Merry Networking at The NCBlogger Network Holiday Soiree

Last night I attended my very first in person NCBlogger Network event. It was a Holiday Soiree and our Founders Allison and Nikol definitely made sure we had an amazing evening that lived up to such a great name!

NCBlogger Network - Soiree

If you’re not sure what the NCBlogger Network is all about be sure to check us out online, on instagram and on twitter! The NCBlogger Network is a community found by 2 amazing Bloggers who were looking for a way to connect North Carolina Bloggers to share knowledge, resources and support. The entire purpose of the NCBlogger Network is to connect one North Carolina Blogger with another and simply encourage and empower them to grow and succeed.

The night started off lovely. We were at the Boylan Bridge Brewpub and were treated to a back room tour of the Brewery and a tasting of the many different types of brews available on tap there daily. Now, I am not what you would call an adventurous drinker in any way and although I did take a taste I am not sure that beer is something I will start adding to my list of preferred beverages. Thankfully beer is not all the BBBrewpub has to offer. They have an amazingly diverse menu of dishes ranging from Fish Tacos, Fried Pickles, Pretzels to Quesadillas.  I ordered a chopped caeser salad and it was delicious and the perfect meal for a great evening with new friends.


Throughout the night Allison and Nikol shared how they want the NC Blogger Network to reach out to the Bloggers across the state who may feel they are in this online journey alone. So that is what we are all setting out to do. With future networking events, sponsor opportunities, educational resources and so much more Allison, Nikol and all the members of the NCBlogger Network are ready to put all of skills and knowledge together to help us be a success as a whole.

Read This Too  Changing Gears • Date Night Adventures


Wanna see a bit of our night first hand? Check out my Vlog of the night:



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12 responses to “Merry Networking at The NCBlogger Network Holiday Soiree”

  1. MJJ Avatar

    Looks like tons of fun. Love seeing bloggers come together. We have a great network in Ga too. Happy Holidays.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was so much fun! I love connecting with fellow Bloggers. That\’s great! Community is so important.

  2. Nikol Murphy Avatar
    Nikol Murphy

    Love this and LOVE you!
    I got to meet YOU. You are so personable and fabulous. I had a great time hanging out with you. So happy to have you as a member and on the team!
    My recent post Mom To Triathlete

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks!! Love you TOO 🙂 Aww shucks…Ya making me blush over here! It was such fun and I can\’t wait til we meet up again. NCBlogNet is definitely destined for greatness 😀

  3. FitTriangleMom Avatar

    Were you stuck on I-40 too? It was nice meeting you. You are so funny. Love it. 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I hadn’t even made it to I-40!!! LMBO. I hate traffic. Thanks 🙂 it was great meeting you too!

  4. momssmallvictories Avatar

    Great meeting you last night and great recap. I am so glad to have joined the NC Blogger Network and looking forward to future events.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes!! So nice to meet you. I’m happy you are a part and can’t it to see where we go in 2015!!

  5. godansker Avatar

    I WANT TO SEE THE SHOES! 🙂 I am so so happy you came. And so glad you are part of our network in such a meaningful way.
    My recent post Why I won’t do NaBloPoMo again

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha!! I’ll post them to Instagram in a bit…I was so ticked off!

      Thank you so much…I am so happy to be a part 😉

  6. Sarah Potts Avatar
    Sarah Potts

    So good to meet you last night!! Such a fun event 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes it was!! So much fun..happy to meet and connect further 🙂

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