Marvel’s Ant-Man | From Comic To Screen

Marvel's Ant-Man | From Comic To Screen |
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This time last week I was trying to contain my inner NerdGirl from the excitement of having the opportunity to see Marvel’s Ant-Man an entire day before everyone else! Oh and before I forget this screening was being hosted by…wait for it…Paul Rudd! I barely knew what to do with myself. I re-watched all the Marvel Movies, did my character research (i.e. asked my Comic Expert Hubby) and picked out my Marvel’s Ant-Man T-Shirt.



To say I was excited to would be putting it lightly. I was ready to see my hero go from comic to screen!

Marvel's Ant-Man Ant-Man suit Photo Credit: Film Frame © Marvel 2015
Marvel’s Ant-Man
Ant-Man suit
Photo Credit: Film Frame
© Marvel 2015

As a Blogger, I get many opportunities to use products and things before others but this was my very first time getting to see a movie before the actual release date. I was talking about this non-stop! Why? Not only am I a off-the-hook action fan BUT my entire family plans our movie nights around the amazing Marvel release dates. We are all huge comic fans and love to see how they transplant some of our favorite characters onto the big screen.

Ant-Man was no different. I had a few late night conversations with my Hubby trying to guess how the storyline was being laid out and how they were going to connect everything to the Avengers series while staying true to the history of who Ant-Man was. I must admit when I watched the first few trailers I was nervous.

I keep wondering why it seemed like Agent Carter was going to be training Scott Lang’s Ant-Man? I mean this would mess the entire timeline up. Then when I read that one Howard Stark was making an appearance I was almost certain that I was going to be disappointed. Thankfully my fears were unnecessary.

Not only has Marvel been able to maintain the truth behind the story of Hank Pym, his scientific breakthroughs, and most importantly how his departure from his life as an Avenger lead to Scott Lang taking on the power of the suit but they were also able to expand upon the store, bring in drama, humor and yes plenty of action to a story I was already in love with.

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Marvel's Ant-Man Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal © Marvel 2014
Marvel’s Ant-Man
Hank Pym (Michael Douglas)
Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal
© Marvel 2014

Michael Douglas’ portrayal of Hank Pym is flawless. We can still see the man who made the Ant-Man the hero he was as well as the husband, father and scientist he will always be. Hank Pam is where it all began. The Pam Particle was the very foundation of how the Ant-Man came to be and watching his story told is like seeing the issues of my favorite comics played out on screen.

Marvel's Ant-Man Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal © Marvel 2015
Marvel’s Ant-Man
Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd)
Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal
© Marvel 2015

Paul Rudd as Scott Lang was right on target. I mean he did a major transformation for this role. If you remember this is the same guy who is well known for being the unlikely love interest and stepbrother to Cher in Clueless back in 1995. Pretty far from an action hero. As Ant-Man, Paul is truly showing his action hero abilities – from leaping buildings as Scott Lang cat burglar to training with Hope to harness the power of a punch as Ant-Man Paul Rudd has put in the work for this role and it shows!



Now the character of Hope is where I got a bit confused during the preview trailers. I kept thinking she was playing Agent Carter as seen in The Avengers movies but no – actress Evangeline Lily has taken on the role of Hope Van Dyne the daughter of Hank and Janet Van Dyne (The Wasp) and she has mastered it. As I watched Hope I was reminded of her mother and the feisty, take-charge, independence she has always shown as a member of the Avengers and as partner to Hank. I love how Evangeline was able to bring those characteristics into her and show ‘like mother like daughter’.

Marvel's Ant-Man Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly) Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal © Marvel 2014
Marvel’s Ant-Man
Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly)
Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal
© Marvel 2014

Once I realized this everything came together. It was amazing to see the dynamics of the relationships between both Hank and Hope as well as Scott and his daughter Cassie played by young actress Abby Ryder Fortson.

Marvel's Ant-Man Cassie (Abby Ryder Fortson) Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal © Marvel 2014
Marvel’s Ant-Man
Cassie (Abby Ryder Fortson)
Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal
© Marvel 2014

Each relationship started from such different places but as the movie progressed you get to see Hank and Hope resolve past hurts and Scott understand the new role he must play in Cassie’s life.

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Marvel's Ant-Man L to R: Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) and Cassie (Abby Ryder Fortson) Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal © Marvel 2014
Marvel’s Ant-Man
L to R: Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) and Cassie (Abby Ryder Fortson)
Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal
© Marvel 2014

Now once the action starts it was a true ‘edge of my seat‘ experience. The graphics and digital imagery helped you feel like you were shrinking with Scott and almost feeling the impact of those powerful Pym Particle powered punches. As he fought against the villain of the movie, Yellow Jacket played by Corey Stoll, we see that being small has it’s advantages especially in the world of Ant-Man.



Now of course I can’t give away too much. I want you to get the chance to experience this Marvel event for yourself! Grab your favorite Marvel fan buddy, your Kiddies or even the person next to you and settle in as Ant-Man takes you on an adventure from comic to screen!

AntMan533065ce729b1*Oh if you can see it in 3D it is even MORE engaging…trust me! I was swatting at flying ants the entire time!

Marvel's Ant-Man Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) riding Antony Photo Credit: Film Frame © Marvel 2015
Marvel’s Ant-Man
Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) riding Antony
Photo Credit: Film Frame
© Marvel 2015


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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26 responses to “Marvel’s Ant-Man | From Comic To Screen”

  1. Karen Dawkins Avatar

    I didn't get to see it in 3D, but I did take my son to the drive-in for the first time to see it. He loved the drive-in experience and all our snacking. Great movie!!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Wow a Drive-In…how fun!! Totally makes up for no 3D.. 😀

  2. rochkirstin Avatar

    A lot of my friends raved about the movie. I still don't have time to watch it on the big screen. It's nice to know about the interesting storyline. I didn't know Paul or Evangeline's previous shows but it seems that they are a great pair.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I understand getting to the movies can be hard at times – trust me it\’s only recently that I\’ve been able to go a bit more often. Thank goodness for DVD Releases and On Demand …hopefully you can see it once it hits the small screen 😀

  3. LifeAsAConvert Avatar

    I love your outfit. You looked so cute in your Ant Man shirt 🙂 I can't wait to see the movie.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You!! You\’re gonna love it… 🙂

  4. Shannon@TowardBeauty Avatar

    I just saw this over the weekend, and I loved it. Paul Rudd is a favorite of mine, but I was worried about him as a superhero character. I think he did a great job.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I think Paul Rudd was so funny in this movie..his comedy style and the prep he made for the action really show!

  5. Sage Avatar

    I think this is definitely a film for my husband and stepson! My husband is a long time Marvel comics fan and he's recruited his son to the cause, so I think they'll be watching this one. I'll go to the spa and get a mani,pedi, facial… it'll probably come out to about the same price as two cinema tickets in Denmark 😉
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh yes, he is going to love it for sure! It is nearly 2 hours so you\’ll have plenty of time for a bit of Mommy Time 🙂

  6. everydayeyecandy Avatar

    So exciting that you got to go to a release before it came out! I've never heard of ant man,but then again, my son is still young. I'm sure we will go to see this one for our family movie night!
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Girl I was on cloud 9!! I’m a total Marvel Nerd so I knew the whole story. You should. I actually went with my Kiddies today and loved it just as much the second time 🙂

  7. Joanne T Ferguson Avatar
    Joanne T Ferguson

    How exciting would this experience have been! I love Premieres and seeing films before most people do! What a great movie I am totally looking forward to see! The cast is great and the storyline is unique and love seeing comics come to life in this way!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I was so excited I could hardly contain it!! This was my first time seeing a screening and it was awesome even if it was only 1 day before release. You are going to love it and Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas and Evangeline Lily are perfect.

  8. Joanne T Ferguson Avatar
    Joanne T Ferguson

    How exciting you got to see this before most people! I can't wait to see this movie as it truly does look really interesting! I think they have the perfect cast! I love experiencing Premieres! As it makes me feel like royalty too!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Love that!! I definitely felt a bit like royalty 😉

  9. Ourfamilyworld Avatar

    I would be too excited if I were to watch it before it is released. My family is a great fan of Marvel movies. My kids even collect the graphic novels. We are so looking forward to watching this.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I think my excitement was 50% just because it was Marvel and another 50% because I got to tell my Hubby I saw it before everyone else could LOL. My Hubby has a few of the rap hoc novels and now my 8 year old daughter is starting to love them too. Let me know what you think!! 🙂

  10. chbernard Avatar

    I am looking forward to seeing this movie. Until I met my comic loving husband, I didn't really like or have any interest in watching in any type of comic/super hero movie. Now I am turning into a bit of a nerd myself, plus who doesn't love Paul Rudd?!?!
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’ve always loved comics but my husband has definitely taught me the backgrounds of each character and how they began. So when the movies come out we are almost always in compare and debate mode LOL Oh and yes Pul Rudd is a total Bonus 😉

  11. jenniferjuro Avatar

    My son is so excited to see this movie this summer! I had not heard of Ant Man before the previews for this movie came out. I am not sure if we would see 3d my son is not a fan of it.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      He is going to love it!! AntMan was once part of the Avengers with his wife Wasp and they fought right along side Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Captain America…I would do the 3D with adults – my Kiddies don’t really like it that much either and since there are flying ants…well maybe you could just see it the normal way 🙂

  12. Nickida Avatar

    You must have attending the screening in NY with Paul Rudd. I also got to screen the movie early. I attended a press trip with Marshall in June. I loved this movie. It was way better than I though it would be. And out interviews were epic. I loved chatting with the cast from the movie and T.I. and Michael Pena and David Dashmalchian were so funny
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I Did! It was such a great opportunity. I loved it too…I can’t wait to see it with my Kiddies…I’m sure getting to interview everyone must have been amazing!

  13. Terri Ramsey Beavers Avatar

    Oh how exciting to watch this before anyone else did. I've got to see this as I've heard a lot of great things about it. I want to see it in 3D because I'm sure I'd like it even more. These types of movies are right up my alley and I'm getting excited about watching it soon.
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    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was! I felt so special…LOL Yes, the 3D was amazing! Let me know what you think 🙂

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