Make Father’s Day Success Your Reality With Samsung Gear VR

Make Father's Day Success Your Reality |

Disclosure: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions are still my own.

Father’s Day. For me this has got to be one of the toughest days of the year. Why? Men. Well, my man. My loving husband and the father of my children. He makes this day one I dread. How? He has everything! That’s right folks. This guy is one of the pickiest and hardest people to shop for simply because he buys himself everything before I get the chance. Not this year! Nope. This year I know how to make Father’s Day success my reality thanks to the awesomeness of Samsung Gear VR!

Samsung Gear VR PIN

The Samsung Gear VR brings all our childhood dreams of virtual reality well – into reality! As a kid, I remember watching all those sci-fi movies where people would put on head gear that would take them from standing in their living room to being inside whatever their thoughts could come up with. Well, with the Samsung Gear VR sci-fi is no longer fiction!

Imagine being right in the middle of your favorite action movie. Chatting with friends across the country but feeling like your face to face. Playing your favorite games and feeling like you’re one of the characters – this is Virtual Reality.

Samsung Mobile Gear VR

Partnered with the Samsung Milk VR (the custom video streaming service offered with Samsung Gear VR) you can use your Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 edge, S6, S6 edge, S6 edge+ or Note5 to stream video like never before. You get a 360° video experience that brings your right in the middle of some of your favorite movies.

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Right now through June 18th, Best Buy is offering an amazing package to help Wives, Moms and Loved Ones -just like me- make sure their Father’s Day gifting is a success.

Get a FREE Samsung Gear VR with $50 worth of virtual reality content when you buy or lease and activate a Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 edge, S6, S6 edge, S6 edge+ or Note5. Save up to $150 on select Samsung Galaxy smartphones with 2-year contract, or get a $100 Best Buy gift card with lease or monthly installment plan.


Samsung Mobile June 2


Mobile virtual reality has finally arrived. Be at the center of exciting games, watch the best of Hollywood in your own private cinema, socialize with friends, and so much more. The Samsung Gear VR drops you right in the action — and it’s only from Samsung and Oculus.

I know this Father’s Day I can have complete success with the Samsung Gear VR because this is definitely something my Hubby has never had before but will love having over and over again.

Is the Father in your life a Tech Savy Guy?

Head over to Best Buy to

Make Father’s Day Success YOUR Reality!

This year I know how to make Father’s Day success my reality thanks to the awesomeness of Samsung Gear VR! For the man with everything this is the thing…

-Samsung Gear VR Perfect Timing, Perfect Gift-

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22 responses to “Make Father’s Day Success Your Reality With Samsung Gear VR”

  1. Mimi Green Avatar

    This would be one of the best gifts I could give the Mister for Father's Day. He is into all things virtual reality. This is a perfect mans gift, something they won't just tuck away in a drawer.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      My Hubby is too!! I think I may have to sneak it away from him a bit since I love tech too so it definitely wouldn’t get stuck in a drawer 😉

  2. Christine St.Vil Avatar

    This looks pretty dope! Especially after just riding the new Super Man Virtual Reality Coaster last week and the head gear was produced by Samsung. I can only imagine that these will definitely be cool to have!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      OMGosh I saw that!! You and MimiCuteLips were there, right? I would absolutely adore that ride…I think… it did look a bit intense but still to experience that tech would be awesome!!

  3. Michelle Cantu Avatar
    Michelle Cantu

    I want to get my husband a Galaxy for Father's day, he would love this deal. I didn't even think the VR was in our price range until this. I love Besy Buy deals.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hey Michelle! Best Buy deals have come through for me more than once. They are a great way to treat those you love! I hope your Hubby has a blast using both the phone and the Gear VR 🙂

  4. Mommy Hates Cooking Avatar

    I'm still mind blown that this kind of technology even exists. So cool to think that you can see a movie in 360 degrees. This sounds like a great deal and one that many fathers would love. Thanks for the idea!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It truly is!! I still hardly believe it. Yes, it is definitely the perfect Father’s Day deal! Thanks for coming by…

  5. Aileen Adalid Avatar
    Aileen Adalid

    Oooh this looks like something my dad and my brother (who's now a dad too!) would absolutely love 😀 Now that's a great idea and Samsung is a great brand too!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yay!! I’m sure they would love it and this deal is one you can’t beat!!

  6. Jenn Avatar

    This look and sound really cool. I haven't tried them yet but I bet they are fun. Perfect for any dad on Father's Day. I know my husband would really enjoy these. He loves new tech toys.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Don’t they Jenn??!! I can’t wait to try it out.. I hope he gets a chance to try them out too!!

  7. staciebra Avatar

    My hubby would love a gift card to Best Buy! He's super techy so yeah, these are right up his alley.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I think a lot of guys are tech lovers so Best Buy is the perfect place to give them a bit of what they love 🙂

  8. kemkem Avatar

    Ha! Hope he doesn't read this beforehand! This looks like an awesome gift. You don't even have to be a man to enjoy it either. I like Samsung products.. Fridge..TV..! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL.. Oh yes. Keep him away at least until Sunday 🙂 Know…I would love this for myself…I think all tech is must have tech 😀

  9. Life Breath Present Avatar
    Life Breath Present

    We actually bought these phones, they're pretty great. The VR thing, well I haven't tried it, but Hun has. 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Did you!! My son loves all things Samsung. How did he like it? I want to go try a demo for sure 🙂

      1. Life Breath Present Avatar
        Life Breath Present

        Yes, the phone is pretty cool. I upgraded from the Note, which I enjoyed. This one is good….but be SURE to have great protection for it as Monkey Boy completely shattered one within a month of buying it!! As for the VR, Hun wasn't thrilled with it. Then again, it's not really his thing, so….

        1. MrsTee Avatar

          My Hubby swears my Samsung!! Oh wow…yes, we always make sure we have the insurance. We have Kiddies too and Hubby tends to be a bit hard on his phones 🙂

  10. Lowanda J Avatar
    Lowanda J

    Lucky, Father's Day is easy for me. My dad accepts everything. I always ask him for a list of things he needs and get a couple of items off the list. Now, Mother's Day is a different story. My mom is extremely picky.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s awesome!! having an easy buy takes a lot of the stress out of the day. Haha… I think I may fall under that picky list too – unless it’s a purse. I’m always good with a purse 🙂

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