I’m Co-Hosting! Turn It Up Tuesdays

Welcome to the 12th week of Turn It Up Tuesdays! 

We had a great week with some awesome posts!  
Thank you to all that have linked up with us from week to week and welcome to those that have just found us! 
Turn It Up Tuesdays is all about being happy and excited and energetic, and having fun! Link up your favorite posts and meet some awesome bloggers in return! Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, recipes, mommy moments — anything at all, as long as it is family-friendly.  We want to laugh, be entertained, be inspired, and have a good time!

Welcome our hosts!
Natasha at Epic Mommy Adventures
Jessica at The Wondering Brain 
and Stacey at This Momma’s Ramblings!

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Welcome our lovely co-hosts for December!

Megan from Meg’s Menagerie
Tiffany from MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter
Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise
Maritza from Surprise You Are A Mom!
Marcie at Marcie’s Nook
Laura at 2 Girls With a Food Blog
Vashti from Vashti Quiroz-Vega’s Blog
Jan from An Ideal Mom

 Surprise You Are A Mom! 


Interested in co-hosting? 

If you are interested, please complete this form.  Monthly co-hosts will be chosen on a first come first-serve basis. Co-hosts will receive free ad space on Epic Mommy Adventures or Grow with Epic Mommy for 60 days!

And here are the posts featured for the Week:

Miranda at Myrabev’s Corner received the most likes…
and Veronica at Digiscrap Boutique received the most clicks! Congrats!


Read This Too  #TunesdayTuesdayHop | Get Ready To Jam
If you were featured above, feel free to share the badge below with pride on your blog or website!
Epic Mommy Adventures

And now The Best of the Best is…(drum roll please)

  As the Best of the Best, you win free ad space on Epic Mommy Adventures or Grow With Epic Mommy for 60 days! Please showcase the badge below with pride on your blog! Natasha will be in touch to provide you with all the details!

Epic Mommy Adventures
My blog, Epic Mommy Adventures, is celebrating the 1st year blogiversary this month with a BIG giveaway! Enter for a chance to win an Amazon Kindle Fire + more prizes! Although we’ve started, we’re still taking co-hosts. It’s only $10! Sign up here!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So now that you’ve seen the Featured and the Best of the Best, met our hosts and co-hosts, and saw our big giveaway, let’s get started! 

Please add our button to your sidebar!
Epic Mommy Adventures

Link up your posts and earn the chance to be featured or become the Best of the Best on Turn It Up Tuesdays! We will feature the favorite posts each week! Share as many posts as you’d like! 

Do you want to join in the voting fun? Have you seen a post that should have been featured because it was so awesome? Use the “like” feature to like your favorite posts and the post with the most likes will be Featured!

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6 responses to “I’m Co-Hosting! Turn It Up Tuesdays”

  1. lizzy allan Avatar
    lizzy allan

    Thanks for co-hosting Mrs Tee!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank YOU for coming by!!!

  2. The Vanilla Housewife Avatar
    The Vanilla Housewife

    Dropping by to say thanks for hosting! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar
  3. gracielle Avatar

    Woohoo! Thanks for co-hosting, MrsTee! Also thanks to Natasha for picking my post from last week's party on the Ultimate Bloggers' Christmas Wish List. I'm grabbing my badge to proudly display on my blog 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay! Thanks for coming by and so happy for your Feature! Congrats! Can\’t wait to see that badge 🙂

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