Making Our Yard A Cut Above The Rest

Making Our Yard A Cut Above The Rest |

Yard work. Going in to the purchase of our home we knew yard work would be a major part of our lives. After all we chose a home on a corner lot –  I know – what were we thinking?!? I’m not sure but I do know we’ve learned a lot! Nearly 3 months in to being homeowners we are realizing how much #SteelMatters in helping us make our yard a cut above the rest.


Always Ready To Sell

As new homeowners, my husband and I were determined to make sure our home was always ready to sell. I know why would we do that for a home we just purchased? Let me explain. When we were searching for our home the biggest thing I noticed was how people didn’t really maintain their homes. Things were neglected that if done on a weekly or even monthly basis could have made all the difference in how we saw their home. Once we purchased we both agreed that we wanted to do everything to make sure that our home was always ready to sell in appearance and upkeep. Curb appeal, yard design – all of it matters and all of it takes work. Accomplishing any job means having the right tools and getting them meant a bit of research into what makes a tool right.

Built To Last


Deciding what tools to purchase was a big deal for us. Not only are we brand new homeowners but we just took on a major debt. For this reason, any purchases we make from this point forward need to smart and informed. Buying tools that are build to last was at the top of our list for what we needed as we started our search. Our home sits on a corner lot which means we have a lot of yard. Front yard, back yard, side yard – if it’s grass we’ve got it everywhere! Needless to say, we have many days of cutting ahead of us and we needed the equipment that could last through them all and then some. Equipment that would stand the test of time.

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In searching for that perfect set of tools I realized the huge role steel plays in things I never even realized. Lawn mowers for example. Did you know that both riding and push mowers are made with steel as one of their major components? That’s right sheets of steel are used to manufacture the decks which house both the engines and the blades to give mowers the power, precision and durability they need. Without steel the lawn mowers would never be able to give customers the value they have become so accustomed to. Another example of a yard tool that uses steel as a major part of what they are would be hedge cutters. The blades of hedge cutters are also made from steel allowing users to cut through some of the toughest hedges, branches and bushes with ease.

Benefits Of Steel Blades:

  • Withstand High Speed Contact
    • grass, branches and other yard debris
  • Durability
  • Strength

Learning As We Go

Purchasing a home is major. It means putting yourself in charge of all that it takes to keep a home safe, beautiful and valuable. Learning how to do this isn’t always easy it can be daunting and at time even a bit scary. Still learning that materials like steel can help make some of the work needed to be homeowner a bit easier is reassuring.


Explore More Benefits Of Steel

#SteelMatters in so many of our everyday lives but can easily be forgotten. Steel is important in the automotive industry, construction, packaging and so much more! You can learn more about how much #SteelMatters by visiting the Steel Market Development Institute on their Blog, Website, Facebook and Twitter.

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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Steel Market Development Institute. The opinions and text are all mine.

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9 responses to “Making Our Yard A Cut Above The Rest”

  1. Rocy Avatar

    We don't have a yard so I've never considered this. But will pass along

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much…

  2. Jasmine Avatar

    I live in Florida and its SO hard to maintain a lawn on your own but its so true your house should always look its best! When I bought my first house I too went and bought cheap lawn care tools and they made the process so hard that I thought I hated the whole process. When we moved to Florida we knew lawn care would be something we had to work at and we invested in the right tools and the difference was incredible! I realized that did enjoy making my lawn pretty, it was the tools I hated! lol

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh Wow!! I can’t even imagine Florida upkeep Jasmine. I’m sure it’s a job in itself. It’s amazing how huge a difference getting the right tools the first time can make. It can save your time, money and frustration. I’m so glad you found the right tools and learned to love your lawn 🙂

  3. Herchel Scruggs Avatar

    We have a little yard and it is still a big headache! Steel tools do make a huge difference. I love that "ready to sell" philosophy. It was hard keeping up our house when the kids were little. I know that with our next one, this will be something I remember. Congrats on the house, Tiffany!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’m telling you it seems any yard can be – no matter what the size. Thanks! I think it helps us keep a certain standard on how we keep things. Thanks so much Herchel!!

  4. Jacqui S Avatar
    Jacqui S

    When I lived in my house, I LOVED making sure my landscaping looked good. I didn't want to pull up in front of the house and think, egads! After my divorce, it was about five years before I had another house of my own and felt the same way then too. It was only me, but, when I trimmed bushes, I would get so frustrated. I paid less for less quality trimmers. When I broke down and bought more expensive ones, the difference was incredible! But, I like your thought process. Keeping your house looking like it's for sale.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It’s so fulfilling. I don’t think I realized how much it would be. Yes, sometimes making the investment in the beginning pays off the best in the end.

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