple cheat days for Thanksgiving…and besides, turkey is a healthy meat! I agree that you can taste when a food was made with love or by a passionate cook. Mac and cheese sounds so good. Do you watch cooking shows or reality competitions? Your post reminds me of the kDrama I'm watching right now called "Let's Eat" <—-#fattystatus!
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Oh No!! Never diet during Holidays, didn’t you know? LOL Turkey is healthy so there you go! Hmmm…is it a challenge show or cooking show? I haven’t watched the Food Channel in soooo long…they always just make me hungry! LOL
I totally share your love for food, good food is like a mood changer for me. I'm so simple though, either stuffed crust pepperoni pizza or a good bacon cheeseburger with restaurant fries, with a soda on the side…
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