Make The Best Investment You Can At The Military Spouse Wellness Summit | Invest In YOU

Make The Best Investment You Can With The Military Spouse Wellness Summit | Invest In YOU |
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As a spouse we often take the weight of making sure everyone else is taken care of upon ourselves. We want everyone to be healthy, happy and supported. Yet in the midst of that we often forget that we need the same things to be there for them. As a military spouse this can slip through the cracks even easier as we try to navigate our way through the ups and downs of our lives as a military family. When I heard about a Summit that was focused on helping Military Spouses do just that I knew that I wanted to be a part. With sponsor like InDependent, The Army Wife Network and USAA Educational Foundation coming together to offer the very 1st Military Spouse Wellness Summit: Invest In Yourself 2015.


Our own wellness is something we often forget about when we work towards being the caretaker for others. It’s easy to do and unfortunately we don’t often notice it until we are near our own breaking point. I remember when I was going through our very first deployment and I stayed ‘busy’ every moment of everyday. I wanted to be certain that my Kiddies and I were so active we didn’t have time to me sad. In doing that I wore myself out. It wasn’t until maybe 3-4 months in that I realized I was exhausted. I was successful in distracting everyone from the pain of being separated from my Hubby but I completely forgot to take care of myself. This meant that I wasn’t there 100% for my children anymore. They could tell I was not all there and I had to find a way to take a break and actually make myself well again.

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The Military Spouse Wellness Summit wants to do this for YOU. Whether you are in the midst of a deployment or simply living that day-to-day military life where thinking of yourself seems to be put on the back burner. From October 19th through October 23rd we want to give you a FREE opportunity to Invest In YOU by offering resources in health, fitness, nutrition and even finances to help you invest back into you.


During these 6 days – PLUS 1 BONUS Day on Saturday October 24th – our Sponsors will be offering 10 Experts to help you Invest In YOU! On top of that Every REGISTERED Participant will receive…

A 1 Year Membership to THRIVE MARKET (Retail Value $49)…

Thrive Market is an online shopping club on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone. Thrive Market members can buy the best-selling healthy foods and natural, wholesome products in everyday sizes, always 25-50% retail prices, delivered right to their door. And for every paid membership, Thrive Market donates a free membership to a family in need.  —Thrive Market

1 Week of Virtual Training by Fit. Active. Toned.

Fit Active Toned (F.A.T. Has a New Meaning). F.A.T. is an Online Training Program which helps people incorporate exercise into their busy lives. Fun, fast paced and challenging workouts. Reignite your Athletic passion and Competitive Spirit with Fit.Active.Toned! —Fit. Active. Toned.

Registered Participants will also be entered for the chance to WIN amazing Giveaway Prizes offered by our sponsors MSB New Media, SpouseBox, MetLife Dental, Elva Publishing, QALO rings, Lucy Activewear, and so many more with a Grand Prize at a retail value of $500 from SpouseBox a monthly subscription service for military spouses by military spouses.

Military-Spouse-Wellness-Summit-Invest-in-Yourself-promo6Registration is OPEN NOW don’t miss out… Click HERE and join us from October 19th through October 24th (don’t forget that bonus day) and listen while on a walk, running errands or even reading a few of your favorite Blogs. Make sure you make the best investment you can with the Military Spouse Wellness Summit there to help you Invest In YOU!

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28 responses to “Make The Best Investment You Can At The Military Spouse Wellness Summit | Invest In YOU”

  1. makeupbylaurag Avatar

    I am a military spouse. My husband is a Chief in the Navy. I definitely would have loved to attend this. I need to look into when the next one will be. Thanks for all the info.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Wow! Many thanks and blessings to you and your husband. Please feel free to register through any of the links within this post. It is running from October 19th through the 24th (that\’s the bonus day) I would love to see you there 😀

  2. AiringMyDirtyLaundry Avatar

    This is wonderful! I will keep this in mind.

  3. fayewilkerson601 Avatar

    Looks like a great event for military wives. Hope it is so successful that it will become an annual event for you.

  4. Ms. Katrina Avatar
    Ms. Katrina

    I use to tell my ex that I take care of the world and it was his job to take care of me. I guess that is why he is the ex. Now I take care of the world and part of that is taking care of me.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! That could be… 🙂 I agree – we should always be a part of what we purpose to take care of. If we don\’t functioning will be so difficult. Thanks so much for coming by Katrina.

  5. karen Avatar

    what a great even and a wonderful way to say thank you to all that the families sacrifice for our country.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Karen! It really is…

  6. Nikki Avatar

    I van't imagine the situation of military spouse, i thought that is n't easy.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It isn\’t easy but it\’s always worth it.

  7. Elizabeth O. Avatar
    Elizabeth O.

    This is a great opportunity for moms out there, not just moms with hubbies serving the military. It's important that we give value to ourselves, really, because as a mom you need to be able to give 101% of yourself to your family.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really is Elizabeth. A great way for any mom to have a change to recharge and regroup.

  8. Adventures of a Cavemom Avatar
    Adventures of a Cavemom

    I was very guilty of trying to stay so busy that I ran myself right into the ground during deployments. Every Single Time. It did get a little better as time went on, but my first deployment was rough. I'm glad that they are offering something like this for spouses now. 😉

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is so easy to think that busy equals healthy. Still we all need that time to simply be and I am so glad that the MSWS15 is giving that chance in such an accessible way. Hope to see you there on the 19th 😀

  9. spiritedlife Avatar

    That's a great way for a military spouse to live for themselves. They already give so much being a wife for a soldier. Whatever keeps them happy, keeps our military going.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes. I’m so glad to be able to help spread the word about such a great resource.

  10. Jessie Avatar

    it sounds like such a great program. i imagine it can't be easy being a military spouse.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really is Jessie. It isn’t easy but with support it can be a lot less stressful..

  11. EngineerMommy Avatar

    What a great program! Never heard of it, but sounds like a wonderful opportunity for military families!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It truly is a great way for any Military Spouse to take a bit of time for them. Thanks so much for coming by!

  12. Anita Utami Avatar
    Anita Utami

    Although I am not in the military, I can totally relate to the feeling of exhaustion when caring for your family. I can fully sympathize with military spouses; caring for the household while your spouse is in deployment. It is not easy, and I tip my hat for you. I am glad there is an event like this that can help military spouses to ensure their well-being is taken care for too.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Anita! I honestly think many a spouse has felt these feelings of exhaustion and simply extending themselves a bit too much. Thanks so much and I am glad you took the time to come by 🙂

  13. Terri Beavers Avatar

    This is a really great summit. I grew up in a military family and I have quite a few family members in the military now. I'll pass along the info, thanks for sharing.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! A great way to help recharge as a Military Spouse. That\’s awesome – please do!

  14. Esme Sy Avatar
    Esme Sy

    This sounds like a great program for military spouses. We are not a military family, but I can just imagine how hard it is for the wife or husband when a spouse is deployed.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really is! I love that it\’s available online and you can listen wherever you need to. It can be difficult but with support and resources like this it is definitely possible.

  15. Joely Avatar

    What a wonderful summit for military wives! Honestly I could not imagine being one myself. I don't think I could do it! I have a hard enough time with my husband doing 2 weeks days 2 weeks night shift at his work! I am so glad that this exists because our military men do so much – the women who support them, and love them deserve to be treated well too!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is Joely. It is a great way to for spouses to get back to who they are and be certain that person is well. It isn\’t an easy role to play – being the spouse of someone in the military – but I personally wouldn\’t trade it. The experiences and strength we have gained as a family are priceless. I think any family dealing with a member who is often away learns a strength others may not understand. Kudos to you for being that strength when your husband needs to be at work. I am sure he appreciates it greatly!

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